I froze my ass off in my treestand today

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Any of you deer hunter have trouble getting used to cold weather on stand.My Gortex boots got so wet this morning walking through a field that my two pair of socks were soaked.The rain and 34 degree temps made me cold as hell.I usually can set all day in the cold but fuck that water.Anybody kill any good deer yet.Lets see a few pictures,I killed a liittle 6 pointer 2 days into bow season, ..........Peace



Well-Known Member
"I froze my ass off" I hope you weren't being literal.

Enjoy the deer meat, I'm sure you know it's very delicious.
I sure do. ; )


Well-Known Member
Com'on brother... how do you expect to harvest a big buck when you shoot a 6 pointer? lol
Hope you're not by my hunting grounds :)

EDIT: Bow hunting is tough. You must of a made a nice shot. I've only had the chance at 2 deer(shooters) while bow hunting. Got a big 8 a couple years ago and a doe before that. It's much for fun than gun season.


Well-Known Member
Any of you deer hunter have trouble getting used to cold weather on stand.My Gortex boots got so wet this morning walking through a field that my two pair of socks were soaked.The rain and 34 degree temps made me cold as hell.I usually can set all day in the cold but fuck that water.Anybody kill any good deer yet.Lets see a few pictures,I killed a liittle 6 pointer 2 days into bow season, ..........Peace

put on two pair of socks then put a plastic grocery bag over your foot, then boot up. you can trim the bag once you get your boot on. should seal you right up nice and dry. :wink:

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
If you think I dont kill big deer heres a couple of pictures.Plastic bags wont work keeping me from getting wet,the field had waist high grass.My pants were even soaked and the 25 mile an hour wind did not help any



Well-Known Member
they keep your toes dry.

you know they have a way to keep everything dry? it's not 1842, even though you eat like it is. :wink:

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I need a new pair of 200 dollar gortex boots,mine are a couple years old and hell yea I eat the fuck out of deer,that fucking beef has been in some nasty ass sloughter house with ecoli and god only knows what else..................Peace out

southern homegrower

Well-Known Member
i hunt in a big swamp. tried to use waders but if u slip and fall in deep water them damn things will drown u i almost could not get back up they filled up with water.