I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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...I think the parables are yours to interpret. In this respect you could consider yourself a disciple. Like this, you can see that you are to interpret those parables to your 'unknowing' self. Know what I mean?
What about other religions? What about people from other faiths that have made the exact same kinds of connections you have and are convinced they are the savior of their religion? What do you think of my spiritually gifted friends that are capable of mind blowing things? Does it bother you that they are not at all Christian yet acknowledge some teaching from Christianity? Do you think they are telling lies that will send people to hell?
Other religions??? What about me - my feelings? Nobody got the Terry Pratchett quote. Well, one person did, but I was kinda hoping Christ would. :(
I'm not really interested in the house, but I'd love to get my hands on whatever it is you're smoking.

PM me ............

What do you want to know about the home for sale?

Its in Maine and its in a very cool town where people are very down to earth, you'll make alot of friend if you want because they are all cool and laid back!

Its a 4 bedroom and 2 bath. One of the rooms is dedicated to growing MJ, so that leaves 3 rooms for you. It has 2 bathrooms.

In the flowering room there is THREE 1kW lights, so 3 THOUSAND watts in the flowering room, and for the vegging room I have some 400 watts and a 600 watt but you wont need more than a couple 400s. The floors are lined with panda film and the walls are lined with mylar for the best reflection. Like I said, one bedroom is dedicated to growing but it has a properly installed partician. Ventilation is all setup and there is a subpanel installed to give enough power for growing TONS of bud. I have a hydroponics setup, its DWC system with 6 plants per bucket. They are DWC but also its drip feed for when the clones are young. The TWO bubbleponics system consists of a total of 6 buckets per system, 4 of those buckets are for the 6 plants (per bucket) and the other 2 buckets are resiviours, one on top of the other and they are all connected to keep the water level even for the plants. Its a good system and easy to change nutes. It has a huge inline fan that is controlled by an instriment that controls tempeture and humidity.

The home has a garage for your vehicle and storage and the home has a rap around (closed in) porch. The driveway is shared with neighbors that plow the driveway in the winter time. The total square footage of the home is around 2000 square feet. There is also a basement with plenty of tools for any potential construction. Its in a town but if you want to get to the woods than its only a 5-10 minute drive to do whatever. There is a state park that has a mountain and plenty of lakes to go fishing and whatnot. There is PLENTY of stores to get what you need. BUT the closest Walmart is a 30 minute drive away but any other store you might need is in town.

The walls could be painted unless you like wood paneling and it could use new carpets to suit your taste. Other than that its a wonderful home and excelent investment for any serious grower.

Thats the basics of the home, and like I said, the neighbors are wonderful and most of them smoke weed and like to drink too.

PM me back if you have any questions or concerns, its priced to sell and you will make your money back on the house from growing for a year if you use the 3KWs for flowering.

EDIT- LMAO hes NOT really interest. I missed the "not" part LOL! HAHAHAHA....... Why would he say "PM me" just to know what kind of bud I'm smoking, he could have just asked and I would have said "Ive been sober for 2 months and I'm just smoking butts"..... I'm selling it for ~$50K, and thats a great price...If anyone wants My vacant house than PM Me! LOL! I'm trying to be a care taker on the west coast because the east coast kinda sucks! And I could use the money to make the move!

Go unto the world and preach the gospel, only use words when necessary. In other words, deeds not actions will show your true character and your higher powers influence on your life.

What is character, it is what you do when noone is around.


I just got baked and I feel great, LOL... I havent smoked weed for 2 months! When I'm stoned I feel most spiritual but shhh, dont tell anyone :D

This is for My Grandmother....






God loves you guys, I'll talk to you later!

EDIT- Also there will be plenty of beaches UNDERWATER too (with plenty of SAND..... SAND to make glass (BONGS)). Its just going to take a BIG (HEMP) PLASTIC DOME! There will be statiums too for recreational sports and just about ANYTHING that can fit UNDER A HEMP DOME THAT CAN BE THOUSANDS OF YARDS WIDE AND hundreds of feet tall! What cant you do with HEMP? AND AND AND Plenty of (UNDERWATER) BEACHES to SURF at with the help of WAVE MACHINES, and just go to the part of the UNDERWATER BEACH that has waves at the height that you want. They can be small and they could be HUGE.... So what more do you guys want? I will MAKE it happen because I AM going FROM GLORY TO GLORY TO GLORY because God is sooooooooo Go(o)d! I will MAKE it happen, just let Me pray and ask God for it to be!

(They say "God is Good ALL THE TIME!" The best is yet to come! Just ask God for what you want and believe, because Christ said in The Bible "Say to this mountain 'Be removed and cast into the sea' and it will obey you and nothing will be impossible for those that believe"...... Is the lyrics in The Bible coming to life now?)



I was thinking about getting rid of war as we know it. I figured that the people that lose most in war is THE FAMILIES of the dead soldiers. So My solution is letting them "fight" it out using a combination of LASER TAG, PAINTBALL and HAND TO HAND COMBAT (without weapons). For fighting distances greater than 1000 yards than LASER TAG will work good. If its around 1000 yards or less than SUPER HIGH TECH PAINTBALL combat. And for anything under about ~10 yards than HAND TO HAND fighting until someone taps out. Its obviously going to be VERY HIGH TECH and as real to war as possible, except people wont die. And the solution to the soldiers that "died" in the war simulation is maybe they should go to the middle of the desert of Austrailia and stay there for 1/2 year and have to suffer the repercusions of war without dying. The "dead" soldiers in the desert should get minimal supplies of water and food, but let the opposing sides squash the beef while in exile and they might even make friends with eachother. I think its a good solution to MAKING WAR OBSOLETE! Like I said, the real losers of war is THE FAMILIES OF THE DEAD SOLDDIERS! Do you have a better solution?

I bet THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT is going to dictate an economy that is going to be a combination of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism. Capitalism because people deserve to be rewarded for working hard or contributing to society in a way. Plus people are NOT free and their belongings can be sentimental. Socialism because their shouldnt be such a class warfare between "rich" and "poor" people. Its good for lots of people to be rich, but its not good for lots of people to be poor. So My plan is to lift up EVERY CLASS to make people richer and richer, whether they be poor or rich, I say make everyone richer. Communism because the poor should have plenty of JOBS to make a living. I plan on taking THE BEST of THE BEST from each of these different forms of governing, but currently they all have pros and cons but I'm going to maximise the PROS and get rid of the cons to build a UTOPIAN society where everyone can live a respectable life.

