i found this bug and i think it bit me

Hey..FDD2.. if you find another one you can mail it to me. All mine died poisoned them with deceased crickets. And there hard to find in CANADA to f*ckin cold in the winter. No pet stores carry them ether.
finally a little sympathy. thanks, i'm ok.
i went fishing yesterday and found him under a rock. it took me turning over 3 rocks to find one. if i look for an hour i could have hundreds. then i could mail them to the step-son in florida who wants to steal his step-dads pot. lol they are usually brown but this one was turquoise green/blue, really pretty. never been stung, heard it was no worse than a bee. i don't want to find out. they are rather cool to play with though. and they RUN FAST. like a mouse.

it never bit me. call me chicken little, boy who cried wolf, dumb ass stoner. i'm silly.

oh, i smoked the 10 joints anyway. it that ok?

I'd settle for one joint right now. :blsmoke:
okay fdd, that damn thread of you freaked me that much out that i started to noob around:D cut open all 4 cubes with a razorblade just to find four nice seedlings, one in each, that will show their heads to the world in one or two days. see where that stuff can take;) got me noobing again:D but that gone stop now, right away:D;)
finally a little sympathy. thanks, i'm ok.
i went fishing yesterday and found him under a rock. it took me turning over 3 rocks to find one. if i look for an hour i could have hundreds. then i could mail them to the step-son in florida who wants to steal his step-dads pot. lol they are usually brown but this one was turquoise green/blue, really pretty. never been stung, heard it was no worse than a bee. i don't want to find out. they are rather cool to play with though. and they RUN FAST. like a mouse.

it never bit me. call me chicken little, boy who cried wolf, dumb ass stoner. i'm silly.

oh, i smoked the 10 joints anyway. it that ok?

fishing, rock, stuff that is living under once, now i totally lost the line, is that now bug/scorpion talk or what?!?:cry:
scorpions are cool as crap. u make it like you've never seen one fdd =) i remember reading that they are most dangerous when they're babies and still translucent. maybe bc they are just more potent at that age or maybe bc when they're babies your likely to be sting by like 20 of them instead of one. those are awesome tho u should take more photos
i know where they live. i have a little spot up the hill. the thing is, not to many people realize they live near them. i found them in the woods as a kid. but not in town. they just turned my little fishing hole into a park. there's a lot of rattlesnakes up there also.
Don't put too many scorpions together, I used to do that and every morning a few scorpions disappeared and the others had stingers sticking out of their mouths