• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I found like a DOZEN VIDEOS of Christ Himself, He said that He posted on HERE!!!!!

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ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i watched about a minuite of one of his videos and decided not to waste any more of my precious life viewing, but if someone could write out his main points of evidence id gladly take a look .


Well-Known Member
i watched about a minuite of one of his videos and decided not to waste any more of my precious life viewing, but if someone could write out his main points of evidence id gladly take a look .
It's pretty much the plot of 23.

"In The Number 23 Walter Sparrow becomes obsessed with a novel that he believes was written about him. As his obsession increases, more and more similarities seem to arise."


Well-Known Member
A letter from The Man! TODAY! (I might reply to some of your comments later)

On 12/21/12

You may be wondering “How could people breath in UNDERWATERmansions?” Or “How could the world ‘blow up’ with UNDERGROUND mansions?” Or“How can a jet fly both in OUTERSPACE and UNDERWATER using the SAME jet?”

I’m going to try and candidly explain these things because Idid NOT have time to do so in the videos I made and I don’t like making youtubevideos because I embarrass Myself…. LOL… But FIRST..

The people and animals and plants will breath UNDERWATERvery simply, FIRST the SALT WATER is made up of H2O, or Hydrogen and Oxygen andthe SALT makes it a decent conductor of electricity which is very good forELECTROLYSIS. Electrolysis is basically PASSING AN ELECTRIC CURRENT THROUGHSALT WATER. Salt is very good in this case because it augments the process. Youcan then collect the Hydrogen bubbles and Oxygen bubbles to be used forwhatever. Its best to liquefy BOTH the Hydrogen and the Oxygen if you want todecrease the space it takes up as a gas. So if you have electricity and saltwater, it is very simple, just pass a current through the salt water. In thefuture there will be NO SHORTAGE of electricity. So the Oxygen FOR US TO BREATHwill be in abundance because it can be “ripped” out of the ocean water, andlikewise the hydrogen FOR FUEL! That is why living UNDERWATER is going to be SOEASY! PLUS any plastic (or FIBER OPTICS) needed for the building materials canbe grown FROM HEMP, all day long in farms that are bigger than a small countryto feed our needs. PLUS we will be growing things UNDERGROUND too, like 200stories of underground farms or as many need be. We are/will be able to growUNDERWATER TOO because that is TOO EASY too.

With that being said, THE UNDERWATER JETS will be able tofly in OUTER SPACE using liquid Hydrogen and liquid Oxygen for its fuel (whichcomes from the ocean). If the jet is flying in the air than just the liquidHydrogen will be needed because there is sufficient Oxygen in the air. And theOxygen needed to “fly” a jet UNDERWATER will come from the ocean and it can be“ripped” right from the water. Like I said in a video (about UNDERWATER), “Aninternal engine will be needed, like a FUEL CELL.” A FUEL CELL candidly takesHydrogen and turns it into electricity. So these two can be ripped right out ofthe water and while the jet is moving forward VERY VERY VERY FAST! We mighteven take a “dunk” in the ocean (with our SPACE JETS) just to refill up withthese “supplies” because its sooo abundant there. (Jets could fly using nuclearenergy, but its too dangerous IMO)

The space jets will be used to gather ASTROIDS and COMETS toform other planets for posterity too. You might be a SPACE CADET (like Me) whowill gather these rocks to form planets for us, just in case we need morespace.

As far as the “SPACE BALLS” go, the inside wouldn’t have tobe round, it could be square on the inside too. If the outside had a ROUND“case” around this UNDERWATER HOME than like 3 points could be used to rotateit in place. Think of a FERRIS WHEEL how the tires rotate it in place, but onthe bottom. I was thinking that 3 points would all that would be needed to rotateit in any direction, AND since its going to be like 2K square feet (OR MORE) insize, its most likely going to be buoyant and there would be something neededto keep it down. That’s why these “wheels” that are going to rotate it willmost likely be near the top but far enough apart to keep the space ball downeven with heavy ocean currents or a storm. But this is NOT the only way, butit’s a start. The world is 70% water ON THE SURFACE and the ocean can go veryvery deep, So how much vacant real estate is there? NOW? I talk about FLOATINGmansions, farms and environment too on the videos. And maybe these could beused to keep the space balls underwater.?. So I CAN walk on water, but…. I’m100% human so its not like I can just step on water and glide across, but ifJesus could walk on water than He could fly too, right? I’m a human on a Divinemission, call Me CRAZY but I already know I’m CRAZY! LOL :D