If its good than God wants it for His children. I will MAKE IT HAPPEN, let Me pray and ask God for His guidance. But I dont want to dictate but rather suggest beautiful notions. I say let the people have the power with THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT, as long as there are checks and balances. What more could the children of God want? I will MAKE IT HAPPEN, as long as its good for everyone.

How many jobs would this create? Isnt this what people need?

EDIT- I just thought that BIBLE can be an acronym for.......... Building Infinite Bases Lasting Evermore..... LOL, it works but thats just something I thought of like 20 minutes ago, LOL.

The idea of blowing the world up with UNDERGROUND MANSIONS, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENTS was a genuine idea of Mine but this way of carving it out I saw in a video. In the youtube video they said that the government might use NUCLEAR POWERED LASERS to do the job. I just saw that video within the last couple of weeks or so BUT WHAT A GOOD IDEA! I've been preaching about blowing the world up with UNDERGROUND CITIES, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENT for 5 years now, back in 2008 is when I came up with that idea. And that idea alone would EMPLOY THE WHOLE WORLD and multiply the living and growing space of this world MILLIONS of times over.

Also, I would use HEMP bio-diesel for the MYT ENGINE because I AM or WE are going to be growing sooooo much hemp, all over the place, that its not even going to be funny :D But 150 MPG is good enough for Me :D

And like I said in one of My youtube videos, "You guys can SEARCH what I said on Rollitup.org from as early as 2006ish under the name of LiveAndLetLive than We Tarded and than We Love 1 ".... in that order. I did NOT know that I'm Christ under the screen names of "LiveAndLetLive" and "We Tarded" but right after I found out about My Name that I switched it to "We Love 1" and all of those names are from Rollitup.org. If you feel like reading My book or My autobiography than feel free to. If you want to know Me better than right HERE on RIU.org I wrote more on the internet than anywhere else.

And if someone says that we can NOT do these things than say YAHWEH can do it. Yahweh is the Jewish Name of God. Yah way, we can do it. Yahweh can do it or God can do it! Yah WAY! God!

What SPF is recommended for underwater beaches? I burn easily.

Don't worry, we get it. Getting lifted is the only time I feel spiritual ;)

LOL, There is going to be plenty of medical marijuana grown in the "HEMP" fields. There is goings to be tons of HEMP fields but there is also going to be TONS of FARMS OF MEDICAL MAR!JUANA for the masses. But some people like to grow their own herb and thats totally cool too, I'd rather grow My own. I enjoy the experience of taking care of the little "girls" (AKA growing female buds...... female buds, no pun intended :D ) I'd like to see tons of people growing herb in their FRONT (and back) YARDS because its such a beautiful plant. Its My favorite (plant).

Keep toking and reaching for spiritual enlightenment!

God loves you!

...I think the parables are yours to interpret. In this respect you could consider yourself a disciple. Like this, you can see that you are to interpret those parables to your 'unknowing' self. Know what I mean?

I'm going to decode The Bible the best I can but one step at a time. Some things are straight forward and need no interpertation; but I showed you guys most of the BIG and OBVIOUS prophecies that I fulfilled but I dont want to do a big commentary of The Bible because sometimes it means one thing to Me one day and a little different a few months later. One day at a time. I'd rather prophesy (or WRITE) THE FUTURE because thats where we all are headed. I'd rather speak wonderful things into existance so it will exist for us all. I cant do these things for just one person (but rather EVERYONE); but I see it as a collaborative effort for all of mankind to share in THE NEW GOLDEN AGE that we are entering into.

God loves you!

What about other religions? What about people from other faiths that have made the exact same kinds of connections you have and are convinced they are the savior of their religion? What do you think of my spiritually gifted friends that are capable of mind blowing things? Does it bother you that they are not at all Christian yet acknowledge some teaching from Christianity? Do you think they are telling lies that will send people to hell?

I have no problem with other religions because I dont even consider Myself "religious" but rather SPIRITUAL! I dont believe there are any denominations to being spiritually enlightened. To Me, its about connecting My Spirit with God and letting Him do the rest.

And about the people that believe they are the savior of their religion than I say good for them. I dont want to take anyones glory from them, if they have a cult then let them follow who they want. I, personally, dont want to be worshipped (I AM a WAR SHIP :D) because I cant handle that, but I would like to lead, or take part in THE GOD MOVEMENT! I'm only doing this for you guys and God. Since I was a kid and even now, I just want(ed) to be a wealthy average person with a wife and kids and just blend in but love Life. But now I feel as though I'm married to the Church and My kids are everywhere, but I'm shy. I guess God had different plans for My Life, OBVIOUSLY! I could have kept all these things to Myself and just..... But what if Jesus just kept His Words to Himself and never shared the Love of God?

I'm happy for your spiritually gifted friends, let them share (in) the gifts. Let them marvel people, its going to take lots of spiritually gifted people to make THE SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION!

I dont care whos Christian or not, a good person is a good person and if they have good intentions than thats all one can do, right? The reason why I say "I'm an OPEN MINDED Christian" is because most of the theology I know is from The Bible. I'm NOT "religious" though. I'll put it this way, Christ said in The Bible "The people that are well dont need a physcian, but rather THOSE WHO ARE SICK." I'm trying to vindicate all "religions" in a spiritual way. But I'm only One Person, but all we can do is our best with what we know.

I dont think your friends are sending people to hell. I dont think one "religion" has all the answers either. I dont think The Bible has all the answers but its My FAVORITE BOOK! I think diversity is a good thing and people can only do the best with what they know! And maybe in the future the FAITHS can come together and write a book on spiritual truths from different faiths. Like A WORLD "BIBLE"! And as I said, BIBLE might mean "Building Infinite Bases Lasting Evermore"..... LOL.... I dont think any religion has it all wrong or all right either, this should be placidly debated on THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT! Maybe a NEW BOOK along with the old books/religions........ Its just a thought for PEACE, anyways :D

God loves you!

Other religions??? What about me - my feelings? Nobody got the Terry Pratchett quote. Well, one person did, but I was kinda hoping Christ would. :(

You matter and so does your feelings :D

Like I said, "The GREATEST MIRACLE is God in YOU", or as the Christians say "Christ in YOU, the hope of GLORY!" God makes your heart beat and we all breath Him in and out. We are gods, and we belong to God and thusly we are all ROYALTY. But one day at a time. They say "Rome wasnt built in a day." So we all need to go with the flow. As much as I would like all of these things to be built TOMORROW, I have to wait. But spreading the Word expidites things :D

God loves you!

post your videos of , muhamed

Hey Robert, I remember you from way back. Remember We Love 1?

