I got the seeds,supplies and site!

I got 10 northern lights seeds now and tomorrow I plan on going to get 15 other seeds/strain, that is very good high yielder for starting outdoor. The weather will eb perfect in 2 weeks so i'm gonna go to my site and start digging some holes. I bought 5 bags of organic potting soil and a bag of worm castings and purlite. I plan on filling/mixing this all into the big holes for each plant. AM i on the right start for getting a big harvest?


Well-Known Member
so your going to be amending to the local soil at your site? How big of holes are you going to dig? what is lighting situation like? they aren't even germed yet..... what do you want?


Active Member
Go dig a bunch of decent sized sites, get prepared, buy some nutes and pesticied, germ the seeds...throw em in that bitch. build a bench their if you want, watch & take care of the kids while they grow and light up while you wait lol