The UNDERGROUND mansions will be made using TUNNEL BORINGMACHINES (or TBMs) and/or using HIGH POWERED LASERS that will cut through stonelike a hit knife through butter. I told My buddies on Rollitup.org about thesein like 2008 and I believe I mentioned it in a few videos (when I was chubby).I AM going to grow more hemp and more hemp and more hemp etc. to keep growingthe world for posterity so there will never be “over population”. Another thingto think about is WHEN YOU ESCAVATE FROM THE INSIDE OF THE EARTH, THAN ITSGOING TO BUILD MORE MATTER (OR DIRT) ON THE OUTSIDE and thusly ‘blowing up’ theworld to a greater diameter. Get it?

Basically I plan on maximizing the best ideas so that therewill be a global UTOPIAN SOCIETY and to get over petty differences and work onmaking everyone having the richest life possible, and NOT to exclude any race,creed or tongue. Utopia will be different for everyone but I think these arethe right steps in A NEW DIRECTION! I talked about the other things on theyoutube videos, I just wanted to clarify on these points, and I wrote over 7Kposts on rollitup.org BUT I know these things are totally possible and I havealready put the pieces together, I’m just waiting on My people to come togetherand advocate for UTOPIA. You can see My face and hear My voice on the youtubevideos, I NEVER said I’m perfect and I NEVER will be perfect, BUT I’m fightingon your side and I always will be (too). My goal is NOT to offend anyonebecause My beef is with the central banks and no one else, I don’t have timefor bickering or BS because I have My own problems. But trust Me, I have THEGRAND DESIGN all laid out for those who will just grab it and take it toheavens gates. I’m only going to improve on My world until…. I’ll never stoptrying to make it better and better.

And NO family shouldgo without when God freely gave us all of these things. Food? NO PROBLEM!Water? NO PROBLEM! Energy? NO PROBLEM! Shelter? NO PROBLEM! And again, NOPROBLEM! We just need to grow more (HEMP), its that simple !

You may be wondering “Are these things really possible?” Itell you The Truth, it says in The Go(o)d Book, “With men these things areIMPOSSIBLE….. BUT with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!” So start by ready The NewTestament. God loves you (all) and Christ loves you (all) too.

EDIT- I cant forget the ~PEACE~ LOL




Well-Known Member
you do realize we breathe air, not oxygen right? I don't know if I misread but I think he's under the impression we only breathe oxygen. We DO, but you can't just breathe oxygen. And hold up a sec, I skimmed but isn't he saying, yeah once we get everyone in the water, lets just run electricity through it?...Because that's safe.

edit: This whole thing..lol.


you do realize we breathe air, not oxygen right? I don't know if I misread but I think he's under the impression we only breathe oxygen. We DO, but you can't just breathe oxygen. And hold up a sec, I skimmed but isn't he saying, yeah once we get everyone in the water, lets just run electricity through it?...Because that's safe.

edit: This whole thing..lol.
The narrative is good :-) But gathering Hydrogen and Oxygen, this is definitely something that EARTH needs to start utilizing.....


I'm a preacher in the making. I'm born again & I'm here to spread the gospel. Or the Good News that we have a living Savior & that The Bible is NOT about a guy that lived & died 2000 years ago but its about THIS Person that has overcome & iTAKING US ALL TO HEAVEN!

What dont you guys understand?

There might be some "funny guys" on here and whatever, but I'm looking for the Christians in search of Christ!

You guys want to refute the evidence in the videos? If it is true than "What time is it?"? Can anyone say its time TO BE RAPTURED?

I hear Christ (AKA George Manuel Oliveira) talk about HEAVEN on EARTH and building a UTOPIAN SOCIETY, with UNDERGROUND MANSIONS, FARMS & ENVIORNMENT, UNDERWATER MANSIONS, FARMS & ENVIORMENTS, & EVERYTIHNG IN BETWEEN.. I hear of ways to make the most of the best & make things more efficient so people can prosper..

Like I said, REFUTE THE EVIDENCE ON THE VIDEOS. Whats wrong with what He said besides He was a little chubby for a few, but everyone knows a chubby good person and loves them.

