Active Member
Stop watchin COPS b4 bed...
i think his dream prob came truethats y hes not here anyymore
pretty fuckin' scary for everyone thoimagine the cops...coming thru ur room's windows ^^
I find when you smoke mary jane ona regular basis you do not remember you dreams as i was growing up i was a lucid dreamer as well could remember all 5-8 dreams pre night.
now that i had been smoking weed everyday because it makes you tired and causes your brain to be veyr active during the day its not that you DONT have dream its pretty much impossible not to its just you DON'T remember them
I havent been smoking lately due to anexity so my dreams have been comming back . if you'd wanna know what your dream really was about mostly dreams are not about what you see exactly so cops busting down your door could have an entirely different meaning. anyways sorry you had a bad dream!
yes, for the most part, for most people, cannabis is a dream suppressor..... my dreams tend to be a bit darker and more realistic than i'd like, so that's a big reason behind my habit.
actually last night i remember bit of one of my dreams , since i had smoked a little bit of pot yesterday anyways , all i remember is teeth being knocked out or falling out which is supposed ot mean someone is going to die
how does one get into lucid dreaming? Theres a bunch of chicks I need to have sex with hahahahahahahah.
i think his dream prob came truethats y hes not here anyymore
has anybody ever woke up before there body woke up? in other words your mind woke up but you couldent move your body for a few seconds? this happend to me and i saw the explination for it on national geographic.