I fucked up

you just put it outside too early, have to wait till the days are 13 hours long to avoid this in the future. leave it alone and it'll go back to growing. thats the best advice you'll get here most of the time. "leave it alone"
One of the books I read confirmed what MrMj said about the airy buds. I have no experience, but that's what the book said.
One of the books I read confirmed what MrMj said about the airy buds. I have no experience, but that's what the book said.
its all dependent on the plant having enough time to regain normal vegitative growth. It take 1 month plus to regain normal growth and struggle through the reveg with slow growth, now if you have enough time to simply let it grow out fine, but why put up with wasted grow time imo. If your plant grows out of the reveg state, then the buds it produce wont be any different from a non revegged, but for the most part, revegged plants dont have enough time to go back.
its all dependent on the plant having enough time to regain normal vegitative growth. It take 1 month plus to regain normal growth and struggle through the reveg with slow growth, now if you have enough time to simply let it grow out fine, but why put up with wasted grow time imo. If your plant grows out of the reveg state, then the buds it produce wont be any different from a non revegged, but for the most part, revegged plants dont have enough time to go back.
Awesome well they have till october or November so that's good to hear
Awesome well they have till october or November so that's good to hear
Im telling you start some seeds now, if nothing more than for an experiment. They will produce as much, maybe more, if u give them what they need, and youll ask why you wasted all that extra time with an early start. Early starts are beneficial, but if at any point you plant is rootbound, or has to reveg time is wasted, because the plants not growing at its normal efficient growth rate. Ive seen rootbound plants virtually stop growth, not completely but almost, so to the folks with plants in 1gal pots inside for 3 months, well 2 of those are essentially wasted ( my experience is 1 gal fill out in about a month) if your expectations are a pound or under per plant, its most certainly acheivable if u start NOW
They've been in a green house the whole time but I uncovered it to soon. I have cob led lights in there but figured there was enough light for them to be Ok
Im telling you start some seeds now, if nothing more than for an experiment. They will produce as much, maybe more, if u give them what they need, and youll ask why you wasted all that extra time with an early start. Early starts are beneficial, but if at any point you plant is rootbound, or has to reveg time is wasted, because the plants not growing at its normal efficient growth rate. Ive seen rootbound plants virtually stop growth, not completely but almost, so to the folks with plants in 1gal pots inside for 3 months, well 2 of those are essentially wasted ( my experience is 1 gal fill out in about a month) if your expectations are a pound or under per plant, its most certainly acheivable if u start NOW
Yeah i planted some more kosher and gorilla biscuits today
if you have them in a greenhouse with leds, just set your leds to come on for an hour about 3 hours after the sun goes down, that will break the night cycle nicely, and you only have to do it till the days get to 13 hours
For the topic of revegging plants,two key factors strain and where you are located.where I am they really don't work .they come out awful.
@CaliSmokes ,you grow in socal,your worst weather is a cake walk here.i work very hard to pull off what I do and where I do it.
I know what @Mr.Marijuana420 has to go thru to even have a chance at harvest.
Yeah I'm in South Texas it's nice all the way to December here
Yeah i went ahead and cut the off anyways this morning. I figured they would need to come off not seeing how they would reverse
Its called monster cropping. Each bud would have put out several branches each.

Some will revert and some will not. I've seen them start to bud and stall all summer to finish scraggly.
One of the books I read confirmed what MrMj said about the airy buds. I have no experience, but that's what the book said.
There. Another one. "I read.":wall:

It doesn't harm the plant. A lot of plants won't even miss a beat. It doesn't have to be 13 hours like people say.

The days start getting longer after Dec 21. Even though its not 13 hours the days are getting longer. The plant knows this.
its all dependent on the plant having enough time to regain normal vegitative growth. It take 1 month plus to regain normal growth and struggle through the reveg with slow growth, now if you have enough time to simply let it grow out fine, but why put up with wasted grow time imo. If your plant grows out of the reveg state, then the buds it produce wont be any different from a non revegged, but for the most part, revegged plants dont have enough time to go back.
Read above. They days get longer starting Dec. Plants know this. Not all will even go I to flower early.