REFUTE THE EVIDENCE! IF He is not Christ than who is?

Christianity is "THE NUMBER ONE 'RELIGION' IN THE WORLD", so WAIT UNTIL the Christians (that are looking for The Savior) to find out!

God bless!
:idea: (Hugs) How do you know who does and does not understand?


Well-Known Member
I still have MUCH to teach fromThe Bible but this is enough for today. I’m praying for you guys every day,nonstop! (I’m sorry if some of the words are typos or are not separated becauseI’m copying and pasting from Microsoft Word and I don’t feel like proof reading it. But 99% of it should be accurate, the 1% is from typos and getting messed up from copying and pasting, sorry.)

This is My, George Manuel Oliveira, commentary about the Bible and what I believe is pertinent and some of the prophecies that I (The Second Coming (or The First Coming? I’m not sure…LOL)) have fulfilled! First I AM going to site the OBVIOUS prophecies that I have fulfilled. Hold on its going to be a ride into My past, present and future and the whole world will one day find out these things also.

Matthew 4:2

“And when He had fasted fortydays and forty nights, afterward He was hungry.”

I bought My house in ME when I was 21 years old and I paid cash from working as a commercial scuba diver for quahogs and later I started working on commercial fishing boats, and if I wasn’t working on a fishing boat I was scuba diving for quahogs because I was already engaged at 21 and I was trying to start a family with her. I planned on growing enough herb to retire early and pay off the taxes for My VERY HARD labor, that’s why I bought the house. Long story short, I had to move from ME to MA because I ran out of money and I was 22 turning 23 within a couple months. I came back from Maine and within a few weeks My X fiancé broke up with Me. I wanted to die butI didn’t want to hurt Myself and I couldn’t keep down food because I was sick to My stomach that she would do that to Me, I’ve been a godly person all My Life; but that’s a story for another time. Anyways, I couldn’t eat so I figured I just wouldn’t eat and decided to starve Myself. So the point is that I went about 6 weeks without any food besides grape juice and maybe a TINY snack every few days. I weighed 185lbs (and I’m 6ft 1) and after the 6 weeks or ROUGHLY 40DAYS (because 6x’s 7 is about 40) of fasting I weighed 160lbs. I was very skinny but strong before the fast and after the fast I could see My bones, it was NOT healthy. I got delusional and was hearing voices on the radio, and I said to My dad “you make Me feel like I want to kill Myself.” But like 3 days earlier I found out I AM Christ; I looked up what My middle and last Name meant and I found out that GMO backwards is OMG. I went to the first mental hospital after like an hour of telling someone I’m Christ. This was August of 2008 when this happened and I’ve been talking to My people on Rollitup.org prior to this point for like 3 years of bullshitting with you guys. So the prophecy of fasting for 40 days was fulfilled in this point in My Life!

Matthew 8:23-27

New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Calms the Storm

23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. 24 Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 25 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”

26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

27 The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

So like I said “I was a commercial fisherman.” The boat called “The Direction” was the second boat I worked on, and it is a 65ft lobster boat. It was actually on the DiscoveryChannel; the show was called “Lobster Fisherman of New England”. It was like “The Deadliest Catch” kind of show. Go look it up if you don’t believe Me. I worked on The Direction a year after that show. Anyways, I went out to go fishing and it was a 24 hour ride to get to the fishing grounds and I would work 21 hours a day once we got to the lobster pots so we would try to sleep during this ride. So I was sleeping on the bow of the boat where the beds are I woke up and I was floating every other second. The storm was so bad that I was rising like 1-3inches off the bed (or “rack”) and then sinking back down into the bed/rack. LOL, no lie. The winds were blowing about 120mph and the waves were about 30-40 feet HIGH! I woke up and talked to the rest of the crew and the captain (his name is Al) said “We are going to die, I’ve never been in a storm so bad!” (Mind you this was when I was like 20 years old, before I ever had the notion I’m Christ because I never believed I AM Christ until I turned 23 years old.) I believe I said “Is it a good time to check the survival suits?” I wasn’t that scared because I always had faith in God and I knew the boat had survival suits. So if the boat did go under, I would have a survival suit to don on. AFTER being awake for like 2 hour I was tired and I took some pictures of the storm (or “tempest”) on my cell and that was enough; and I went back to sleep! I was a little apprehensive that the captain said “We might die” but I lived for that stuff. LOL! But I’ve been on plenty of boats in BAD BAD weather; but I worked on boats that were usually much larger (than 65ft) like around TWICE that size, like 185 footers. But that storm stuck in My mind because the captain said “We might die”. BUT I lived for that stuff, I liked it. (I’m less “dangerous” now though.) So there is another prophecy fulfilled in Me.