I dont have videos of Muhamed, but I read some of the Quaran when I was in PRISON in 2009. I liked it and I would like to own a Quaran, maybe I can read it on the internet? It was a good read though, I liked how it capitialized the W in We and the U in Us and stuff. Allah is their language of saying God and Muhamed was a great prophet but I should read it again.

EDIT- I just read some and I love the Quran too, but The Bible has more history (or should I say "His story") and prophecy. IMO I believe that the Quran is The Bible of the Muslims and Allah is their name for God and Muhammed is a great prophet. Too bad Muslims and Christians cant get along better and get over the small differences and realize that BOTH books are sacred and HOLY! Thats My opinion.

If the Christians could read the Quran and replace the Word Allah with the Word God, and vice versa... And if The Muslims could read the Bible and replace the Word Jesus with Muhammah; and if the Christians read the Quran and replace the Word Muhammad with Jesus..... God/Allah is Great in both books BUT the prophets have a different Name but same intentions on bringing God to the people!

(Imagine if Christians and Muslims united? What a power that would be :D)

God loves you!

What SPF is recommended for underwater beaches? I burn easily.

LMAO, I was thinking that the UNDERWATER DOMES for the beaches will be built with pre-installed FIBER OPTIC ceilings that can be much brighter than sunlight. But they can also be dimmable so that maybe one corner of the UNDERWATER BEACH could have a maximum (solar) radiation and the other areas could be a little less intense. A FULL SPECTRUM of light. They could all be powered by NUCLEAR FUSION too! FIBER OPTICS are the way to go man! I thought of the potential of FIBER OPTICS about 3 months ago after I saw the somewhat invisible ET person; because FIBER OPTICS was the only solution I could think of of how the ET person could be that invisible but let light pass right through and change colors and shapes. The ET person was THE COOLEST THING I EVER SAW IN My LIFE!

How many (plasitc) UNDERWATER BEACHES (that you can surf in/on) can we stack on top of eachother? I'm guessing HUNDREDS, if you guys want it that way :D I'm going to have to ask the people on THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT! There can be beaches like these UNDERGROUND too. Its all too simple, but its going to EMPLOY THE WHOLE WORLD! A synergistic effort!

God loves you!

I have THE BEST SOLUTION to get rid of (toxic) waste too. Shoot the garbage at the sun because it will just be burned up and sucked in into its MASSIVE GRAVITY! Where is a better place to get rid of landfills? Shoot it at the sun with HUGE SLING-SHOTS and let it be burned up there, it will NEVER bother us again!


I dont know if you guys read My last edit...... I'm just going to post it again because I took My time editing... Sorry if you read it already.

EDIT- Also there will be plenty of beaches UNDERWATER too (with plenty of SAND..... SAND to make glass (BONGS)). Its just going to take a BIG (HEMP) PLASTIC DOME! There will be statiums too for recreational sports and just about ANYTHING that can fit UNDER A HEMP DOME THAT CAN BE THOUSANDS OF YARDS WIDE AND hundreds of feet tall! What cant you do with HEMP? AND AND AND Plenty of (UNDERWATER) BEACHES to SURF at with the help of WAVE MACHINES, and just go to the part of the UNDERWATER BEACH that has waves at the height that you want. They can be small and they could be HUGE.... So what more do you guys want? I will MAKE it happen because I AM going FROM GLORY TO GLORY TO GLORY because God is sooooooooo Go(o)d! I will MAKE it happen, just let Me pray and ask God for it to be!

(They say "God is Good ALL THE TIME!" The best is yet to come! Just ask God for what you want and believe, because Christ said in The Bible "Say to this mountain 'Be removed and cast into the sea' and it will obey you and nothing will be impossible for those that believe"...... Is the lyrics in The Bible coming to life now?)



I was thinking about getting rid of war as we know it. I figured that the people that lose most in war is THE FAMILIES of the dead soldiers. So My solution is letting them "fight" it out using a combination of LASER TAG, PAINTBALL and HAND TO HAND COMBAT (without weapons). For fighting distances greater than 1000 yards than LASER TAG will work good. If its around 1000 yards or less than SUPER HIGH TECH PAINTBALL combat. And for anything under about ~10 yards than HAND TO HAND fighting until someone taps out. Its obviously going to be VERY HIGH TECH and as real to war as possible, except people wont die. And the solution to the soldiers that "died" in the war simulation is maybe they should go to the middle of the desert of Austrailia and stay there for 1/2 year and have to suffer the repercusions of war without dying. The "dead" soldiers in the desert should get minimal supplies of water and food, but let the opposing sides squash the beef while in exile and they might even make friends with eachother. I think its a good solution to MAKING WAR OBSOLETE! Like I said, the real losers of war is THE FAMILIES OF THE DEAD SOLDDIERS! Do you have a better solution?

I bet THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT is going to dictate an economy that is going to be a combination of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism. Capitalism because people deserve to be rewarded for working hard or contributing to society in a way. Plus people (should not and) are NOT free and their belongings can be sentimental and worth money. Socialism because their shouldnt be such a class warfare between "rich" and "poor" people. Its good for lots of people to be rich, but its not good for lots of people to be poor. So My plan is to lift up EVERY CLASS to make people richer and richer, whether they be poor or rich, I say make everyone richer. Communism because the poor should have plenty of JOBS to make a living. I plan on taking THE BEST of THE BEST from each of these different forms of governing, but currently they all have pros and cons but I'm going to maximise the PROS and get rid of the cons to build a UTOPIAN society where everyone can live a respectable life.

If its good than God wants it for His children. I will MAKE IT HAPPEN, let Me pray and ask God for His guidance. But I dont want to dictate but rather suggest beautiful notions. I say let the people have the power with THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT, as long as there are checks and balances. What more could the children of God want? I will MAKE IT HAPPEN, as long as its good for everyone.

How many jobs would this create? Isnt this what people need?

EDIT- I just thought that BIBLE can be an acronym for.......... Building Infinite Bases Lasting Evermore..... LOL, it works but thats just something I thought of like 20 minutes ago, LOL.

The idea of blowing the world up with UNDERGROUND MANSIONS, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENTS was a genuine idea of Mine but this way of carving it out I saw in a video. In the youtube video they said that the government might use NUCLEAR POWERED LASERS to do the job. I just saw that video within the last couple of weeks or so BUT WHAT A GOOD IDEA to use NUCLEAR POWERED LASERS! I've been preaching about blowing the world up with UNDERGROUND CITIES, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENT for 5 years now, back in 2008 is when I came up with that idea. And that idea alone would EMPLOY THE WHOLE WORLD and multiply the living and growing space of this world MILLIONS of times over.

