i got bugs but they dont seem to be doing any damage should i do something?

these bugs are just flying around and in the soil..... they have been there for like a week and a half and the plant is ok should i do something about them anyway or just ignor them?
well when it first started sprouting it had some bugs at that time i had 3 plants i sprayed it with an organic garden bug killing spray and it completely killed one of them and kind of burned the others should i use the same one?
wow what organics was in that lol

how old are they if they are established it should be fine are you sure it is non systemic which means the leaves dont take it to the roots ?


Well-Known Member
You should figure out what kind of bugs you have before you start using poisons, especially if you don't see any damage to the plant. If the roots were being damaged sufficiently you would see signs in the plant. I think you probably just have fungus gnats. Try looking fungus gnats up online and see if you can match a picture of that to what you have. If it is not fungus gnats see if you can take and post a picture of them and maybe someone here will know what it is.
na i doubt they are fungus gnats they develop from larvae and ive never seen those in the soil
they are very tiny and just kinda jump around SOME fly not all of them


Well-Known Member
they are gnats get rid of them... they hatch in the soil or even in rockwool cubes. we just finally got rid of an infestation


Well-Known Member
na i doubt they are fungus gnats they develop from larvae and ive never seen those in the soil
they are very tiny and just kinda jump around SOME fly not all of them
How tiny is very tiny? Like as small as a grain of sand, or bigger than that? And when you say they jump around, do they really JUMP, kind of like a flea would? Springtails are a very tiny insect that will 'spring' up like a flea when you touch the back of it with a toothpick or something. If this is what you have, they are not harmful and actually eat decaying crap in your soil and help turn it into fertilizer for your plant. :)

If they aren't springtails, though, they might be something harmful. The larvae of fungus gnats are only 1/4 of an inch long or so and you probably won't see them up on the surface of the soil. You'd have to unpot one of your plants and look all throughout the roots to see if you have some.

You can also take a peeled slice of raw potato and place it on the surface of the soil. Fungus gnat larvae are attracted to it and after a couple days or maybe even sooner you can pick up the potato slice and see them underneath, where they can be removed from the soil.

Is there any way you can post a picture or give some more info to try and ID the bugs, like color, exact size, how many legs, any antennae, etc., etc.