I found an outdoor grow in ca

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pfffttt......Walk through Kentucky a bit :P you will come across a ton of people just tossed seeds to grow all over the place.....facts are a lot of times it's plant and forget till fall and they never come back plenty..
Now if it's all taken care of and fenced in on property that's different.........
Why do people reference KY so much?

There is only one state that produces more weed than KY.

Four states produce 80% of the weed in the united states

Cali, KY, TN and Oregon. The last two change year to year but the first two have been pretty consistent.

Most people don't realize how much pot is grown here. The army actually helps look for it here. Though the last few years not as much with the pill and meth problem.


Hemp grows wild here to.
Why do people reference KY so much?

There is only one state that produces more weed than KY.

Four states produce 80% of the weed in the united states

Cali, KY, TN and Oregon. The last two change year to year but the first two have been pretty consistent.

Most people don't realize how much pot is grown here. The army actually helps look for it here. Though the last few years not as much with the pill and method problem.


Hemp grows wild here to.

reference hell :P it's all the time I drove the swap meet circuit from nashville to bowling green....

and you see them running around claiming tax payer dollars cutting down those hemp plants too....

They do it every year like clock work.
reference hell :P it's all the time I drove the swap meet circuit from nashville to bowling green....

and you see them running around claiming tax payer dollars cutting down those hemp plants too....

They do it every year like clock work.
Funny thing is most of what they cut is wild hemp. Just got to look good to the taxpayers.

Hemp is legal now in KY and there are 3-4 different bills for either medical or all out legalization in the works.
We belong to nature not vice versa.....if you steal expect to be stolen from or worse. Just the way things are in this existance. The only thing id consider taking home if i found it in the woods are 1. Leprachan. Sorry bout my spelling
2. Unicorn
3. Super hot redhead who's sane, single, and not money hungry.....
All seem impossible to find as of yet lmao
What about an antler shed
While we all
Don't agree with OP if he did which he didn't say he did take it

Stop personally threatening him or swearing at him those are against our rules
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