Also, I would use HEMP bio-diesel for the MYT ENGINE because I AM or WE are going to be growing sooooo much hemp, all over the place, that its not even going to be funny :D But 150 MPG is good enough for Me :D

And like I said in one of My youtube videos, "You guys can SEARCH what I said on Rollitup.org from as early as 2006ish under the name of LiveAndLetLive than We Tarded and than We Love 1 ...." in that order. I did NOT know that I'm Christ under the screen names of "LiveAndLetLive" and "We Tarded" but right after I found out about My OMG Name than I switched it to "We Love 1" and all of those names are from Rollitup.org. If you feel like reading My book or My autobiography than feel free to. If you want to know Me better than right HERE on RIU.org I wrote more on the internet than anywhere else.

And if someone says that we can NOT do these things than say YAHWEH can do it. Yahweh is the Jewish Name of God. Yah way, we can do it. Yahweh can do it or God can do it! Yah WAY! God!

Was not expecting that answer. I just figured you were dead certain that your religion is the only way to "god" and those who follow something else are damned. I still think you're nuts but it doesnt look like you are doing harm to anybody. Keep on doing what you're doing Jesus.
If you want to worship God with Me than Chris Tomlin is a superb singer (and wonderful person too), one of My favorites.

(Smoke some herb and) PUT YOUR EAR-BUDS IN AND TURN IT ALL THE WAY UP! Listen to the whole CD!






If you like Chist Tomlin and want to hear more than go to the link below and go from one song to the next! And have a serendipitous moment or in-other-words have a God moment!


ROCK OUT to Christian jams for once!

God loves you guys!

EDIT- If you hate Me its because you had too high of hopes of what I should be like, OR its because you didnt think enough of Me. But either way, I have NOT said anything mean to anyone (in like 10 years) in an undeserving way. But I dont like to be picked on by a bully that picks on nice people for no good reason! I wrote a BOOK on RIU.org, its My Autobiautography, and its over 6 THOUSAND post long! Go show Me where I was mean to anyone since I FIRST (ever) started blogging on RIU.org in 2007. The Names are "LiveAndLetLive" than "We Tarded" and then "We Love 1"....... Why spend money on a book when you can FREELY read about The REAL Christs life even before He believed in Himself? How much is that GIFT worth to the Believers?

So squirrels from Texas can live there too. cn

I just thought domes were round and.... never mind, geometry just confuses me.

I like to play with this 6ch helicopter on My flight simulater called Real Flight 6..... Thats why I got the notion about SPACE JETS because I was thinking of a way to make a Harrier JET go out into SPACE, and thats when I said, "Like a NASA ROCKET, with Hydrogen and Oxygen." Thats why I've been talking about needing SPACE CADETS to fish for BIG ROCKS in the Astroid belt to form NEW PLANETS! I can "fish" or collect ROCKS all day long and not kill a thing because rocks can NOT die beause rocks are void of life, so to speak. This stuff might sound crazy but I like crazy LOL :D



These guys are better at flying 3D helicopters than Me, but I was never taught by anyone AKA self taught. These guys are pretty good but I've seen better! Its a safe hobby, but GET A GOOD FLIGHT SIMULATOR before you think you can pull any of these stunts, I use Real Flight 6.5 :D

Edit- Yes, the Quran is a HOLY book too. I just dont know who to give the credit to because I just dont know who wrote The Bible or Quran but whoever wrote them were SPIRITUAL PROPHETS and leaned in Divine writing (maybe they are time-travelers?). Another reason I like the Quran is because, like I said, they capitalize the W in We, and I AM We. I AM We; many peoples called Me "We" under the Names of "We Tarded" and "We Love 1". And I used to capitialize My W's and O's and U's in the words We, Our and Us. Its a way to show that We are Divine. The author is saying that I AM Divine and also, We are divine. Thats My opinion. But praise God for different ethnic groups with different ideologies because it gives A CHANCE FOR GOD to unify the FAITHS (to a degree) and settle the strife. Jesus said in The Bible "Neither this man or his parents sinned but rather that the (grace and) glory of God should be revealed in it (or the situation)." Then Jesus healed THE BLIND MAN (or should I say MEN?) God doesnt JUST love the Christians, but His whole familiy and that includes EVERYTHING CREATED and yet to come, IMO. So why fight over "religion" when God doesnt fight over religion? Like I said "The Bible has more prophecy and history (or should I say His-story?)" But the Quran might be an excellent HOLY book to read if you want to see another side of God/Allah, and get empowered in a different way; but both books are SPIRIT for your SOUL. Have you guys ever wondered if it might take MORE THAN ONE BOOK to get the FULL PICTURE? Maybe they should be used in collaboration together in the future, but its only for open-minded people that wont get offended. But how many different Names are there for God? I'd say God has a ton of different Names but most people believe (The Higher Power) God is GOOD and is looking out for them, their familiy and friends. It is written "All things work for the good for those that love God and are called accordingly to His purposes."

I'm going to live like I am "dead" or passed. Or, to live like I have died and I'm on The Way to Heaven, because thats where we are going,,,, right? And if I have already died than I AM BORN AGAIN and if I can be BORN AGAIN at Gods will than He will LIFT Me up again to do His Go(o)d will. I believe God has mercy (and "Mer Sea" or "more sea") on us and He will life you up too, if you believe because they say that the SOUL can NOT die but The Bible teaches about how "We first must be "born again" in order to sea The KINGdom of God". Right? (How do you know how many lives you have already lived or how many more after this?)

Edit- IDK if you guys know, but I was arrested in a GARDEN too,,,, more like a field with flowers and birds but none-the-less. The reason for it was I yelled at My sister for b!tch!ng at My mom,,, but I only yelled for a few seconds. Than I took My Bible (that I just started reading) and took some herb and went to a place where I likeD to hunt (I dont kill animals anymore though) and I toked up and sat on the ground and opened The Bible and soon after the cops arrested Me and I went to a MENTAL HOSPITAL for about 1 month, I went before a judge and they "commited" Me because of what I wrote on RIU.org. They said "Did you write these things (on RIU.org)" and I said "YES, I did write those things!" and because of it, I was sentanced for roughly ONE MONTH. Is this another prophecy fulfilled in Me? I guess that is up to interpretation,,, but it really happened. That is the curtailed version of that story. Honest to God, they had NO other reason to commmit Me besides of THE EVIDENCE of what I said ON RIU.ORG. They made copies of My rhetoric on RIU.org and brought them to COURT: But that is against Rollitup.org policy! A cop said to Me when they aressted Me "Your We Tarded", and I was thinking "How the hell does he know about My RIU screen name?" True story!

