thanks for the encouragement. i don't want to be a dick, but i really am worried. my cats have been here for 8 years. we have 7 that we feed in our backyard. there are really no dogs in our neighborhood. the kid next door got the house about 6 months ago. he lives with some buddies a few blocks away and has been waiting to move in. all he's been talking about is his CAT. he's a cat guy who loves cats. his is 4 years old and he was really worried about bringing it to it's new home.
fast forward to last week when he moves in. he had a party one night, which was fine. until everyone left and him and his new GF fought for an hour outside my sons bedroom window. she bales and comes back the next day asking for the dog. he says her cousin has it. two days later she's moved back in and he's knocking on our front door asking if we've seen his cat.
i yell at him over the fence a few days ago to ask about his cat. he says "look at my dog". he told us before him and his girl moved in about how much she HATED cats. now all the sudden his cat is gone and they have anew puppy. and of course it just has to be a pitbull. then the first thing he says is "these dogs aren't really mean". i told him the minute that dog fucks with one of my cats i will kill it. or at least make it disappear like his girl did with his kitty.
he hasn't even fixed the holes in the fence. i really am in fear for my cats. i'm hoping him and his girl break up and she takes the dog with her. i can make that happen easier then i can kill the dog.
Ya fuck that shit man..... i LOVE dogs...but if someones dogs bite my cats id kick it to the moon. I keep my cats indoors for that reason, i fear for their safety>.<
If it becomes an issue sit out there with a paint ball gun or soft pellet gun and shoot the dog when he comes close to your fence. Or get an air horn and blast it when he comes near your home.
Sucks man, im a cat lover too so i feel your pain.
I have had 2 pitbulls in my life, and the first one was when i was 19, and i didnt train it really..and it was NUTS. Teh second one i trained VERY well and it was an amazing sweet dog that was never aggressive. The problem is, its a pitbull, it only takes a SMALL bite from a pit to hurt something. Their play time is enough to damage most things.
I hope he is a good owner and trains it to be a good dog.... or else just steal it one day and send it to