i got my dog high


Well-Known Member
Ok fine. I accept the fact that I'm not gonna change eveyones mind. I just think it is really mean to do that to your animals. They don't get high in the wild, do they? But I know we do! So I can imagine some of you guys were raised by monkeys and therefore find nothing wrong with getting your pet high. I've spoken my peace.


Well-Known Member
Ok fine. I accept the fact that I'm not gonna change eveyones mind. I just think it is really mean to do that to your animals. They don't get high in the wild, do they? But I know we do! So I can imagine some of you guys were raised by monkeys and therefore find nothing wrong with getting your pet high. I've spoken my peace.
what's the deal with catnip?:confused::peace:


Well-Known Member
what's the deal with catnip?:confused::peace:
Well catnip has been used in small amounts to amuse cats. I'm sure you know this and think it's funny to post about it. Catnip is not known to cause cancer for one and also is far less potent than your average bud. Hence you can buy it at pet stores and it has been marked safe for cats. Pot has not.


Well-Known Member
Well catnip has been used in small amounts to amuse cats. I'm sure you know this and think it's funny to post about it. Catnip is not known to cause cancer for one and also is far less potent than your average bud. Hence you can buy it at pet stores and it has been marked safe for cats. Pot has not.

i actually grow it. show me where pot causes cancer.


Well-Known Member
I used to wonder what happend to my roaches until I caught my dog on the patio table goin' through the ash trays. When I was trimming she sat and whined until a large stem hit the floor. She snagged it up then took off and chewed on it until it was gone. I don't feed my dog french fries but if one hits the floor its hers. Same goes for getting her high.


Well-Known Member
i actually grow it. show me where pot causes cancer.

Dude, you out of all people should know better. Read the american medical journal. Or any other health related book! I'm in my 3rd year of med school and it has already come up twice in discussion. There is absoulutly no doubt in time it causes cancer. More cancer causing materials in weed then cigs. Now that is a FACT! I'm shocked you don't know this!


Well-Known Member
You would need to smoke as much pot as you do tobacco to do that kind of damage. Certainly more than a few grams a day like the average toker smokes.


Well-Known Member
You would need to smoke as much pot as you do tobacco to do that kind of damage. Certainly more than a few grams a day like the average toker smokes.
Not true. You might not get the same kind of cancers from weed but weed has more harmfull chems in it then cigs.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
It's true it can cause cancer. But only when smoked.. if you ate it all the time you would be fine. They let recovering and terminally ill cancer patients smoke it so it can't be that bad. If you ate tobacco it would still be poison for your body.

But I love to smoke it, and I am not completely sold on vaporizers they still make my lungs hurt.


Well-Known Member
So I can imagine some of you guys were raised by monkeys and therefore find nothing wrong with getting your pet high. I've spoken my peace.
Dude, chimps dont count as monkeys.
But seriously, was insulting our parents really necessary to make your point? I think not my friend. I've had the whole "I get my dog high" debate plenty of times now, and every time we come across someone who does not agree with us; they bash us and call us horrible ppl or low lives raised by "monkeys".
Allz Im sayin is, if you wont to make a point, you dont have to be rude about it. Not just callin you out wax :peace:

Still love ya,


Well-Known Member
I have a daschund and a tabby. The doxie does not like the stuff, not one bit. However the cat... I actually have problems with him getting into stashes. He sticks his nose in the bong etc... cat cracks me up. Won't get high though, just walks around like normal.


Well-Known Member
I have a daschund and a tabby. The doxie does not like the stuff, not one bit. However the cat... I actually have problems with him getting into stashes. He sticks his nose in the bong etc... cat cracks me up. Won't get high though, just walks around like normal.
Ahahaha sounds like a cool cat :mrgreen:
Wish I werent so allergic to them :roll:


Well-Known Member
When we traveled to Socal last weekend, on the way back we were trying to get first class, but the plane was pretty full. So as we are boarding, we are almost to the entrance to the plane when we start hearing Yip Yip Yip. Sure enough we get into the plane, and the woman in the first row of First class had a yippy purse dog, I have never been happier to be in coach!