I Got Mad Ripped by a Club


Well-Known Member
The city closed this club and they ordered double from every vendor and closed down.
When I went to see about my donations I was greeted with tumble weeds.
The operative sentance here is " The City Closed... " did you expect them to put up sandbags and machine guns to stay open? They got slammed and probably lost 100 times more than you did. Sucks but be happy you are not in thier shoes.

As the $5.00 a gram theme? Does that include the average $3.50 per gram tax? Start up fee's, license's, etc?


Well-Known Member
The operative sentance here is " The City Closed... " did you expect them to put up sandbags and machine guns to stay open? They got slammed and probably lost 100 times more than you did. Sucks but be happy you are not in thier shoes.

As the $5.00 a gram theme? Does that include the average $3.50 per gram tax? Start up fee's, license's, etc?
Hmm and you really think they didnt already know there getting shut down. Trust me they did and what they saw was a window of opportunity. Which lead them to double ordered from vendors. Happens more then you think. Or don't hey i don't care :0 start selling to dispensary and well see what your opinion is on them after a few years :). Ive been selling to dispensary for quite some time now. And IMO i do believe some of them are more shady then street dealer :/ and 9/10 have the same mentality.


King Tut
The operative sentance here is " The City Closed... " did you expect them to put up sandbags and machine guns to stay open? They got slammed and probably lost 100 times more than you did. Sucks but be happy you are not in thier shoes.

As the $5.00 a gram theme? Does that include the average $3.50 per gram tax? Start up fee's, license's, etc?
i haven't asked, but i doubt he'd say it if it weren't true. That'd be kinda cutting his own throat imo. He doesn't go flashy or have tons of toys or go on long vacations all the time. He's humble. HAS a nice truck but drives his 8 year old Toyota Camry around most of the time. Which is how people should live imo. People are to greedy and when they see the chance to make a lot of money they jump at it. Not saying they are bad people, it's a societal thing.

As for the taxes, the country is just like the majority it's residents. Wouldn't know how to live without credit if you hit them in the head with a book that says This year you make $XX,XXX. You CANNOT spend more than that.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i don't vend, but my buddy does. And i know what his op costs him. And it costs him in time, money, power, etc less than $5 a gram to produce. Like closer to $2.50/g. He's indoor and outdoors so that doesn't apply to someone who is indoors only. He's roughly 50/50 by plant count(many outdoor once a year and a few indoors all year). We're in Cali. NOBODY should have to pay more than $5 a g for good quality outdoor bud.
It costs him $2.50 to grow each gram? What??????

assuming 1000 watts and lets say .8g /w.... DECENT yield but lots can do better!

Thats 800 grams... multiplied by 2.50.

Your saying it costs $2,000 to run a 1000w setup for 3 months??

Maybe like 50c per gram depending on how your growing it. Assuming you already paid for your equipment.


King Tut
It costs him $2.50 to grow each gram? What??????

assuming 1000 watts and lets say .8g /w.... DECENT yield but lots can do better!

Thats 800 grams... multiplied by 2.50.

Your saying it costs $2,000 to run a 1000w setup for 3 months??

Maybe like 50c per gram depending on how your growing it. Assuming you already paid for your equipment.
EXACTLY! THAT'S what i'm saying. Not talking breaking even, but making a living.


King Tut
It costs him $2.50 to grow each gram? What??????

assuming 1000 watts and lets say .8g /w.... DECENT yield but lots can do better!

Thats 800 grams... multiplied by 2.50.

Your saying it costs $2,000 to run a 1000w setup for 3 months??

Maybe like 50c per gram depending on how your growing it. Assuming you already paid for your equipment.

And that was including the free sun.


Well-Known Member
And you really think the growers have no right to make a profit? The OP was SELLING it to the fucking dispensary, should he sell it for $5 a gram? Or just double cost? Or should he just break even?

This is a ridiculous statement, and is the reason cannabis cannot become legal. It needs to be treated as a business, and business people who produce popular wares deserve to make a profit. If they're profiteering either dont buy from them or grow your own, but dont bitch cos people are making money off it and you think "its too expensive".

Who the fuck is anyone here to try tell people what to sell their pot for, do you go to Burger King and tell them they should lower the price of their burgers? No, because they'd tell you to politely either pay for the meal or go fuck yourself.

If you want a product pay for it or make/grow your own, dont parade around the internet bitching that someone had the initative to set up a business and are making a profit.


King Tut
And you really think the growers have no right to make a profit? The OP was SELLING it to the fucking dispensary, should he sell it for $5 a gram? Or just double cost? Or should he just break even?

This is a ridiculous statement, and is the reason cannabis cannot become legal. It needs to be treated as a business, and business people who produce popular wares deserve to make a profit. If they're profiteering either dont buy from them or grow your own, but dont bitch cos people are making money off it and you think "its too expensive".

Who the fuck is anyone here to try tell people what to sell their pot for, do you go to Burger King and tell them they should lower the price of their burgers? No, because they'd tell you to politely either pay for the meal or go fuck yourself.

If you want a product pay for it or make/grow your own, dont parade around the internet bitching that someone had the initative to set up a business and are making a profit.
LOL! Harrekin! Of course he can make a living! Just doesn't need the vacation home in the Caymans is what i was getting at. And i do grow my own but many can't. And you're right. Burger King would tell me to either buy it or not. Unless they have enough competition that they need to lower their prices. And THAT is what i want to see happen. Which is why i am supporting "Cannabis Like Wine".

