I got my library card, now what? Library time... quiet please.


Active Member
so, what are you reading?

do you have any suggestions for any new books for me to read?


what's your favorite book?


Well-Known Member
From A Buick 8 by Stephen King

Stephen King says that he was inspired to write this book on a car trip he took in 1999. During the trip, he stopped at a gas station in Western Pennsylvania. While looking around, he slipped and almost fell into a stream of water. The thought that he might not have been discovered until a much later time led him to the plot of the story. In the novel, King describes a fatal automobile accident, and coincidentally, King himself was the victim of a bad accident that almost killed him in June of 1999. However, he said that he did not change any of the details in the novel to match his accident.


A very riveting read. I did not want to put the book down.


Well-Known Member
i'm reading Catching Fire right now, 2nd book from the Hunger Game Trilogy. they have both been very good so far. i'm over forty so the movie didn't really appeal to me but when i saw the premise i immediately thought of shirley jackson and The Lottery so i picked it up out of curiosity more then anything else and i have to say i'm not disappointed.
i enjoy the classics as well, Crime and Punishment is a good read.
truman capote is my favorite author, do your self a favor and read Music for Chameleons :eyesmoke:


Ursus marijanus
Anathem by Neal Stephenson.
The entire Vorkosigan series by Lois McMaster Bujold.
The Dies the Fire series by S. M. Stirling
The History of the World in 100 Objects by Neil MacGregor



Well-Known Member
Everybody poops. I think there needs to be more info out there. The stigma causes many of us to sit alone.
It makes me feel less than.

I mostly read how to type books so I`m not much help.


Well-Known Member
So many, oh so many beloved books, hidden in the nook and cranny.


Edgar Alan Poe..His collected works is a good start, also his detective character Dupin {from the tale, Murders in the Rue Morgue) is said to be the inspiration for Sherlock Holmes.

Charles Dickens ...The Pickwick Papers is one of my favorites

Geoffrey Chaucer...The Canterbury tales {this one only if you're in the mood for poetry or prose}.

Women Authors

Agatha Christie...any one of her many novels

Mary Shelly....Frankenstein {of course}

Virgina Woolf ....Mrs. Dalloway

Present Authors:

Stephen King....The Stand

Clive Barker.....Weaveworld

Ray Bradbury.....Fahrenheit 451, Martian Chronicles

This list could go on for awhile