(These next TWO quotes Scriptures are about THE SOWER AND THE SEED! PAY ATTENTION TO THE NUMBERS 3& 6)

Matthew 13:3-9
The Parableof the Sower

New Living Translation (NLT)

3 He told many stories in the form of parables, such as this one:

“Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seeds. 4 As he scattered them across his field, some seeds fell on a foot path, and the birds came and ate them. 5 Other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The seeds sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. 6 But the plants soon wilted under the hot sun, and since they didn’t have deep roots, they died. 7 Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants. 8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was 60, 30 , and even a hundred times as much as had been planted! 9 Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”

Mark 4:3-9

New Living Translation (NLT)
The Parable of the Sower

3 “Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seed. 4 As he scattered it across his field, some of the seed fellon a foot path, and the birds came and ate it. 5 Other seed fell on shallow soilwith underlying rock. The seed sprouted quickly because the soil was shallow. 6 But the plant soon wilted under the hot sun, and since it didn’t have deep roots, it died. 7 Other seed fell among thorns that grew up and choked out the tender plants so they produced no grain. 8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they sprouted, grew, and produced a crop that was 30, 60, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!” 9 Then he said, “Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.”

Ok you read the Scripture and noticed the numbers. A little of My background and then the reason why I quoted this. When I was a little boy, I first smoked herb at the age of about 7 years old. I didn’t even know what it was but I was about that old. I used to go into school at like 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] and definitly 4[SUP]th[/SUP]grade STONED! When I was 15 years old I lived at 63 Pine St in Stoughton MA and I decided I wanted to grow herb with some bagseed because I was smoking herb like every day. My dad had a little garden and figured I would grow some herb so I wouldn’t have to buy it. LOL! I caught some sun fish at a pond and I added lime powder to my dads garden and I planted the seed; BUT I didn’t know how to grow anything, Iwas just guessing. LOL! The plants were like 7ft tall in August but My dad pulled them out before they budded; My dad didn’t even know what a pot plant looked like, he thought they were just weeds and I honestly believe him because he only smoked herb ONCE in his life (to this day). The funny thing is that they would have been seeded bud because I didn’t know the difference between male and female plants. I never went on the internet at this point in My life and I didn’t want to show anyone My crops. I was born in 1985, I’m 27 NOW! That was the FIRST time I ever grew herb and I NEVER grew it again until I bought My house at the age of 21 at 36 Aroostook Ave in Millinocket Maine. Like I said this was the SECOND time I ever grew pot. I NEVER had a mortgage on My house because I paid CASH (or a bankcheck) and I bought My house when I was 21 because I worked HARD on fishing boats or scuba diving for clams and I saved all My money so I could start a family. FYI I started smoking herb at 7 and I smoked with friends until I turned 16; at 16 I stopped doing drugs until I turned 23 because I went toschool to be an electronics engineer at a Voc Tech High School, and I actually went to college for engineering BUT I didn’t complete a semester because I didn’t have a car or enough money, so I dropped out and than started to work construction, than the fishing career. BUT I lived at these TWO homes BEFORE Iever read The Bible or had the notion that I AM Christ, God is My Witness. The parable is about The Sower and the seed. Look at the numbers again. I’m The Sower and the seeds were pot seeds…. LOL! The reason why I bought 36 Aroostook was because I could afford it; I wanted something MUCH CLOSER to MAss. I bought the house so I could pay My taxes and retire early instead of doing the rat race. You know? It’s a long story but I’ll be candid as possible. To surmise The Bible put the 3 and 6 in that order and LOOK at the FIRST TWO places where I grew weed. Coincidence? Maybe, but what if it was (a) set up by God? Look at all the other facts I’m confessing. Oh, and BTW (By The Way) I grew some killer buds at 36 Aroostook in Maine, everyone said they were the best buds they ever smoked. I gave some of those seeds to Loud Blunts from RIU.org like 5 years ago.. LOL! Fdd2blk had to intervene on an argument between Me and Loud Blunts.. LOL! I sent him those seeds and LB said he didn’t get them? WTF? Next Scripture, hold on to your pants.


