Flaming Pie
Well-Known Member
Jkdng???Im trying to smooth things over between the two! Who knows??
Jkdng???Im trying to smooth things over between the two! Who knows??
I read that last line as, "find her purse and pull your nuts out on it" - I fucking laughed hard. Like, damn dude, you already banged her sister, why fucking t-bag her purse man, that's just fucked up. lol.
Even if he told you he was thinking of you when he was doing it? You'd feel bad?
Lmao at the end
Lmao at the end
Lol. Tell her to take a shower and if the bed gets messy you will clean it up. That might work.
Ibuprofen helps with cramps but sexual excitement and climax makes cramps go away completely for a bit.
She is either worried about messes or in pain or super tired.
Try this: have her take a shower and put in tampon. Do long foreplay with whatever usually excites her the most. Then remove tampon and continue until she is ready.
As long as it is not a heavy flow day, there shouldn't be much mess. Keep a towel nearby to make sure no mess comes out when you pull out.
Or just tell her to make it up for you the first day she is off her cycle.
Whips, chains and nipple tassels. Can't go wrong with nipple tassels imo
He didnt go farWait, where'd that pinworm guy go?
Sometimes two people are not horny at the same time. If my ole lady walks in on me beating off, she will grab my nuts and whisper in my ear for me to come in her pussy.Why should you need to beat off? Or look at another woman while doing it?
Why get married if you aren't fulfilling each other's sexual needs?
Made me think of this song.Whips, chains and nipple tassels. Can't go wrong with nipple tassels imo
Garden references? Nice..gotta ph what you put into the relationship. You don't want your relationship to have any deficiencies.Do you want a happy fulfilling marriage or just a roommate?
Marriage takes work. Imagine it is like a garden. More attention to the garden will produce a better crop.
To make sure a marriage grows to be healthy, you must feed it with love, kindness, consideration and respect. If neglected, your marriage bed will become full of resentment and bitterness. You need to take the time to tend to your marriage and remove the weeds that are choking out proper growth.
She is scared she might lose you. That is why she freaked out. If you want her to stop freaking out you have to let her know that she is the most important person through actions and wordS.
Clean the house for her and sit her down and say, I would never leave you for a cheap fling. I love you. I'm sorry I scared you. You don't have to worry. I don't want anyone but you.
Then hug her for as long as she hugs you back. Take a couple days of asking her what she would like to do and make sure you NEVER join any kind of dating/sex site again.
Mud run?give it to her in the butt . that's what she wants.
wow. I never see that on the porn tube ?