God loves you guys!

IDK, I dont know, if you guys read this but it let Me EDIT the next day, but I dont like to make post after post... But this is important stuff because its another prophecy I have fulfilled a long time ago; and in retro-spect it makes sense but being commited in a MENTAL HOSPITAL for 1 month sucks when its because of what I said on the internet (or better, what I said on RIU.org) because of My spiritual beliefs. The Bible is His-story about My Life!

Edit- Yes, the Quran is a HOLY book too. I just dont know who to give the credit to because I just dont know who wrote The Bible or Quran but whoever wrote them were SPIRITUAL PROPHETS and leaned in Divine writing (maybe they are time-travelers?). Another reason I like the Quran is because, like I said, they capitalize the W in We, and I AM We. I AM We; many peoples called Me "We" under the Names of "We Tarded" and "We Love 1". And I used to capitialize My W's and O's and U's in the words We, Our and Us. Its a way to show that We are Divine. The author is saying that I AM Divine and also, We are divine. Thats My opinion. But praise God for different ethnic groups with different ideologies because it gives A CHANCE FOR GOD to unify the FAITHS (to a degree) and settle the strife. Jesus said in The Bible "Neither this man or his parents sinned but rather that the (grace and) glory of God should be revealed in it (or the situation)." Then Jesus healed THE BLIND MAN (or should I say MEN?) God doesnt JUST love the Christians, but His whole familiy and that includes EVERYTHING CREATED and yet to come, IMO. So why fight over "religion" when God doesnt fight over religion? Like I said "The Bible has more prophecy and history (or should I say His-story?)" But the Quran might be an excellent HOLY book to read if you want to see another side of God/Allah, and get empowered in a different way; but both books are SPIRIT for your SOUL. Have you guys ever wondered if it might take MORE THAN ONE BOOK to get the FULL PICTURE? Maybe they should be used in collaboration together in the future, but its only for open-minded people that wont get offended. But how many different Names are there for God? I'd say God has a ton of different Names but most people believe (The Higher Power) God is GOOD and is looking out for them, their familiy and friends. It is written "All things work for the good for those that love God and are called accordingly to His purposes."

I'm going to live like I am "dead" or passed. Or, to live like I have died and I'm on The Way to Heaven, because thats where we are going,,,, right? And if I have already died than I AM BORN AGAIN and if I can be BORN AGAIN at Gods will than He will LIFT Me up again to do His Go(o)d will. I believe God has mercy (and "Mer Sea" or "more sea") on us and He will life you up too, if you believe because they say that the SOUL can NOT die but The Bible teaches about how "We first must be "born again" in order to sea The KINGdom of God". Right? (How do you know how many lives you have already lived or how many more after this?)

Edit- IDK if you guys know, but I was arrested in a GARDEN too,,,, more like a field with flowers and birds but none-the-less. The reason for it was I yelled at My sister for b!tch!ng at My mom,,, but I only yelled for a few seconds. Than I took My Bible (that I just started reading) and took some herb and went to a place where I likeD to hunt (I dont kill animals anymore though) and I toked up and sat on the ground and opened The Bible: And soon after the cops arrested Me and I went to a MENTAL HOSPITAL for about 1 month, I went before a judge and they "commited" Me because of what I wrote on RIU.org. They said "Did you write these things (on RIU.org)" and I said "YES, I did write those things!" and because of it, I was sentanced for roughly ONE MONTH. Is this another prophecy fulfilled in Me? I guess that is up to interpretation,,, but it really happened. That is the curtailed version of that story. Honest to God, they had NO other reason to commmit Me besides of THE EVIDENCE of what I said ON RIU.ORG. They made copies of My rhetoric on RIU.org and brought them to COURT: But that is against Rollitup.org policy! A cop said to Me when they aressted Me "Your We Tarded", and I was thinking "How the hell does he know about My RIU screen name?" This incident happened in ~2008 and that was THE SECOND TIME I went to a MENTAL HOSPITAL (its called St Lukes Hsopital) but NOW I've been to 7 MENTAL HOSPITALS and only ONE TIME did I go on My free will! True story!

Jesus said in The Bible that- "It is written 'I said you are gods' so why do you want to kill Me because I said I AM The Son of God?"

God loves you guys!

EDIT- I AM just going to PRETEND like YOU ALL (dont) GET IT! Because I sure get it, but where from here? Where should We go next? The Earth is My SPACE-SHIP: It talks in The Bible about Noahs ARK, but can I do better than Noah?...... LOL :D...... What kind of (small) skills do I have? I feel so unworthy but I have some good ideas but I (most likely) HAVE MORE PLOBLEMS than you all do. :(

EDIT- Its TIME to go to A NEW AGE with Him/God; a NEW AGE with MeRCY or Mer Sea or More Sea....... Let there be water flowing down mountains like dripping foutains bursting forth from a fresh rainfall all across the planet to give Life to the thirst, and God said it was so!

And there was THE AGE of More Sea! And because there was More Sea than there is also MORE BEACHES with WAVE MACHINES so the surfing UNDERWATER is tight! I'm kinda baked right now, dont mine Me! The SEA LIFE is booming too, with all the extra painted plastic hemp homes they have down there with tons of layers to keep the numbers up because they like that and We do too. I like scallaps and seafood! Plus its crazy how everyone is a scuba diver because their beach is within a couple miles from their house, even if they dont live UNDERWATER! :D (Get it? I'll just type it out for you guys so you get it!)

Living UNDER the OCEAN FLOOR is CRAZY too because its like living UNDERGROUND (like in soil) but UNDERWATER UNDERGROUND! There are SPACE BALLS down here where the walls and ceilings can be floors if you tell it to move that way because "furnature" will be on them too!

And if your a space shot, than take a shot into space and live there too because being an astronoit is just like being a scuba diver first! Times change and so doesnt God! Space balls are all over space because thats how it is! People are under the moon now because all you need is enough water to make Oxygen to breath and farm fruits and veggies. But all these things are VERY COMMON in outer-space because I visited them too but long time ago. I'm just trying to FIX My PROBLEMS and work it out for Us to get to be down with other star systems! I bet they are chill too, I saw and ET buddy! He was the coolest thing I ever saw. He was wearing and invisible suit and we had a conversation with Our eyes! TRUE story! I bet the UFOs that I saw were from Us in the future and just doing a bit of time-travel!