Matthew 14:13-22

Today's New InternationalVersion (TNIV)

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

13 When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this,the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.

15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.”

16 Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

17 “We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered.

18 “Bring them here to me,” he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.

Ok, well I cant take 5 loavesand 2 fish and feed over 5000 people from that alone but, as I said, I was a commercial fisherman and I first became a commercial scuba diver ; I was diving for quahogs and I was catching about 600 pounds a day. Next I met a one of My best friends that was/is a fisherman and he got Me set up working on the first fishing boat called The “Dona Martita” which was the 185ft boat which was fishing for HERRING and (holy) MACKEREL. That boat had a 800 thousand pound capacity for fish, which is just about 1 million pounds. This boat was a para-troller which means it needed 2 boats to pull A HUGE NET. These are the 2 fish, (maybe?)the 2 boats. And the crew members were 5 total; 2 deckhands, 1 captain, 1 mate,and 1 chief engineer. These are the 5 loaves, (maybe?) the 5 crew members. The point I’m really trying to make is that I caught MILLIONS of pounds of fish and feed MILLIONS of people because we would catch MILLIONS of pounds every week and I worked on a bunch of boats that caught TONS of fish EVERY DAY. (If you know Me and have watched My videos, do I even need to say that once I AM King I will feed THE WHOLE WORLD? I’m going to need farmers to help and employ the rest of the world too, but growing (organic food) is going to be paramount!) This is a FACT, its on My record that I worked on these boats and I’m not going to tell you how hard or how many hours STRAIGHT I would work BUT SUPER HARD(LABOUR) & LONG HOURS. FYI, I never paid taxes on the money I made from commercial fishing though…. LOL! Its all good. I’m also going to write about this boat, the Dona Martita, and the miracle of catching over 1 MILLION poundsof (holy) mackerel in 1 tow or set of the net. The Bible talks about how Jesus said “’Let down the net’.. And they caught so much fish that the boat was sinking and they shared it with a partner boat.” This also happened to Me but I’m going through The New Testament in consecutive order, so I’ll get to that later.


Matthew 14:23-33

Today's New International Version (TNIV)

23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24 but the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Like I said, “I am/was a commercial scuba diver!” (I haven’t been diving in a few years though). When I would go diving for quahogs I wouldn’t wear fins because it was easier to walk on the ocean floor because I would wear like an extra 50 pounds of lead weight to keep Me from floating. It was a lot quicker just to walk on the sea floor and glide across the ocean bottom like superman because I would push off the floor and My head would be like 2 feet off the floor because that angle was the quickest. When I was moving 100-200lbs of quahogs to My Jeep I would walk like straight up on the floor because with that much extra weight I could move quick at a vertical angle (or 90 degrees) but when I wasn’t moving heavy quahogs I was gliding at like a 30 degree angle because that was quickest. I never thought “I’m walking on water!” because I was walking IN water and I never thought I was Christ or anything like that (because I was under 23 years old here and it was at 23 is when I found out about My Name.), it was My job. I used to spend like 6-7 hours a day UNDERWATER collecting quahogs so I could make some money, that’s it. It was My favorite job because I was My own boss and I didn’t have to worry about getting bitched at for stupid sh*t. It was just Me and the fish and quahogs and I was surrounded by ocean water all the time. (This is also a FACT of life becauseits on My record and I have plenty of people that would testify.) I loved it and I became really good at it too. So I can NOT walk ON water but I walked IN water plenty of times, it was My job… LOL! Like I said, if someone can walk ON water (without any machines) than they could fly like superman too, because both would defy physics. Another prophecy fulfilled in Me. Need I say more?


Matthew 17:1-9

New International Version (NIV)

The Transfiguration

17 After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. 2 There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. 3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

4 Peter said to Jesus, “Lord,it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

5 While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”

6 When the disciples heard this, they fell face down to the ground, terrified. 7 But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” 8 When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.

