I Found A Couple Of Balls 18 Days In ****


Active Member
So I am 12/12 for 18 days and I find a couple of clusters of balls. Until then everything was going great, full on female. I pulled them off in a panic and searched the rest of the plant. Does anyone else do this? I only found 2 clusters and they were low on the plant. I am going to pretend that didnt happen for now. If you have an experience like this I would like to know what you did. I dont have any light leak problems and I dont know where the seed came from. Other info... I use soil, foxfarm, and the humidity has been higher then normal(60%) for 3 days. Sorry I dont have a pic. I destroyed the evidence of the balls. thanks


Active Member
I found a couple more balls. They are in pairs. I assume this plant is a hermie but it is coming along very very well until this. Can I keep it? I have another female in the room but its a lot smaller. I want to keep the big one if I can. Any help would be great. I suppose I will just keep pulling those balls off. wow that is tough to write.


Active Member
HAHA yeah just kick pulling them balls!!! I had a couple on one plant and i picked them off with sweezers and they never came back


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if you pulling off the balls will be a good idea. Just for the reason that they will grow back in other places and they will pollinate your females without you knowing. I suggest you either kill or move the plant with balls to prevent any further pollination.


Active Member
sweet. I am going to just watch her and keep choppin. I just read about adding molasses to the water to help out with flowering and I cant wait to try that. I love this site.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
Why do you want to keep a male?
when you say full on female was it forming buds did you think you saw preflowers...
if you are looking to bread you can just collect the pollen from the male and store it in the freezer you should be able to get 6 months out of it...

but I am guessing you had/have a male that just took a litle time to drop balls or you are causing stress and forcing it to go hermie.


Well-Known Member
I've heard any seeds a hermaphrodite plant throws will all be female seeds.
See what happens?
yeah that sounds like a hermie to me! i got a buddy that sets em off to the side and makes some decent hash out of them, but i'm with allen bud. just kill them!!


Active Member
I am talking about a budding female that is doing great with one little problem. She has some balls. I am greatful for all of the advice. I think I will give it a try and report my findings.


Active Member
I am talking about a budding female that is doing great with one little problem. She has some balls. I am greatful for all of the advice. I think I will give it a try and report my findings.
I had the same problem, I just picked them off and applied Dutch Master's Reverse (mostly) according to the directions. They are almost done and only suffered minor pollenations, male flowers stopped forming after the reverse

newbie grow420

Active Member
sweet. I am going to just watch her and keep choppin. I just read about adding molasses to the water to help out with flowering and I cant wait to try that. I love this site.
Had the same problem. I plucked all of them. Make sure to look at every intersection of the stem bottom to very top. I plucked them off and they never came back. Just keep checking. Also as far as isolation do you have a lot of plants or a couple because I had 2 and had no probs after plucking. Just watch out if the balls open. I had 1 open caught it the same day it was early on in floering and after 8 weeks I chopped 1 plant with the hermie and had zero seed formation You should be fine its freaky shit the 1st time it happens though


Active Member
This was scary at first but I am feeling a lot better about it. I only have 2 plants and the strongest one by far was afflicted with a few balls. I am not an expert and I only want enough for myself so I dont have any real reason not to keep this confused girl. I have removed the male parts and 2 days later nothing new has formed. I am interested in that dutch master sex reversal stuff. I will look into that. In the mean time I just check the plants over twice daily, which is really nice to spend more time with my favorite hobby. Thank you all for the help this is a lot of fun.


Well-Known Member
I am talking about a budding female that is doing great with one little problem. She has some balls. I am greatful for all of the advice. I think I will give it a try and report my findings.
Just so aware your female is not a female its a hermie. If it's around other plants it doesnt matter how fast you pick off the pollen sacks, you will miss one and it will pop and pollinate your actual female and then your out 2 plants or will have very seedy mediocre pot. I know it sucks but if your spending the time and energy in even growing in the first place you might as well do it right. Ive had to ditch beautiful hermies and its ultimately worth it.


Active Member
We will see. I have been researching non stop for a couple of days. I have heard both sides of the arguement and I have come to the conclusion that there are multiple right answers and you all are right. I guess its up to the grower to assess risk vs. reward. I havent seen a single ball in 2 days and Im in for the long haul. I have my dutch master reverse on the way and I am ready for whatever. If this isnt the way you would do it then you may get your chance to say I told you so.


I pull anything that looks close to a male or hermie, but i have a lot more to lose. If you dont care about seeds just keep doing what your doing, but i think its an uphill battle. I used Dutch Masters Reverse before on all my other plants after pulling a hermie and had good luck w. the rest of the girls. Not sure if it worked or if they never gotten pollinated. To me this is why its so crucial to find a good plant you like and take cuts from it. You can even do it if you dont have a mother. Just set up a small area and take cuts before you flower or just after. You strain will degrade over time but i used to do it almost 2 years per strain until flowering ended up taking 10 weeks instead of 8. Just a thought.