I found a Black Lady Bug w/ Red spots under a leaf??


Well-Known Member
Check the pics, they arent the best. but i was watering last night and saw a black lady bug w red spots. ive never seen a lady bug that color and ive always thought lady bugs were good luck. Has anyone ever seen this? is it okay to leave it? im doing an indoor grow w soil medium.




Well-Known Member
Yes... good to hear. Im having a bit of problems with black gnats. i have hung a fly trap up and they are sucking to it. i think its from the molasses. but hopefully the lady bug helps.


Active Member
if the bug problem persists, you can pick up some lady bugs at any garden store or just go find them yourself.. they help and they look sooo cute!


Well-Known Member
Up around here if you found a ladybug in your plants it meant you were going to have a good harvest. Just a bunch of stoners talking around a late night fire!


Well-Known Member
You have to carefully take the lady bug and throw it over you left shoulder and make a wish for it to be good luck.....Santa told me so.