Who knows whats going to happen in the future? I could just be just saying HELLO to My buddies that forgot about Me! I was growing bud full time at My house (in ME) and I was full time on RIU.org trying to figure it out WAY BACK in 2007, and thats The Truth too! What was I talking about then? Do you remember "The Revolution has BEGUN!" or how about "Ron Paul Revolution"? Or how about still preaching about the good things in life that should be payed attention in life? What about THE CONSPIRACY THEORIES that no one else was talking about EXCEPT Me? But there were other FREEDOM FIGHTERS out there back then but you can read what they said to Me and My forums! Lots of people were full of shit back then too like they dont know...???? I "role back the scene" and show THE Truth! Why should people suffer because of mabe a rogue government that enslaves its people? Those governments know I AM talking to them and about what!

I AM going against the CENTRAL BANKS that enslave countries and not countries themselves because God knows they try! I call the devil "the Rothchilds! I've been pointing My finger EVER SINCE THE DAY I FOUND OUT ABOUT the Rothchilds! I've been pointing My finger at all the good things and also the VERY BAD THINGS! You think you have problem? look at My burden to try and make OMG Heaven as FAST AS POSSIBLE for these people! God, what can I do more? God, why did I have to step up? Now I'm not going to get any rest because the secret is out and people are going to want more and more, and I've given ALL to the best of My knowlege and not holding anything back! I've god ADD too because I'm so introspective! Its sucks!

Someone said "What the fu(k?" And I say "WTF?" I just figured the believers needed vindication for God when I found out about My Name and then living the Life of Christ because it was proven to Me in The Bible! I figured I should share and let you guys travel through time with Me, and here we are.... How old am I? Where am I now? When did I write this? Where have I been NOW? Why dont these people see that Peace is THROUGH The Lord? These people are living in the 21st Century, thats why..... Yeah, thats how it was back then.... What millionth year is it NOW? I'm sick of counting thousands anymore! I will play with My HAARP and cast the sunshine anywhere I want with the MIRRORS in space, growing gardens all day long. The multiverse is Gods throne and Earth is where He places His feet to do His (amazing) feats! God plays with Me and I play with God, We do EVERYTHING together! God gives Me My heartbeak and breath!........ But whats the problem again?........ ohhh yeah God its these STIFF NECKED people (as Moses would say!)....... So I'm just going to play dumb until these people get it through the HEMP/grape (Da)Vine!

The sad part is that I think like this and PRAY LIKE THIS every single day and nothing but greef..... But I want reef or reefs (in the ocean) and reef(er) so I can let out instead of keeping it all in! My family says that reefer is My problem but I think its them! EVERY time I've been in the MENTAL HOSPITALS its been because of stress from My family, and thats The Truth! I just want PEACE so maybe thats what the world needs too! So I will MAKE it happen, one person at a time! I just dont want to be the One to do it!

I like HORSES too. Imagine riding a horse on THE MOON? We will just give THE MOON a BIG BIG BiG HEMP PLASTIC dome around it and bring water to it and water it! LOL :D Living at 1/6th gravity is good though for a period but you got to bounce around to other planets too because thats what ROYAL gods do! But We can terraform any planet the way We want because its going to EMPLOY THE WORLD and We all will have as many, or less, jobs as needed! I couldnt think of a better plan for THE BELIEVERS (to) FOLLOW, but I AM SUPER SHY! I kinda just want to fit in and live a NORM(a)L Life but RICH but I dont want anyone left behind! God knows that I pray, but I'm NOTHING CLOSE TO PERFECT but My intentions are blessed and My heart is made from GO(L)D! Thats right its made by God and gold but God is better than gold! I can make gold with Hydrogen and LOTS of PRESSURE! Its a scientific FACT that all the elements can be made like this,,,,,, so invest in your families! :D


I was sharing God with RIU under the Name of LiveAndLetLive.... And the I switched to We Tarded because I didnt think I was going to use that name except as a few (stupid) growing questions..... Under the name of We Tarded I lost My faith in Jesus and I became an agnostic conspiracy theorist trying to START THE REVOLUTION! But I taught alot of people how to grow too, or "teaching how to roll".... Right after I found out about My GMO OMG Name I switched to We Love 1 and started preaching about Jesus and I said a bunch of times "I AM Jesus", but YOU GUYS KNOW Me! I wasnt hiding but trying to work all things for the good because I believe God is good! BUT you guys cant say that you dont know Me because I've been posting on HERE since early 2007 and I've been teaching to grow and preaching, so whats to hate besides My Complex? I want to live in a building complex called God and Christs complex because He built EVERYTHING from Words and Light! And God said "Let there be Light and there was Light. And it was so." And "God said 'Let there be earth' and there was earth!" What do you think God is talking about RIGHT NOW? I bet He is saying "HELLO"! I bet He is saying "What do you want Me to build NOW?"

LOL, just a thought from a couple months ago- Want to get rid of most insects? than build some bat homes. Its obvious ,,,but how bad are the insects where you live? I dont like getting bit by insects.... Just a thought!

EDIT- AGE to AGE He stands and Time is in His hands. What year is it? is it 27 AGG (After God George) or 27,000,000,000 AGG?

What could I do with 2 HEMP seeds? If they were male and female than I could breed those 2 plants and make THOUSANDS of seeds. Than with THOUSANDS of seeds (and if I had the right land and supplies) I could exponetially multiply these thousand seeds into BILLIONS of seeds that can keep breeding and than I can FEED the whole world and SHELTER the whole world and POWER the whole world and CLOTHE the whole world and how much is a life worth? If I can do this with 2 HEMP seeds (granted I have enough space and gardeners..... HINT HINT for the GARDENERS/FARMERS, We will help) than what can I do with THE WHOLE WORLD? Exponential multiplication (of planets and Love)!

I said this on the name We Tarded on RIU.org in like 2008, I said "The world is being PUSHED and PULLED by the sun: Pushed because the solar radiation has a small PUSHING FORCE and PULLED because of gravity." And the world is GROWING because as the Earth absorbs/sucks in the solar radiation, from the sun, it creates mass with the help of plants! You can calculate how much the Earth is growing by using the formula - E=MC^2...... or better M=C^2/E, which means Mass is equal to the speed of light^2 divided by Energy. The more energy, the more potential Mass, and I can up with this theory like 4 years ago and I still believe it to be true.... Can you prove Me wrong? :D

Pushed pulled and growing..... because of the sun!

