I Finally Saw 'Two Girls One Cup - What's all the hype about????

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"More compelling than the depths of man's degeneracy is our cultural rationalization of 'art,' whereby pushing the envelope is confused with genius and scuttling the last taboo is seen as an expression of sophistication."
well said gryph
your quote? kudos either way, double kudos if its your pen.
Not mine. It is a quote from a reviewer of the 'Zoo' movie. Made about the person in the horse video. I was thinking similar, but couldn't express it as eloquently.

There was some brouhaha about an artist here in Australia a short time ago. He got in the shit over an exhibition of his work showing full frontal nudity of a young (13) girl and a boy of similar age. There was a huge debate over whether it was child porn/exploitation, or art.
I tand to lean towards exploitation rather than art. If the blokes work is that good, he can convey what he's trying to say with the kids clothed can't he?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your reply. My job is done. :mrgreen: Now go start your own mindless thread.;-)

I tried so hard to find a nice way of replying to this, but all I could think of was 'Duh'...

OK, for those of you who have no semblence of a sense of humour, irony, or sarcasm...these videos are part of a series that were a spin off from the 'reaction to Two Girls, One Cup' series.

Thanx Wikid for the back-up. For the record, no, I have never watched 'Two Girls. One Cup'. However, the two videos I posted have given me enough mind fodder to re-inforce the resolution that I will NEVER watch 'Two Girls, One Cup'.

What I do find funny is that a video clip of that 'quality' could get worldwide recognition in a very short time. There are obviously some very kinky voyeurs out there who would hate to admit their fetishes.
Dude if you dont know the facts of the actual video dont make a thread, it just makes you look retarded. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Seriously do you honestly fail this much? Your a pussy - point proven by the fact you wont even go on a video in fear of disgust.
Rotten.com is just pictures.


Well-Known Member
Ok, this has gone too far. Negative reppers... feel free to -rep me as much as you please. However don't bother doing yourself the injustice of fooling yourself... it won't worry me one iota... I'm not into the repping thing so much... and I definitely don't have the need to justify my existence by winning the praise of a bunch of people I don't even know. So, you just go for it and -rep the fuck out of me if it makes you feel important... see it as my good deed for the day...

Now, Gryphonn knows that he doesn't need to watch something disgusting on a computer screen in order to feel like a man... or feel alive... or whatever the fuck it is that some of you get out of it. And before you ask... no, I have never seen the original video nor will I. It's disgusting enough to watch my dog eat the cat's shit. I don't need to see two women doing the same thing. I know that people out there have fetishes like this... and fair enough I say, as long as noone gets hurt... and if you want to watch, you do it... but you also have to realise that society looks down their noses at people whose fetish is not a socially accepted passtime. The funny thing is that people who watch this kind of thing are all too ready to scream when something is censored because they think their rights are being disregarded... and because they believe they have the right to watch what they want... that's fine, and I would generally agree. But you have to realise that other people also have the right to NOT watch if they choose. There are people out there who know from REAL experience that disgusting things do exist... and they also realise that just because something disgusting is there you don't have to watch it. Yes, it's there, but we don't need to follow the masses like sheep. Some people ARE capable of making the decision to avert their eyes... and perhaps that makes us MORE human (certainly smarter) than those who need to watch. Because frankly... Damn, you'd have to really dislike yourself if you need to watch a couple of chicks degrading themselves just to prove that someone out there is worse. Just a thought.

Dude if you dont know the facts of the actual video dont make a thread, it just makes you look retarded. :wall:
The FACT is that this thread was initially to show some YouTube response videos that people have made to make fun of the women who ate shit. The PURPOSE of the thread was to show that if you're a degenerative idiot that likes to eat shit, you're gonna be made fun of. Did you realise that? Because we DID actually know that fact before you came along.
The horse fucker (or is the correct word fuckee) were added by someone else... that's another FACT... then, the FACT is that the discussion on this thread then turned to the unfortunate death of the man involved. (By the way, another FACT about threads on forums such as this is that people do discuss things... and sometimes things that have no relevance to the thread.) Since we had never even thought anything like that was possible before that video popped up on this thread (I mean, three feet of cock... who in their right mind would think that they could accommodate that within their body without damage?). You can't really criticise Gryphonn for asking questions about that.

Dude if you dont know the FACTS of the thread that you're posting on, don't post on it, it just makes YOU look retarded.... son. :wall:

Seriously do you honestly fail this much? Your a pussy - point proven by the fact you wont even go on a video in fear of disgust.
Rotten.com is just pictures.
Here we go... this is the one that I took particular offence to. Firstly, I want to say this... you have no idea who this man is OR what he is (or isn't) afraid of. This man plays with things that would probably make you piss your pants to look at... and he does that for fun.

