Old link, but I'll reply anyways. Our area is infested with this type of stink bug. Foreign nasties they are. They invaded the North East Coast I think like 50 years ago and are working their way westward. They will attack your plants by sucking plant juices, they seek out warm areas, and they carry plant diseases. When they puncture your plant to suck, they they may inject a disease. Like a viral fungus. Remove them immediately, flush them or throw them outside if you're a Buddhist. I flush them. They're the only insect I know that has a two-year life cycle. They hibernate in the winter and will awaken from their slumber to seek warmth (and your plants). Don't keep their dead bodies in your room, either. Since they live two years, the worst plague of them runs in cycles of two years. You're more likely to have them in great numbers invading your home if you are near a lot of trees. I just found one of the little buggers hiding under a leaf. I find them in my room every winter and look for them every day. No need to go after them with spraying substances, just remove them manually with toilet paper, do it gently, and examine your plants carefully. Using herb concoctions to kill them is not advised because then you'll have a diseased dead insect in your room that you can't see. You won't see them in any numbers, just strays once in a while. I don't spray my plants with anything. Not even water. That can cause fungus.