I don't wanna work today!!!

only thing about my dogs I don't like is when it rains the house smells like wet dog, like a 100 wet dogs.. ughhh

Yeah, so true. Dog smell is BY FAR the worst part of dogs. I grew up with two dogs and was certainly used to it, but I have cats now, for the last 7 years or so. I went to visit a friend who has a dog and stayed at their place for over a week... and if there's one thing I came away from with that, it's that dogs are fun but they smell. heh.
Me too. My girlfriend is being a dick about it though. All she says is "fine if you really want one get one but you have to take care of it, water it, feed it, clean up after it, play with it, and take it outside..."

..which I don't mind, but it's the attitude that gets me... I don't want to bring an animal into a house where he's going to feel like one of the owners resents him! Fuck that. I told her I will get a dog when she can love it without judgement...

my last girlfriend was the same way. the high maintenance type who wanted to live in a spotless house. when we broke up I got TWO puppies! now I'm with a girl who I met at the dog park and has a big dog herself. so much more fun.
my last girlfriend was the same way. the high maintenance type who wanted to live in a spotless house. when we broke up I got TWO puppies! now I'm with a girl who I met at the dog park and has a big dog herself. so much more fun.

Haha, sweet. I will definitely get a dog if I move outta here. We've been kinda on the skids for a while. We've been working through it due to circumstance and long term investment... but the same shit recycles over and over, and it gets tired. Been trying to get my shit together so I can spend some time solo... thinking a dog would be a great companion, haha.
Shit man, I feel you there. In my younger years I used to go after the super hot high maintenance girls (probably from too much porn heh) but after a decade of disaster and still not married with kids at 30 and over a dozen disasterous relationships I've refocused my goal to getting a cute girl who is down to earth. The more I think about it, looks don't even matter that much anymore, just want someone who loves pot and dogs and isn't a racist! in my neck of the woods, that is a diamond in the rough.
Havnt worked the last three days because of weather. I'm at the point now where I just hope it keeps raining because I'm not ready to go back lol.
I don't want to work either. So here I am sitting in my recliner with the laptop on my lap, phone next to me, making those calls in my PJ's. It's noon.
I have always hated the corporate world. I would rather die poor and have lived a happy life, than waste my life as a slave to an ungrateful corporation.
I have always hated the corporate world. I would rather die poor and have lived a happy life, than waste my life as a slave to an ungrateful corporation.

Same here. I actually went the super-rebellion route.. I'm a musician, and ahve been for the last 15 years, and haven't made a fucking dime off of it yet... but I do what I love, and I hope that keeping focused on my heart's desires in this way will pay off in the long run. And if it doesn't, that's fine too, atleast I spent my time doing what I love, money or not.
Become a marketing shill.

...for the corporations? :roll: C'mon, Fun Gnat

Seriously, I live my life, trying to be happy, and make others happy. Your character is the only thing you can take with you when you die. I have never been to a funeral and heard someone say, "Boy, that Phil could sure make some money". The best services are the ones where people say great things about how the person lived their life, and how they positively impacted the lives of others.
...for the corporations? :roll: C'mon, Fun Gnat

Seriously, I live my life, trying to be happy, and make others happy. Your character is the only thing you can take with you when you die. I have never been to a funeral and heard someone say, "Boy, that Phil could sure make some money". The best services are the ones where people say great things about how the person lived their life, and how they positively impacted the lives of others.

Yep, you got it homie. :) Recipe for joy right there.