EDIT- I love to have fun too... I was thinking of good ways to practice things like motorcycles, race cars, (Remote Controlled) RC helicopters and RC planes.... This could be UNDERGROUND or UNDERWATER "bubbles" or FISH BOWLS that have hundreds of yards for its diameter and a BIG PULPIT right in the centar of the bubble; this is for the RC toys because you wont have to worry about your RC helicopter hitting the floor when the floor is a hundred yards down. And for race cars and motorcycles, the best solution would be to make (hemp) PLASTIC floors that dont have any boundries besides the tracts course line. The driver wouldnt get hurt because he would only slide to a stop! These could be underwater or underground too, beause thats where God is leading us to. Imagine riding a dirtbike ON THE MOON, with 1/6th gravity..... How much air (from a jump) could you get there and I bet the landing would NOT hurt even if you crashed! I think like this EVERYDAY, its a plague to Me that I cant get rid of, its My Name!

The gardens are all over the place, feeding people is going to be TOP prioriity but since there will be such of an abundace of food, many flowers grow. Gardens growing food and other plants are all UNDERWATER and UNDERGROUND too... Organic hydroponics work well for many people because its all automatic from between planting time and harvest, so just chill, its organic hydro done automatically self changing water and nutes, what more could you ask? If there is NOT "natural" sunlight than (the same spectrum of) FIBER OPTICS will be used that can simulate a cloudless day or partially cloudy, depending on what the zone wants :D Nulcear FUSION is going to power so much, and there is practially a limitless amount of hydrogen in the ocean, so dont worry about high utilites! I dont think God wants any taxes if the infrestructure is built and in no need of anything.... right? But employees need a reward system to be content with! Sounds like THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT should think of a solution to manage this fairly!

The SPACE JETS are incredible because they are programmed NEVER to crash (using radar)! Its so cool going from SPACE, to AIR and also UNDERWATER! :D I dont think you could ask for a better "vehicle" to take you through the cosmos; and they can run FOREVER using nuclear power! There are plenty of obsolete jets that will be recycled and MASS PRODUCED space jets! If you need to be at the other side of the Earth in about an hour than your in luck because God is into mass production of good things! What do you want to do and where do you want to go? Whats wrong with PERSONAL JETS that are indeed super? A I painting a picture with My fingers (typing) or no? I'm NOT good at drawing by hand and I'm NOT good at lots of things, but thats being human! But I can give you a better gift, its the BLUE PRINTS of The Kingdom..... How long do I have to wait until...... until.... until We get cought up (with Christ) in the air? "All things are possible to those that believe!" and I believe so how long? how long? how long do I have to wait? I will build (a) planets made up of 90% HEMP PLASTIC and they will keep expanding like a baloon, as I have said, too! A planet made from 50% (or more) water and maybe a gold planet and one made from diamons and all of the above :D Planets are big star ships that harbor all life, but its a ship!

Do I need to compare Myself to Noah or Moses or Jesus or Muhammed? Do I need to say it or can it just be implied? I'd rather imply it because I dont need to say it! I have lots of problems though... Whos ARK is this? Who is parting the "dead" sea? Whos saving? Who is prophesing?

I JUST wondered if ANTI-MATTER would add "anti-gravity"? Plus anti-matter is THE MOST EFFICIENT FUEL, like EVER! If We had enough anti-matter than there would NEVER be a bulky machine ever again and they will be powered FOREVER! without fuel or recharging or any of that.... but this is just a thought I just had if anti-matter would give anti-gravity...??? Maybe thats what the UFOs were using when I saw them on July 2 of 2012!

And the MASS-PRODUCED MANSIONS made from HEMP PLASTIC are going to be dropped into place using HUGE helicopters because no road will be big enough so LOTS of helicopter pilots are needed! They will be stacked like LEGOS! Get ready to see MANSIONS flying into place, and stacked like LEGOS! MANSION on top of MANSION whether on land, or UNDERGROUND or UNDERWATER because those are Our options :D Most of this stuff I have been thinking of for A LONG TIME but I dont like telling people because I AM so GRANDIOUS! I take something and go a TRILLION miles with it until its perfected in use! This is only the beginning of the journey, are you guys READY? What about NOW? or NOW? LOL, God has good plans and planets... We've got to plan it the planets... Say "plan it" and then "planet".... They sound the same to Me!

You dont even need to buy The Bible anymore, you can watch it LIVE on the internet! Just look Him up online :D

EDIT- Luke 7:22...... I just did it again!

And John, calling unto him two of his disciples, sent them to Jesus asking, “Art thou He that should come, or look we for another?” [SUP]20 [/SUP]When the men had come unto Him, they said, “John the Baptist hath sent us unto thee, asking, ‘Art thou He that should come, or look we for another?’”
[SUP]21 [/SUP]And in that same hour He cured many of their infirmities and plagues and of evil spirits, and unto many who were blind He gave sight.
[SUP]22 [/SUP]Then Jesus answering said unto them, “Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard: how the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the Gospel is preached.
[SUP]23 [/SUP]And blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in Me.”

NOW look at what I just wrote!

Do I need to compare Myself to Noah or Moses or Jesus or Muhammed? Do I need to say it or can it just be implied? I'd rather imply it because I dont need to say it! I have lots of problems though... Whos ARK is this? Who is parting the "dead" sea? Whos saving? Who is prophesing?

Do I need to interperate? Its a deja vu!

EDIT- But why move mountains when you can just cut right through them like swiss cheese and make MANSIONS out of them with HUNDREDS of stories high, and gardens inside there too. It would be better than the pyramid city that I linked to you guys! But We will move other mountains just to move them :D

Because of the UNDERWATER cities for the sea-life, and since there will be hundreds of layers/stories their will be need for air pockets, and I figure make the air pocketsrun as long as possible so people wont drown when scuba diving and getting lost in the VASTNESS! Safty first is a good thing!..... I hope you guys like SEAFOOD because that will most likely be an option because of the SEALIFE CITIES for the sea creatures to play in and multiply,,,, and whats wrong with eating lobster and scallaps and shrimp and tuna for dinner? But you guys know sea food, but the abundance is going to be insane! Plus We will soon have homes down there with them! The animals are going to have TONS of extra SPACE too because of My expansion of the plan it.

What more can be done to a planet? Of course plenty of luxuries will go along but you guys know what you want! These things are mundane planets, because its only One Prophet away. I'll tell you what God wants, He wants PEACE!

I just want to know where I went wrong...??? I thought the world was full of Believers in The Lord...??? I thought I was going to be King back in 2008 when I first found out My Name.... What would you guys think the FASTEST WAY TO GET THE Message OUT (would be)? I thought it was the WORLD WIDE WEB...?