Now, about fear... you obviously have no idea of fear if you think someone could be AFRAID of disgust. Disgust is nothing to be feared, it's simply disgust. You have no idea what kind of disgusting things this man has witnessed in his life... he knows REAL disgust, son. Obviously you didn't think about the possibility of this FACT before you replied, otherwise you wouldn't have tried to goad him into it... as if he was a silly little boy, just like all your other mates. Obviously your faith in your own manhood must be pretty slim if you need to constantly remind yourself that you're better than someone else... especially if you need to call another man a pussy for not watching a movie... and that's a FACT... ... so... who's the pussy?

When you find out what fear is (and no, I don't mean that fluttery little feeling you get in your stomach when you're faced by some big scary monster in a video game... I'm not even talking about that rush of adrenaline that starts you running when the cops knock on the door... I'm talking about REAL fear) come back and continue this discussion.

As far as I can see, the only thing Gryphonn did wrong here was not making it clear enough that this thread was meant to be a joke... after all, there ARE idiots who have no sense of humour, sarcasm or irony... obviously.


Well-Known Member
yo ive seen two girls one cup and i dont regret it at all
matter a fact its quite interesting how 2 women could do something discusting like that , it might be discusting
but defenitly entertaining . and whats also interesting is the braveness (the dumbness) those two women showed about posting such thing on the internet. (imagine how their loved ones must feel)
it is the most discusting video out on the internet and definatly something u dont see everyday
DONT BE PUSSIES watch it hahahahahaha


stays relevant.
Seriously though guys, to those who are offended by this, let trashy content entertain trashy people. I'm sure there is a 14 year old kid somewhere on the internet who has been looking for these vids for a while now. No reason to get Oprah all riled up to the point where she issues a press release. :lol:


Well-Known Member

This is my favorite reaction.

"Mommy.... Mooommmmmyy!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :clap: Oh... oh... just a second, I'll just pick myself up off the floor..... oh man... :? ... and now I've got to clean coffee off of the monitor...

I was scared... I thought you were trying to trick me... ;-) ... but I am brave... deep down inside...

I cleaned the coffee off the monitor... and after THAT video... now I've got to figure out how to get the weed out of the keyboard. :lol: :lol: :lol:

+rep for both of you guys... just to prove that I'm not a complete whining bitch... ;)

yo ive seen two girls one cup and i dont regret it at all
matter a fact its quite interesting how 2 women could do something discusting like that , it might be discusting
but defenitly entertaining . and whats also interesting is the braveness (the dumbness) those two women showed about posting such thing on the internet. (imagine how their loved ones must feel)
it is the most discusting video out on the internet and definatly something u dont see everyday
DONT BE PUSSIES watch it hahahahahaha
Disgusting it is... well I imagine, I have a pretty good imagination... but really, it's not the MOST disgusting thing on the net. There IS much worse. But I still don't care to watch it thanks... I don't need to see it because it's nothing new to me... and honestly, I've seen worse. I have better things to do with my old age. Like laughing at response videos...

Maybe it's because I have less time left on this earth than some others. See, I don't like to waste the time I have left doing purile things. I kind of liken this to going out and scoring from some young amateur. Young kid tells you that his buds are the bomb, only to find that he's managed to pick himself up some semi-average schwag. He might be young and inexperienced enough to think it's the bomb... but I've been around and smoking for a long time... I need something a LOT better than schwag to impress me.

Oh! So that's what you call sex? :lol::lol::lol: Zing!
See post #50.
Double zing!
Oooh, OUCH! You scared, Growie?... ;-) :roll: :lol: ... I don't bite that hard.

Seriously though guys, to those who are offended by this, let trashy content entertain trashy people. I'm sure there is a 14 year old kid somewhere on the internet who has been looking for these vids for a while now. No reason to get Oprah all riled up to the point where she issues a press release. :lol:
:clap: You're exactly right there. And if they want it they'll find it. Meanwhile, we're all SUPPOSED to be adults on this site. It's a shame the odd kid manages to fool the system... but what can you do?

On a final note... about the earlier bitchy rant... I don't like people attacking someone I care about without knowing facts. I'm not going to appologise for that... maybe it's just that time of the month... :-P :lol: :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
the first time I watched this it was with a couple friends and the one just started busting out laughing when he saw this. I was bugging though.
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