9 As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”

I made a youtube video about the 5 signs in the clouds that I saw. I will briefly talk about the FIRST sign I saw which was God in the clouds. I was driving around with My buddy Patrick Gould and I ended up pulling over to a place where I made the most money scuba diving for quahogs and as soon as I parked My Jeep I looked up in the clouds and said “Look, it looks like God in the clouds!” to My buddy Patrick and he saw it too and said “Yea, it does.” (This was 2009, or about a year after I got the notion I AM Christ!). You can ask My buddy Patrick Gould what he saw that day too, but I’m going to explain. Gods face was lite up by the sun RIGHT BEHIND His HEAD and I could see long wavy hair. It looked like He was wearing a white robe; because His Body was a cloud and that cloud was separate from the other clouds. Around His waist or chest area there was like a strip of cloud that I later read in The Bible that it might have been a sickle that represents THE HARVEST AT THE END OF THE AGE! Everything was proportional to what a Person should look like, it was beautiful and I didn’t think I would see any other signs in the clouds because I NEVER saw anything like that before; I saw God in the clouds vividly for like 3-4 minutes and then the wind blew it away. Like Isaid, I saw 4 other signs in the clouds but I made a youtube video about them.The last signs I saw in the clouds was when I was in PRISON for getting into a fight with My dad, but I was NOT convicted of any crime because My dad was a child abuser and the reason why My parents got divorced was because My mom caught My dad abusing Me (which happened regularly before they got divorced when I was in the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] grade). So the last sign was about 2 months after BLACK FRIDAY in 2009 when I was in prison at Bridgewater MA for 2 months (but it felt like 2 years). I saw 2 signs in the clouds at Bridgewater; but they are explained in the youtube videos. But I saw God in the clouds ONCE and it was one of the most beautiful things I ever saw. Something or someone was controlling the clouds, it might have been God or HAARP (or ETs, because I believe in them too.). HAARP is a weather controlling facility in Alaska I believe, but I don’t know where else they might be. But someone was controlling the clouds because it was NOT natural and that’s why they stuck in My mind; because I never before,or since, have seen anything like that before. God is My Witness that I’m not lying and I tell you the Truth. So heres another prophecy fulfilled (take it or leave it because I don’t care).


Matthew 21:1-9

New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King

21 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3 If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”

4 This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet:

5 “Say to Daughter Zion,
‘See, your king comes to you,
gentle and riding on a donkey,
and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’”[a]

6 The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. 7 They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on. 8 A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 9 The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted,

“Hosanna to the Son ofDavid!”

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”[c]

“Hosanna[d] in the highest heaven!”

I told you guys about My X fiancé, well this was the LAST thing we ever did together. I was 23 years old when this happened & I already started to believe I’m Christ; BUT I NEVER read The Bible and I didn’t even know this was in The Bible. God as My Witness! She broke up with Me because “she didn’t love Me anymore.”. I still wanted to be with her and I figured that if I could win her heart over again maybe she might still want to be together. I was thinking “Maybe if we go horseback riding she will enjoy herself and love Me again.”. So I asked her the closest place where we could rent some horses. We found a place that was a town over from her town. We got there and I saw the youngest and strongest horse (or colt, but I didn’t know what the word "colt" meant at that time, LOL!) and I told her “I’m going to ride that one because it looks fast.” Two women came out and we told them we want to ride the horses and I said “I want that one” but they said that “This horse has NEVER BEEN RIDEN BEFORE and they just got him” and “they didn’t know how he would react because NO ONE HAS EVER RIDEN HIM BEFORE.” I ended up charming them and they let Me ride the horse I wanted to and he was cool. They saddled the horses up and, after, My horse wanted to run and lead the pack, LOL! My X fiancé got a female horse(I believe it was female…???) that was very old and slow, andI thought to Myself “I’m glad I got this fast young horse because I’m fast and young” LOL! So we went for like a 30 minute ride and I saw a “fishercat” and some deer. Like I said, “My horse wanted to run and lead the pack but the girl that worked there had to lead because I’d take off running with him. And My X’s horse was lagging behind like 20-30 yards.(This was only the second and last time I ever rode a horse by Myself, I went on horseback rides as a kid but I’ve only rode a horse 2 times by Myself.) This is the honest to God Truth and My X was with Me and I’m sure she would testify but I haven’t seen or talked to her in like 5 years or so. So here is another prophecy fulfilled in Me. I wouldn’t lie to you guys because I’d rather be known for My integrity/honesty more than anything, plus The Truth will come out in the end. Are you guys starting to get the picture? God has blessed Me, but I believe God has only blessed Me to be a blessing to THE WHOLE WORLD! The Bible is about Me but I’m about (God and) the welfare of EVERYONE!


