having saved a seed from an 8th, i recently decided to try my luck and see how far i could get. Having no additional equipment (lighting, nutrients etc) i germinated and planted in regular soil from the garden and was delighted when not only did the seedling grow, but the plant flourished and has recently begun to show it's feminine side! As this is my first attempt at growing a plant of any description, my success (up till now) has come as quite a shock. My only problem as of now is my total lack of knowledge and inexperience. Not knowing what to look out for and be wary of has become stressful to say the least. The plant seems very healthy is almost 2 foot tall and has been in flowering stage for nearly two weeks. i just need the next step advice, what to look out for, what not to do, whether my lack of professional equipment may slow down or hinder the development of the plant. Having only started out as an experiment, the way the plant has grown so far has left me really not wanting to mess it up!! Any advice would be of great help to me, no matter how insignificant it may seem. I only want whats best for my baby lol ! Appreciative thanks in advance for any help given