As for "parading around the internet", LOL! again. Sounds like someone likes Monopoly!:mrgreen:


Active Member
It's unfortunate that greed is so prevalent. As a small grower i can honestly say that on a small OR large scale, if you can't make a decent living by getting $5 a gram for your bud then you have one of two problems. You are either one sorry ass grower or one greedy bastard. Just my 2 cents.

$5 grams should be available to ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People go into sales to make money. Yeah, there is some greed involved because the purpose is to make money. Most of us would like to make a "very good" living doing whatever we do to make money. The cost for goods depend on many different things, one being to cover all expenses. I did the math and based on my calculations you sell for about $140-$150 an ounce, correct me if this is wrong. Now I see your point $5 a gram sounds fair. I can also see certain strains selling for $10+ a gram because they are more difficult to grow or they have smaller yields per plant.


King Tut
People go into sales to make money. Yeah, there is some greed involved because the purpose is to make money. Most of us would like to make a "very good" living doing whatever we do to make money. The cost for goods depend on many different things, one being to cover all expenses. I did the math and based on my calculations you sell for about $140-$150 an ounce, correct me if this is wrong. Now I see your point $5 a gram sounds fair. I can also see certain strains selling for $10+ a gram because they are more difficult to grow or they have smaller yields per plant.
My buddy vends by the lb usually but yes, about $2200/lb is the donation he requests. And i'm not for legislating profit out of the picture at all. Everyone needs to make a living, and it's not up to me what they believe a decent income is. But don't expect me to say i think it's alright to make $200k/yr and be wanting more. Just simply would like to see MANY growers so that we can see a free-market price for meds. i like the idea of dispensaries not even being able to buy bud, but rather must produce their own.


Well-Known Member
My buddy vends by the lb usually but yes, about $2200/lb is the donation he requests. And i'm not for legislating profit out of the picture at all. Everyone needs to make a living, and it's not up to me what they believe a decent income is. But don't expect me to say i think it's alright to make $200k/yr and be wanting more. Just simply would like to see MANY growers so that we can see a free-market price for meds. i like the idea of dispensaries not even being able to buy bud, but rather must produce their own.
No offense man,but if you wanna leave yourself short and let's the dispensaries make all the profits from your chronic,then you're making yourself a victim of the free market and won't last long.


King Tut
No offense man,but if you wanna leave yourself short and let's the dispensaries make all the profits from your chronic,then you're making yourself a victim of the free market and won't last long.
i think you may be misunderstanding my position. i DO think there is a market for $15-20 a gram. Look at the cigar industry and the wine industry as well as electronics and automotive etc. But there is also a low end, functional(medically) market imho. There are people such as i that NEED our meds. Do i like to get high? Of course. Do i love a good Sativa? Bet your ass i do! BUT, i NEED a good indica to mitigate my fibro symptoms. If not financially able to afford both pure strains, i MUST pick the Indi or Indi dominant.

There would be MANY less growers able to move $15/g dank. But the ones that know how to grow well will have a market. Smaller maybe, but $15/g isn't the limit on high-end once it goes mainstream imho. There are bottles of wine out there that go for THOUSANDS of dollars! It's called a conoseurs(i KNOW i just mispelled that, sorry) market. And then those that grow marginally will ALSO have a good market. And those that grow crappy? Well, they would be the consumers as well as those that are in situations where they CAN'T grow such as Federally subsidized housing, apartments, landlord issues, etc.

Does anyone else see this multi-tiered market as being a good thing? PLENTIFUL cannabis whether it's use is recreational or medical, MANY more people reaping the preventative and therapeutic medical benefits, NOBODY going to jail unless they are just a complete ignoramus or otherwise societally deserving of being incarcerated, fewer rippers since there is much less value in the common growers weed(the high end guys get to pay high end security, cost of living that lifestyle imho), and MANY more people more financially self-sufficient b/c they can buy/lease land and plant a crop after getting their permit to commercially grow(can't be more than any other business permits).

Does anyone else see this as being a positive thing?


King Tut
It seems as though many growers have the same attitude as the Government, HUGE seperation between the rich and the poor. Not ALL, but many. That's why Prop 19 failed imo. It was close enough that had their been unity within the community it would've passed by a landslide.

i won't change everyones opinion at once, but one by one i can change some.


Active Member
I'm not sure I understand your point. I dunno, until it is legalized on that scale, I don't see low prices happening. You need a mega-mass producer to make that happen. Like a Wal-Mart of weed. But then that brings a whole bunch of negatives. Then you get sloppy work and every corner cut to save a dime. No sure that's such a good thing. I think it should be a more grow your own system. I could be way off, I didn't really get what you were trying to say, sorry.


King Tut
I'm not sure I understand your point. I dunno, until it is legalized on that scale, I don't see low prices happening. You need a mega-mass producer to make that happen. Like a Wal-Mart of weed. But then that brings a whole bunch of negatives. Then you get sloppy work and every corner cut to save a dime. No sure that's such a good thing. I think it should be a more grow your own system. I could be way off, I didn't really get what you were trying to say, sorry.
i hear ya on the mass-produced thing, but that is each consumers choice. There's Walmart and there's Macy's.

The Regulate Marijuana Like Wine initiative advocates 25 plants and 12(? high right now) lbs for personal use. AND a system for commercial production.

THAT'S why i urge all to vote Yes.


King Tut
As was pointed out to me earlier in another thread, i lean Libertatian.

i don't care if one fucks a goat, just don't fuck MY goat.


Active Member
Libertarian is the only logical party ATM. Not sure about the Tea Party people, never really looked into it. I'm conservative on money, more liberal on everything else. Less government, the better we all are.