Matthew 21:12-13

New International Version (NIV)

Jesus at the Temple

12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 “It iswritten,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’[a] but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’”

So it says in The Bible that Christ “overturned the money changers tables” and After I became a conspiracy theorist I only had problems with THE CENTRAL BANKS and I was/am trying to DESTROY them for such injustice. To prove this you only need to read what Iposted on RIU.org under the name of We Tarded, especially after the first 1,000posts to like 5K posts. I believe I said it on a youtube video that after I tuned 23 I found out about My Divinity and got a Christ complex (go figure) and within hours of first telling someone about My Christ complex I was sent to a mental hospital called “Corrigan Mental Hospital” out of Fall River MA. I was PISSED OFF that I was actually sent to a MENTAL HOSPITAL for doing what I believe is GOOD THINGS! I figured the government wanted to kill Me and I figured if I told My buddies on Rollitup.org about My effulgence than if I was murdered by the government I would have evidence why. So I got out of the hospital and I FIRST told them My Name on the internet for the world to see.You guys can read the first things I ever said about My Name (and some other crazy stuff, LOL) under the first posts of We Love 1. After like 2 days of (getting out of the hospital) & telling THE WORLD My Name the stock market CRASHED 777 points in September of 2008. This is a FACT of life! Did the stock market crash because of My Name? I’m not sure but the timeline is accurate. It goes to show that My Name is stronger than any weapon made by man because I have been made by God to do His Go(o)d will. Out of the 7K posts I made on RIU.org, I’d be surprised to see Me insulting anyone besides trying to destroy the evil empire that the central banks have setup to enslave the poor people. We are all victims that got enslaved to their tyranny. So did I turn the tables on the money changers? I believe I did, but that is what I’m postulating. Like I said,My Name is a weapon against the central banks because God is GREATER and I believe I AM His Son! I’d like to setup My Kingdom today, but I want to do what I talk about in the videos and usher in THE GREAT PEACE for ALL of the world. I’m open to suggestions though but that’s why I came up with the idea of an ONLINE GOVERNMENT because I want the people to have the power, but with certain checks and balances to keep things copasetic, you know? It says that Christ said inThe Bible “I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” And I have come to fulfill but also to DESTROY THE CENTRAL BANKS so the people can set up a bank for the people and by the people so the people will decide with their best intentions and not suck the life out of Gods people because of the banks greed.Do you see why I have come NOW? I’m a nonviolent REBEL or RENEGADE or a benevolent dissident! So this prophecy is fulfilled in Me.


You may be wondering “How could people breath in UNDERWATERmansions?” Or “How could the world ‘blow up’ with UNDERGROUND mansions?” Or“How can a jet fly both in OUTERSPACE and UNDERWATER using the SAME jet?”

I’m going to try and candidly explain these things because Idid NOT have time to do so in the videos I made and I don’t like making youtube videos because I embarrass Myself…. LOL… But FIRST..

The people and animals and plants will breath UNDERWATER very simply, FIRST the SALT WATER is made up of H2O, or Hydrogen and Oxygen andthe SALT makes it a decent conductor of electricity which is very good for ELECTROLYSIS. Electrolysis is basically PASSING AN ELECTRIC CURRENT THROUGH SALT WATER. Salt is very good in this case because it augments the process. You can then collect the Hydrogen bubbles and Oxygen bubbles to be used forwhatever. (EDIT-Its like boiling water with electricity!) Its best to liquefy BOTH the Hydrogen and the Oxygen if you want to decrease the space it takes up as a gas. So if you have electricity and saltwater, it is very simple, just pass a current through the salt water. In the future there will be NO SHORTAGE of electricity. So the Oxygen FOR US TO BREATH will be in abundance because it can be “ripped” out of the ocean water, and likewise the hydrogen FOR FUEL! That is why living UNDERWATER is going to be SO EASY! PLUS any plastic (or FIBER OPTICS) needed for the building materials can be grown FROM HEMP, all day long in farms that are bigger than a small country to feed our needs. PLUS we will be growing things UNDERGROUND too, like 200 stories of underground farms or as many need be. We are/will be able to grow UNDERWATER TOO because that is TOO EASY too.

