I got ROT :(


Active Member
Hey RIU ...

So its my turn with the ROT in my DWC ... Smelled kinda funny yesterday after changing the water in my system but plants looks fine.. The smell became more powerful today and i took a look at the roots.. a BOY does that smell BAD!!! OMFG goes right to the stomach.. Water was very cloudy and foam everywhere.. But i dont understand why i got ROT...

1 Meter next to this RDWC system is my other RDWC system 24 days into 12/12 and i got no problems here... Water temp always under 22 degrees.. What the hell has gone wrong? no problems untill water change... :(

Thanks guys..


Active Member
No.. Only GHE flora series...

But when i come to think of it i think i know what it could be... i added too much PH down.. and then WAAAY to much ph up... and then battling to get PH down again.. Could that cause it?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
WOW...I test one gallon, then another etc to get the down correct, then I do the math on the res. Bet you won't do that again. I do hope your plant survives.


Active Member
I use to use a measuring cup and mix everything before adding to the system.. But could'nt fint the cup so i just added straight from the bottle.. hence i got WAY to much in the mix.... Sucks.. The plants are dead i killed them completely i want to grow another strain... They were only 3 weeks into veg..


Active Member
^^^ yeah, go to that Heisenberg root rot thread...

eitherway I'd remove as much crap and loose roots from your system as possible; get a aquarium fishnet, real fine mesh.... cut off all the crap roots and if you are paranoid like me then dunk the roots in some Consan 20 or physan 20 or potassium permangante

(disclaimer I sorta didn't even want to post that: you may not get rid of every last spore or whatever regardless and be advised, this is maybe not the best advise and is risky shit as any of the 3 can EASILY kill your plants if not super careful; strong shit, hazardous and can stain!!!!)

sterilize everything that came in contact with the aforementioned chems or peroxide .... flush the entire system ....
good luck


Mixing a ton of pH up and pH down will result in an ever-increasing salt concentration and osmotic pressure in the root zone which will kill your plant in the same way putting it in a 4 thousand ppm solution will kill it.

Use a stock solution of 6 to 10% bleach (sodium hypochlorite) at 1 to 1.5 mL per gallon to mass sterilize the root zone every other day. Be sure to adjust your pH to around 6.5 each time you add your bleach.

Use hydrogen peroxide for long term rez maintenance and only use bleach when things get out of hand.


Don't waste your money on beneficial bacteria. They absolutely do work, but only under the right circumstances. It is a risk I am unwilling to take and a cost I am unwilling to incur.
I don't get why people don't run 1-2ppm of chlorine the whole grow. If you don't feel like adding a few ml of bleach every 2-3 days then buy a gallon of zone (not sure how to get chloramine or whatever chemical DM uses cheaper). My water stays at 61-63F and I have an insane amount of DO in my water but I still use bleach and I would bet anything that if I didn't use bleach I would have a good chance at getting brown slime or root rot! I never need to clean my system between harvests because it's always clean. If you have to buy some snake oil get DM zone. I would still use Fatmans bleach recommendations to try and cure the root rot.

The other option is to constantly be brewing tea and hope your "good" bacteria win the war that is being fought in your system. Best of luck!


Active Member
I don't get why people don't run 1-2ppm of chlorine the whole grow. If you don't feel like adding a few ml of bleach every 2-3 days then buy a gallon of zone (not sure how to get chloramine or whatever chemical DM uses cheaper). My water stays at 61-63F and I have an insane amount of DO in my water but I still use bleach and I would bet anything that if I didn't use bleach I would have a good chance at getting brown slime or root rot! I never need to clean my system between harvests because it's always clean. If you have to buy some snake oil get DM zone. I would still use Fatmans bleach recommendations to try and cure the root rot.

The other option is to constantly be brewing tea and hope your "good" bacteria win the war that is being fought in your system. Best of luck!

Well i never used anything like that...

I have completed one grow without trouble.. and my second grow is 3.5 weeks into flower with no problems what so ever... Only this grow (My third) that has gone wrong :( Trying to figure out the reason for the fail.. im not gonna add anything to my system since it has worked for me this far..


New Member
running bennies can be just as simple and cheap as a cap full of bleach every 3 days. no tea brewing or bullshit needed.