EDIT-Do you guys like boats too? I was thinking that boats could also ride UNDERWATER beccause they would just need an AIR GATE down there, like a HUGE channel of plastic where the HEMP plastic keeps the AIR down and the water right below. If you wanted you could travel great distances underwater in a boat... Submaries are the school buses of underwater trave, but I'm talking about (literal) boats right now. You could go up and down in the channel, with the use of UNDERWATER streams! I'm vague because I want you guys to fill in the blanks and I imply MOST THINGS! Think of a very LONG dome that is maybe a few hundreds yards wide and maybe a few hundred feet tall, BUT its MILES LONG! The boats could run off of LIQUID Hydrogen (and Oxygen) so there would be NO (bad) EMISSIONS that polute. And like I said about the SEA KINGdom that we scuba dive- there is channels of air, up above, that you can walk on and look down if you dont want to swim of scuba dive. I plan on making things SAFE AS POSSIBLE, but the VASTNESS is going to be surreal! What would happen if there was a million times more sea bottoms? And the layers of sea life can be 20ft tall or 100ft tall or whatever we want. I'll make most of it from HEMP PLASTIC! HAHA :D Since air bubbles rise, I will just need to PUMP AIR to the bottom of these SEA CITIES and let the air rise up to fill the rest of the AIR CHANNELS that will make is so that you can WALK inside of these layers and swim at will, and you could be 50 stories down the SEA CITY and watch the sea animals... PLENTY of FOOD too from the fish and crustations because they are going to multiply BILLIONS of times over, or maybe more if I get My way :D I AM The King of the SEA, or should I say "I AM The King, SEE!" :D

Its an adventure with Christ and God, so get on the (canni)bus! Where ever you go, whether SPACE, UNDERGROUND or UNDERWATER, I will keep you safe and warm so get on the ride :D The ride is going where ever you want to go, JUST DREAM it and that option will be for you!

You are My hands and feet! So be good to yourself and others!

Streets of GOLD or planets of GOLD? Which is better? Girls love diamonds, so grow them diamonds from coal! (One mans trash is another mans treasure...) People dont really love plastic, but I think its one of the best tools to make our dreams come true and come quick! But GOLD will come, but it takes more time to GROW from (hydrogen and) ENERGY! But I didnt dream of what I would be like at 27 years old but what about when I AM 30 or 33 years old!!!!? Jobs are going to be flowing when people want to work for The KINGdom! And I'm such a noob(ie) at this, thats why I'm still shy! LOL :D (but I've been preaching on HERE since day 1 to this day, since 2007, go look it up!)

THE PASSWORD is "Paise God"

And when we make mistakes it could just be God setting Us up for a better future....? I make tons of mistakes, every day! Im a little stoned right now! LOL :D Who wants to go scuba diving (with rebreathers) in their back yars with Me? I love to dive!

Channels of water flowing through out all countries with ocean life! Its one of the best solutions to a problem! What would you do to bring THE OCEAN and FRESH water to people that want it? People can ALWAYS turn ocean water into fresh with reverse osmosis (and distilleries)! RIGHT? LOL, I couldnt think of a better world! PLUS climate control (via Our buddies at HAARP)! (do you have a solution to My problems?)

I'm NOT here to start a cult but rather THE REVOLUTION!

Pentacost came when I tripped on salvia, I came right through the walls; but I wont do it again. Id rather be "stoned"... pun intended!

EDIT- and when you want to smoke HERB in public than just use a (ciggerette like) electronic vaporizor that HASH can be packed into. I thought of that idea for My buddy (that has COPD) a few months ago. And I now still think that its a wonderful way to toke IN PUBLIC..... Whos going to know the difference anyways besides you getting lifted?

EDIT- I can make perpetual ENERGY from just metal, or wires or COILS OF WIRE. Basically making the COILS OF WIRE bounce off of eachother from the magnitism from current flow in a coil of wire. I went to school for electronics and this is ANOTHER INVERNTION of Mine! Isnt that cool, can Jesus do that? :D I have it all figured out. And that perpetual energy can power LIGHT MOTORS run from just Light! But these TWO NEW MOTORS can be as BIG or small as one would like it. I thought of them Myself within the last 3 months, so what?

I truly believe that making canals like a checker-board is one of the best solutions to making people happy. Theses (canal) channels can be ripped into the world every 100 miles from square to square. So the beach would always be within an hour ride from your house; And these ocean channels could be like 10 miles wide or whatever the people want in that area of the globe. But how much power could you harvest from the flow of water too? How much salt water could be turned into FRESH water? (Some) Fresh Currents will employ you! I own that compaly, My buisness name is Fresh Currents.

The globe will be canaled with OCEAN, every X miles and it will be X miles wide. Whos going to lose in My buisness Fresh Currents?

Maybe We can make pretty shapes of OCEAN channels so We can look from space and laugh LMAO :D (I just want to know how many miles wide you want your OCEAN CHANNEL to be next to just ONE OF YOUR HOMES!)

How much fun would that be? How easy would it be to move these "mountains" using NUCLEAR FUSION? Would you like to use a jet ski everyday and go fishing for HUGE fish and swimming, wind surfing and scube diving and tanning (everyday)? How about it? I think its the best solution I have come up with so far, and I thought of it within the last week! How about God playing with HAARP(s) to make it a good temp for recreation? :D

I said to My mom "Why go to the beach when you can bring the beach to your house?" LOL

I AM plagued by these thoughts, and I cant run from it... WTF?

EDIT- The Light motors that I thought of can be made exclusivly from plastic! What a good idea to turn Light and plastic into an engine or motor? I've got it figured out already, its super simple, the plastic just needs a white side and a black side, and the light pushes it and creates a motion (or spin or torge). Many small motors can be stacked next to eachother to make a better shape :D What am I going to think of next?

So God will PLUMB THE WORLD this way, because this kind of "living water" is FREE! if you need a drink while scuba diving you can just use a (reverse osmosis) straw... I'll supply them for you guys. Take a drink from the ocean using a (reverse osmosis) straw! (I got the idea of the reverse osmosis straw today, but I've know about reverse osmosis for over 5 years now!)

And BTW, I KNOW (most of) YOU GUYS KNOW ME,,,,,,,,,,, but I'm going to act ignorant until We go scuba diving together in the SEA Kingdom because I feel most comfortable underwater and I We could go diving in TEAMS... And I will teach you all how to scuba dive, its VERY simple, just relax and breath!

God loves you guys!

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