I fuckin did it...I fuckin went back to MG...


Junior Creatologist
Ok, before you trip, heres what i did:

Basically, my plants were growing slow as shit. I thought for a second that after only a week of redular growth after my recent transplant, that something could be wrong - maybe root fungus or somethin like that, cuz there wasn't a whole lot of drainage goin on when i watered them. So i took a trip out to home depot - my first trip shopping for my plants - n i picked up another pack of CFLs, and i picked up some MG brand pure perlite, and some MG bloom boost (15-30-15), along schultz take root for when i clip some clones, and finally, a timer for my lights.

So i took all of the dirt out of my pots, and i replaced it with a mix of 50% perlite, and 50% MG moisture control soil. Both have a ratio of somethin like .001-.004-.001 or somethin like that, i aint grabbin the bags again - and i topped the pots off with some regular soil, just to mix it in there.

So i guess the reason for the post is, do you guys think that this was a bad idea? this is the first time im using perlite that aint already mixed into my soil, and i wanna know if im using too much, or should i be using like 80% perlite? N also, with the soil as it is now, does anyone have any tips for me to make sure that everything goes smooth as i make the transition into flowering? i had just started flowering again about 3 days ago, so im gonna keep them at 12/12, n hope for the best...

Any feedback is much appreciated as usual..



Well-Known Member
I use MG all the time soil, ferts, etc. and I know there are people on here that are gonna tear you a new one, but I have no problems with it at all. I say do what you know or see is the best thing for you.


Junior Creatologist
yeh i agree about using what works best - but i originally used MG and all was well for about 3 weeks, and then i got a severe case of nute burn from the MG soil. So i went to some straight up generic soil, and shit settled down a lil bit, but the growth really slowed down too - and the last 4 weeks has been a battle of transplanting, changin up the lighting setup, and deciding what nutes to use (in this case im gonna be using MG bloom boost for flowering for sure 15-30-15).

But what i know absolutely nothing about, is using the MG perlite. Ive never mixed perlite into soil on my own, so im a little sketchy about wether or not i fucked it up or not - hell, i dont even know if its possible to fuck up when mixing perlite into soil, lol.

But yeh, definitely agreee with u there, and ive talked to alot of cool people who swear by MG in these forums. Theres nothing wrong with it in my book, you just gotta watch what your doing or you can burn your babies really easy is all..


Well-Known Member
Ive been having probs too K1ng, slow growth n everything.
I think i just had bad luck with it this go round
I think the perlite has nutes in it too so you gotta be easy on the nutes a lil.
I just transplanted into fox farms.

just give it time


Junior Creatologist
yeh, i guess it all boils down to patience, lol. PATIENCE FUCKIN BLOWS MY DICK.

But yeh tho, im using EXTREMELY sparing amounts of my bloom boost, cuz the perlite is MG and it has some nutes in it but hardly any at all(its like .001 - .004 - .001), but the plants are actually lookin perkier since i changed them out. Either that, or im just so fuckin impatient that im hallucinating, lol.


Well-Known Member
You gotta give em time bro, a soil grow might take 6 weeks before you really see things take off.


Active Member
I had same problem using mg, did same thing bought perlite and dropped down to 15-35-10, but I also learned to help maintain proper magnesium sulfate levels -lack of will make your leaves dry and withery. Magnesium is just Epsom salts, I use 1 tsp every 1/4 gallon spray once a day. They love it.


Well-Known Member
wow every one seems to have issuies with mg. ive always used mg moisture control and never had issuies id recomend 30% perlite and if you can mix it with happy frog 30% and then 40% mg. all ways workt for me. dont use any added ferts cuz mg allready has 3 months worth of food in the soil thats how you get theph mest up and it burns your plants.


New Member
I grew 13/13 seedlings out of MG Moisture control with time released nutes *** Correction, I grew 7 out of MG, and 6 out of the Scotts potting soil with a small amt of time release nutes ****. No problems, and the plants look fine. I also put like I dunno, a couple big ass handfuls of perlite in the bag, but its all on top, so maybe like 40% perlite. Im split testing Scotts time released potting soil vs Mg moisture control. Wont know shit until January tho.

Ok, before you trip, heres what i did:

Basically, my plants were growing slow as shit. I thought for a second that after only a week of redular growth after my recent transplant, that something could be wrong - maybe root fungus or somethin like that, cuz there wasn't a whole lot of drainage goin on when i watered them. So i took a trip out to home depot - my first trip shopping for my plants - n i picked up another pack of CFLs, and i picked up some MG brand pure perlite, and some MG bloom boost (15-30-15), along schultz take root for when i clip some clones, and finally, a timer for my lights.

So i took all of the dirt out of my pots, and i replaced it with a mix of 50% perlite, and 50% MG moisture control soil. Both have a ratio of somethin like .001-.004-.001 or somethin like that, i aint grabbin the bags again - and i topped the pots off with some regular soil, just to mix it in there.

So i guess the reason for the post is, do you guys think that this was a bad idea? this is the first time im using perlite that aint already mixed into my soil, and i wanna know if im using too much, or should i be using like 80% perlite? N also, with the soil as it is now, does anyone have any tips for me to make sure that everything goes smooth as i make the transition into flowering? i had just started flowering again about 3 days ago, so im gonna keep them at 12/12, n hope for the best...

Any feedback is much appreciated as usual..



Well-Known Member
Very interesting, I'm using a 50/50 perlite, 3 month MG time release soil mix indoors. Am def considering using the moisture control for next springs outdoor grow. Will watch and see how this goes for ya.


Junior Creatologist
i cant do the mg no more man. Its too touchy as far as the nutes go. I wanna add nutes to the plants cuz im in flowering now,and i wanna do everything i can do to increase the yield, and everytime i add a significant amount of nutes to my soil, because of the mg it just gives them a bad case of the burns. fuckin sucks. So im off to the hydro store this weekend to pick up some proper shit to make my bitches happy :D

N as far as the moisture control soil goes man, i mean, its ok, but i wouldn't use it again. Turns the soil into mud whenever u water, and it retains alot of the water too- you dont get hardly ANY runoff, even when you flush. I mean, i guess the positive thing about it is, it makes it harder to overwater your plants, and it actually prevents the plants from drying out, but to be honest i dont want that. Im tending to my babies every single day, and i know when to water them - i dont need a special soil to protect them from a rookie mistake. All in all i guess its ok to use, but its more of a pain in the ass than anything else.

Im using right now a mix of MG perlite, MG moisture control soil, and some generic potting soil. Matched up with MG bloom booster, it burned them within two weeks of using the nutes at 1/2 strength every 5 days. Even when the burn initially started, i stopped using it at 1/2 strength and went to 1/4 strength, and only fed them once every week, and the burn still just got worse.

After all this that ive went through, i gotta say that MG is a bitch to control as far as balancing out goes. Its VERY touchy, and it just annoys the everloving shit outta me, lol.