Tell me how grower get perfect result with coco and gaia green amendement .no compost.

No compost the microbe and fungi are every where and strong .

I use tap water right away no waiting with no yellowing ! I just got to topdress every 3week to a month and test my soil npk ph test .
I don’t know I just use soil and home made worm castings. I am no expert; just trying to grow some good bud like everyone else here. I can only speak from my own experience and what I’ve learned reading a few books. Water composition is different everywhere. Some growers seem to be able to use the tap without issue; my tap water smells like a pool. I won’t even drink it myself without filtration. What’s important is to find what works best for you in your situation. There’s no one right way to grow pot.
I'm just gonna keep it simple with thefox trio distilled water some extra myco and tiger bloom and flower fuel in flowering
I don’t know I just use soil and home made worm castings. I am no expert; just trying to grow some good bud like everyone else here. I can only speak from my own experience and what I’ve learned reading a few books. Water composition is different everywhere. Some growers seem to be able to use the tap without issue; my tap water smells like a pool. I won’t even drink it myself without filtration. What’s important is to find what works best for you in your situation. There’s no one right way to grow pot.
Our tap water contains chloramine..I will just spend the $..it is my pride and joy ..so to me it's worth it
They have no thoughts or feelings; plants simply absorb what is there but if there isn’t anything to absorb because microbial activity is at a standstill the plants exhibit signs of what looks like a ph lockout or a deficiency when in fact it is just inactive soil.

If they have been in the same container for awhile you can try to top dress with some ewc or transplant to a larger pot with some fresh mix with compost added. I suggest adding in a slow release fertilizer as well if you can; chicken or cow manure is good. Granular mycorrhizae helps a lot to prevent absorbtion issues; add some in the hole at each transplant.
The only other thing you can do right now is add nutrients. Liquid fish can help but usually if you are seeing them yellow off hard it’s a bit too late to fix it without something stronger. Problem is once you go back to using nutrients you kind of gotta let it ride that way. Very hard to reverse course back to water only once you do.
Can anybody recommend a good slow release dry amendment all purpose fertilizer and microhiza brand like dr earth and recharge I tried to get the gain gree but its only in Canada and could avoid all this with earth worm castings instead?
Can anybody recommend a good slow release dry amendment all purpose fertilizer and microhiza brand like dr earth and recharge I tried to get the gain gree but its only in Canada and could avoid all this with death work casting instead?
Garden tone. dte biolive
If in flower, alaska or neptunes fish fert is good
Fwiw i use tap for my indoor and outdoor gardens. No noticeable difference using RO water.
I think if there were enough chlorine to kill things, it would be unsafe to drink.
It's indeed essential for plants but to Cannabis only at a very tiny quantity, and since Cl is abundant in nature, no need to supplement it...
Our tap water contains chloramine..I will just spend the $..it is my pride and joy ..so to me it's worth it

That's crazy.. beyond the money, just lugging the water is making a awesome hobby more chore for no reason. Tons of people use tap water and get great results.
Do you think if I just top dress with earthworm castings it would help

I would hold off on that as i usually mix that “ into “ body of medium at about 10-15% of volume. It can add salt issues if done in excess. Try a teaspoon of HF dry scratched into top soil. Just know that nute stinks something fierce ! I usually have to double bag it.
Dont overthink “ chlorine “ in water ... you water your outside plants and grass ... the soil matrix in ground is no different. But know regional municipal water sources vary. You can go online a look for water report for your area. RO is the safe bet if concerned.
If you are worried about chlorine mostly , you can boil water for about 20 minutes to off gas it faster.
Then let cool before use . Chloramine not so much.
I've just started my first grow in 40 years. I'm growing autoflowers outdoor in fabric pots tucked around the veggie garden. Not a great gardener, but not bad. Based on all I've read about cannabis, water is a concern for me. I pulled the data report from my local water district. Chloramine is not listed as one of the many contaminants. I'm allowing the chlorine to evaporate off for a few days before using. I did notice that the average pH at the tap is 7.8. My question, can I get away with using this alkaline tap water for soil grown (using Nectar #4)? Can I moderate it by top dressing with earthworm casting and compost? I don't yet have a pH meter. We use a Brita for our personal consumption, but I doubt that changes the pH much or would it? Thanks