I don't usually ask, but I really need a solution.

I believe you are right, the fact that they're fabric pots can't be helping.
I appreciate that, I'll get right on it.

Once everything is regulated does the yellowing go back to green or will it remain yellow?
When you say there is fabric pots which doesnt help, do you mean because there sitting in the runoff? If so that's probably also bad for salt build up but I'm not sure what others do for that, maybe raise them? @Fevs. You know what your talking about, could that be an issue also?
Okay so take it as a chance to defoliate?
I'll make sure to water daily at the same time keeping the ppm at around 600.
Thanks, I was getting discouraged.
Yes, just defoliate. As long as you feed them that in the proper ph range and get lots of run off everyday, then you're golden.
When you say there is fabric pots which doesnt help, do you mean because there sitting in the runoff? If so that's probably also bad for salt build up but I'm not sure what others do for that, maybe raise them? @Fevs. You know what your talking about, could that be an issue also?
Yeah mate, I use a trivet.
An iron tripod placed over a fire for a cooking pot or kettle to stand on, or for weed plants to drain whilst getting more air to roots. lol You can just get the cheaper ones for plates to balance on.
Hey guys!
Thanks for your help, but guess what the actual issue was...

CHLORINE from tap water used directly on my plants!
I can't believe I forgot that detail after all my research lol
Hey guys!
Thanks for your help, but guess what the actual issue was...

CHLORINE from tap water used directly on my plants!
I can't believe I forgot that detail after all my research lol
I use tap water on my plants, they don't mind the chlorine at all. lol Where do you live? Uk, Usa?
Dang I thought that was it.
I'm in the US, I figured that was it because I didn't let my tap water sit.
I'm in the UK. My tap water isn't so bad really. Most people that comes from other areas in England always say my local tap water tastes really nice compared to theirs. Currently mixing up nutes with straight tap water, canna coco a & b at 700ppm. I get ph 5.8-5.9 and I'm in coco. I'm happy with my tap water. I don't even give it time for the chlorine and other shit to evaporate. Filling the pot again and getting fuck loads of run off is more important.

You guys and girls in the USA are totally obsessed with reverse osmosis, air conditioners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers and all that bollocks. I just open the windows man. lol
I'm in the UK. My tap water isn't so bad really. Most people that comes from other areas in England always say my local tap water tastes really nice compared to theirs. Currently mixing up nutes with straight tap water, canna coco a & b at 700ppm. I get ph 5.8-5.9 and I'm in coco. I'm happy with my tap water. I don't even give it time for the chlorine and other shit to evaporate. Filling the pot again and getting fuck loads of run off is more important.

You guys and girls in the USA are totally obsessed with reverse osmosis, air conditioners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers and all that bollocks. I just open the windows man. lol
Lol yeah there's tons of post about all the specificities of growing. Really makes it tough for first timers cause all the conflicted advice. I just need to relax and let nature be.
Bad info spreads on the web. Selling that stuff is a good business... for the companies. Don't forget the electronic environment controllers. Small grows shouldn't need that stuff.
You get these people that use led for efficiency, then use a 2000w heater in the dark period, a dehumidifier, and brag about the efficiency of their light. It makes me laugh that they are using all that other shit just to grow a weed. What's the obsession with sealed rooms too? It's just a weed man! Colas can pretty much get so fat before they get bud rot easily. It can be done with fresh air.
For first time growers, the first thing you should do when you notice anything other than a healthy green plant:

Absolutely nothing for 24 hrs minimum.

Breathe. Relax. Keep doing whatever you have been doing. It has been working so far.

9 times out of 10, a new grower in panic mode will aggravate whatever the problem is by implementing 9,216 different knee-jerk changes trying to "fix" the problem, only to make things worse.

Be quick to research and slow to react...you'll figure it out my friend. I grow in DWC, so Im no authority on coco grows. Youre dialed in with many who are though.

DISCLAIMER: Immediately after posting this comment, there's a solid chance I will go straight down to my indoor oasis of unnecessary gadgetry and bullshit, in an effort to give my plants the best of the best;.....all the while, they beg and plead for me to just leave them the hell alone!
sealed rooms are good to control escaping odor and to prevent bugs.
I have 7 tents with carbon filters. That with fresh air blowing through my place constantly gets rid of the smell of weed. With regards to bugs if you're growing in soil you're probably going to get bugs there anyway. Coco/hydro compared to soil isn't usually a major problem with bugs anyway.

Each to their own and all that, was just making the point that weed doesn't need science lab commitment for it to thrive. Many people make it far more complicated than it needs to be.
sealed rooms are good to control escaping odor and to prevent bugs.
I'm in the UK. My tap water isn't so bad really. Most people that comes from other areas in England always say my local tap water tastes really nice compared to theirs. Currently mixing up nutes with straight tap water, canna coco a & b at 700ppm. I get ph 5.8-5.9 and I'm in coco. I'm happy with my tap water. I don't even give it time for the chlorine and other shit to evaporate. Filling the pot again and getting fuck loads of run off is more important.

You guys and girls in the USA are totally obsessed with reverse osmosis, air conditioners, humidifiers, dehumidifiers and all that bollocks. I just open the windows man. lol
I find it necessary to control humidity in my location, where it is so bad in the summertime that you sweat profusely 2 minutes after drying off from your shower; ie Kansas City, Missouri, United States.
The common saying in summertime is, "it's not the heat, it's the humidity".

The polar opposite happens in the winter. 30-35% RH is commonplace around the clock--so dry that your cuticles develop enormous cracks.

Also, temps can drop 30 degrees within an hour--hardly ideal for a weed plant in any grow phase.

Not saying marijuana plants wouldn't survive these conditions without a sealed grow area or tent; they do every season outdoors. However, imo they would be stressed out, lower yielding, lower potency, and possibly hermaphroditic if grown indoors under artificial light where I live.

That's why I choose to use grow tents. Not to mention they help contain precious artificial light to desired footprint.