I figure this is the best place, need to iron out some problems.


Hey all.

I have posted a couple of other threads and after the answers I need to fine tune my plans. As I will need a few questions covered I thought I would post here.

The first issue is spacing - I ideally want a yeild of between 6-8 Oz due to the periods between harvests. From what I understand this can be acvheived in a 2*2foot space, but 3*3 is recommend for the noob. I would plan on growing Indica so they stay low. MY first question is what would the minimum height of the grow space have to be using 3-4 plants (keeping in mind a target yeild of 6-8oz)

The second issue it lighting. The basic noob methods Ive read recommend using CFL or HPS lights. However I would prefer to use LED lighting due to the running costs and heat issues.

The third issue is heat in the grow room. This may not be an issue judging by what it takes to keep my reptile at the correct temp. However my apartment is quite cold most of the time and also if I do use LED lighting would I have to tackle the heating issues? would rudaralis be better to grow due to this?
* I am aware that I may be better off just using CFL/HPS lights which would help this issue.

In the basic guides Ive read no fans are being used. however I am growing in a confined space, are fans absouloutly essential or could I get by with out them.

Thanks for the help in advance, I am fine tuning my plans but may have settle for a PC LST grow :)


if you are thinking about doing just autoflower, you can eliminate the waiting aspect in between grows if you could apply a perpetual harvest concept to your grow. the idea i just presented is what im currently applieng. give my room a peep and see if maybe the idea can work for you. i choose this method because there is no waiting and i get a new strain roughly every week.


Well-Known Member
i think you need a fan to make your plant strong and for air movment if you go with hps you will need more fans but would help with cold house cfl proably whould warm a small closet ok with enough light to for good grow autos proably good idea for small space but not sure of the amount you want


Active Member
i always say hieght is not a problem you can LST scrogg or top plants to increase yeilds without growing high and i would recomend doing one of these if you want high yeilds in a small space. once you start growing check your temps that will telll you if you need a fan. I would use the led light but add a few cfls in i have a friend that grows with leds he increased his yeild greatly by adding 4 24w cfls to his 250w led


Active Member
no matter what your grow room size or light your gonna need a fan. even if its one of those small 6in clip on fans. if the air isnt moving, neither are your plants. everytime the leafs flutter there replaced with new air. without air movement they'll do very poorly if they do live. plus the fan help strengthen the plant, outside the heavy winds and rain wreak havoc on our plants. they love it


Ok so one fan need to be added in to my considerations, If height isnt an issue, would around 4ft be ok with the length and depth 3*3. I will have to scrog /LST/ top maybe once I have the yeild figured out. using 3-4 plants I am hoping for a yeild of 6-8oz dried bud.
Once I know the dimensions I can use - I can start figuring out what im making my grow room from. :)
Casian - i am going to post in your thread :)


Well-Known Member
To dry 6-8 oz. from a single grow you will need space for 6-8 plants. 2 x 2 won't come close to being big enough.
I want my plants around 48 inches when harvested. That's how I have my lights set up. I top most plants after
2-3 weeks vegging and that keeps their height down.

You might get it done in a 6 x 4 x 6 tent. I can't see anything smaller getting that yield.



Steve thanks for the reply, I am looking into other options now.
I am either cutting my yeild to half my intial intended amount - probably with a autoflower perpetual harvest every 2weeks.
If I am unable to do that due to space restrictions etc I may try a PC SCROG just for experiance.

LOL as I ideally want to support all my smoking through growing - I think it is go big or go home LOL.


Active Member
Ok so one fan need to be added in to my considerations, If height isnt an issue, would around 4ft be ok with the length and depth 3*3. I will have to scrog /LST/ top maybe once I have the yeild figured out. using 3-4 plants I am hoping for a yeild of 6-8oz dried bud.
Once I know the dimensions I can use - I can start figuring out what im making my grow room from. :)
Casian - i am going to post in your thread :)
in a 3x3 id probably flower at 18inches, maybe 2feet. that way they dont get to tall and waste light by not penetrating deep enough into the canopy, or by getting a 4 foot chrismas tree that only gets good light at the top foot and a 1/2. i have this problem with my lemon larry og right now, my lights are too high just because of one plant. ima lose bud and get less quality just because of it. you can actually see where the resin is missing, and where the colas could use stronger light. a 600w light at 2feet from your canopy.. no bueno :wall:. live and learn. i have a DR 120 for my darkroom, with even air flow and humidity, i can pack more bud in there than i can harvest.


Active Member
as far as yeild, thats up to your skill as a grower and student. ive seen guys/girls pull a pound off 1 600w ina 4x4 tent. if your really badass and have everything dialed in perfect, you can pull that with a 400 too. although thats really pushing most peoples efficiency limits, it can be done. gentics and grower skill = impressive shit you have to take pics of cuz nobody believes you hahah. good luck


Ok just to be certain when talking about 3*3 we mean the length and depth correct? so Mushead judging by your answer I would ideally want a height of 3 1/2 - 4foot for my grow area?


Active Member
yes, 3W x 3L x probably 6H would be okay. when you say grow area, im assuming you mean the height of the actual room, not the plants?. if so just remember your plants are are gonna be about 2-3 feet tall, plus pots, and room to adjust your light. i would also get them off the ground if they are sitting on it. the cold will jack your nice heathly roots right up, and directly affect your yield even if your plants look amazing and healthy. some people go so far as to design a heating system for there soil grows, heating pads, lizard mats, etc. imo thats one big reason hydro like deep water culture does so well, the nute water temp is constant. i cant remeber if you said what kind of light your using, im pretty toked up now, but a well cooled hood can be pretty close to your canopy, generally a 400w can be 6in or less away, 600w 6-18 depending on what it feels like, and 1k's are at least 18inches. all that is subjective to how well you can control your environment, from temp to humidity.