With that being said, THE UNDERWATER JETS will be able to fly in OUTER SPACE using liquid Hydrogen and liquid Oxygen for its fuel (which comes from the ocean). If the jet is flying in the air than just the liquid Hydrogen will be needed because there is sufficient Oxygen in the air. And the Oxygen needed to “fly” a jet UNDERWATER will come from the ocean and it can be“ripped” right from the water. Like I said in a video (about UNDERWATER), “An internal engine will be needed, like a FUEL CELL.” A FUEL CELL candidly takes Hydrogen and turns it into electricity. So these two can be ripped right out of the water and while the jet is moving forward VERY VERY VERY FAST! We might even take a “dunk” in the ocean (with our SPACE JETS) just to refill up with these “supplies” because its sooo abundant there. (Jets could fly using nuclear energy, but its too dangerous IMO)

The space jets will be used to gather ASTROIDS and COMETS to form other planets for posterity too. You might be a SPACE CADET (like Me) who will gather these rocks to form planets for us, just in case we need more space.

As far as the “SPACE BALLS” go, the inside wouldn’t have to be round, it could be square on the inside too. If the outside had a ROUND“case” around this UNDERWATER HOME than like 3 points could be used to rotate it in place. Think of a FERRIS WHEEL how the tires rotate it in place, but on the bottom. I was thinking that 3 points would all that would be needed to rotate it in any direction, AND since its going to be like 2K square feet (OR MORE) in size, its most likely going to be buoyant and there would be something needed to keep it down. That’s why these “wheels” that are going to rotate it will most likely be near the top but far enough apart to keep the space ball down even with heavy ocean currents or a storm. But this is NOT the only way,but it’s a start. The world is 70% water ON THE SURFACE and the ocean can govery very deep, So how much vacant real estate is there? NOW? I talk about FLOATING mansions, farms and environment too on the videos. And maybe these could be used to keep the space balls underwater.?. So I CAN walk on water,but…. I’m 100% human so its not like I can just step on water and glide across, but if Jesus could walk on water than He could fly too, right? I’m a human on a Divine mission, call Me CRAZY but I already know I’m CRAZY! LOL :D

The UNDERGROUND mansions will be made using TUNNEL BORING MACHINES (or TBMs) and/or using HIGH POWERED LASERS that will cut through stone like a hot knife through butter. I told My buddies on Rollitup.org about thesein like 2008 and I believe I mentioned it in a few videos (when I was chubby).I AM going to grow more hemp and more hemp and more hemp etc. to keep growing the world for posterity so there will never be “over population”. Another thing to think about is WHEN YOU ESCAVATE FROM THE INSIDE OF THE EARTH, THAN ITS GOING TO BUILD MORE MATTER (OR DIRT) ON THE OUTSIDE and thusly ‘blowing up’ the world to a greater diameter. Get it?

Basically I plan on maximizing the best ideas so that there will be a global UTOPIAN SOCIETY and to get over petty differences and work on making everyone having the richest life possible, and NOT to exclude any race, creed or tongue. Utopia will be different for everyone but I think these are the right steps in A NEW DIRECTION! I talked about the other things on the youtube videos, I just wanted to clarify on these points, and I wrote over 7Kposts on rollitup.org BUT I know these things are totally possible and I have already put the pieces together, I’m just waiting on My people to come together and advocate or VOTE FOR UTOPIA. You can see My face and hear My voice on the youtube videos, I NEVER said I’m perfect and I NEVER will be perfect, BUT I’m fighting on your side and I always will be (too). My goal is NOT to offend anyone because My beef/strife is with the central banks and no one else, I don’t have time for bickering or BS because I have My own problems. But trust Me, I have THE GRAND DESIGN all laid out for those who will just grab it and take it to heavens gates. I’m only going to improve on My world until…. I’ll never stop trying to make it better and better.
And NO family should go without when God freely gave us all of these things. Food? NO PROBLEM! Water? NO PROBLEM! Energy? NO PROBLEM! Shelter? NO PROBLEM! And again, NO PROBLEM! We just need to grow more (HEMP), its that simple !

You may be wondering “Are these things really possible?” I tell you The Truth, it says in The Go(o)d Book, “With men these things are IMPOSSIBLE….. BUT with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!” So start by reading The NewTestament. God loves you (all) and Christ loves you (all) too.

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