I just got baked and I feel great, LOL... I havent smoked weed for 2 months! When I'm stoned I feel most spiritual but shhh, dont tell anyone
This is for My Grandmother....
God loves you guys, I'll talk to you later!
EDIT- Also there will be plenty of beaches UNDERWATER too (with plenty of SAND..... SAND to make glass (BONGS)). Its just going to take a BIG (HEMP) PLASTIC DOME! There will be statiums too for recreational sports and just about ANYTHING that can fit UNDER A HEMP DOME THAT CAN BE THOUSANDS OF YARDS WIDE AND hundreds of feet tall! What cant you do with HEMP? AND AND AND Plenty of (UNDERWATER) BEACHES to SURF at with the help of WAVE MACHINES, and just go to the part of the UNDERWATER BEACH that has waves at the height that you want. They can be small and they could be HUGE.... So what more do you guys want? I will MAKE it happen because I AM going FROM GLORY TO GLORY TO GLORY because God is sooooooooo Go(o)d! I will MAKE it happen, just let Me pray and ask God for it to be!
(They say "God is Good ALL THE TIME!" The best is yet to come! Just ask God for what you want and believe, because Christ said in The Bible "Say to this mountain 'Be removed and cast into the sea' and it will obey you and nothing will be impossible for those that believe"...... Is the lyrics in The Bible coming to life now?)
I was thinking about getting rid of war as we know it. I figured that the people that lose most in war is THE FAMILIES of the dead soldiers. So My solution is letting them "fight" it out using a combination of LASER TAG, PAINTBALL and HAND TO HAND COMBAT (without weapons). For fighting distances greater than 1000 yards than LASER TAG will work good. If its around 1000 yards or less than SUPER HIGH TECH PAINTBALL combat. And for anything under about ~10 yards than HAND TO HAND fighting until someone taps out. Its obviously going to be VERY HIGH TECH and as real to war as possible, except people wont die. And the solution to the soldiers that "died" in the war simulation is maybe they should go to the middle of the desert of Austrailia and stay there for 1/2 year and have to suffer the repercusions of war without dying. The "dead" soldiers in the desert should get minimal supplies of water and food, but let the opposing sides squash the beef while in exile and they might even make friends with eachother. I think its a good solution to MAKING WAR OBSOLETE! Like I said, the real losers of war is THE FAMILIES OF THE DEAD SOLDDIERS! Do you have a better solution?
I bet THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT is going to dictate an economy that is going to be a combination of Capitalism, Socialism and Communism. Capitalism because people deserve to be rewarded for working hard or contributing to society in a way. Plus people are NOT free and their belongings can be sentimental. Socialism because their shouldnt be such a class warfare between "rich" and "poor" people. Its good for lots of people to be rich, but its not good for lots of people to be poor. So My plan is to lift up EVERY CLASS to make people richer and richer, whether they be poor or rich, I say make everyone richer. Communism because the poor should have plenty of JOBS to make a living. I plan on taking THE BEST of THE BEST from each of these different forms of governing, but currently they all have pros and cons but I'm going to maximise the PROS and get rid of the cons to build a UTOPIAN society where everyone can live a respectable life.
If its good than God wants it for His children. I will MAKE IT HAPPEN, let Me pray and ask God for His guidance. But I dont want to dictate but rather suggest beautiful notions. I say let the people have the power with THE ONLINE GOVERNMENT, as long as there are checks and balances. What more could the children of God want? I will MAKE IT HAPPEN, as long as its good for everyone.
How many jobs would this create? Isnt this what people need?
EDIT- I just thought that BIBLE can be an acronym for.......... Building Infinite Bases Lasting Evermore..... LOL, it works but thats just something I thought of like 20 minutes ago, LOL.
The idea of blowing the world up with UNDERGROUND MANSIONS, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENTS was a genuine idea of Mine but this way of carving it out I saw in a video. In the youtube video they said that the government might use NUCLEAR POWERED LASERS to do the job. I just saw that video within the last couple of weeks or so BUT WHAT A GOOD IDEA! I've been preaching about blowing the world up with UNDERGROUND CITIES, FARMS AND ENVIORNMENT for 5 years now, back in 2008 is when I came up with that idea. And that idea alone would EMPLOY THE WHOLE WORLD and multiply the living and growing space of this world MILLIONS of times over.
Also, I would use HEMP bio-diesel for the MYT ENGINE because I AM or WE are going to be growing sooooo much hemp, all over the place, that its not even going to be funny

But 150 MPG is good enough for Me
And like I said in one of My youtube videos, "You guys can SEARCH what I said on Rollitup.org from as early as 2006ish under the name of LiveAndLetLive than We Tarded and than We Love 1 ".... in that order. I did NOT know that I'm Christ under the screen names of "LiveAndLetLive" and "We Tarded" but right after I found out about My Name that I switched it to "We Love 1" and all of those names are from Rollitup.org. If you feel like reading My book or My autobiography than feel free to. If you want to know Me better than right HERE on RIU.org I wrote more on the internet than anywhere else.
And if someone says that we can NOT do these things than say YAHWEH can do it. Yahweh is the Jewish Name of God. Yah way, we can do it. Yahweh can do it or God can do it! Yah WAY! God!