I don't think the last acid I bought was LSD

There's a clip on youtube of a dea chemist making lsd..he's in almost pitch dark with a little blacklight..the centrifuge wheel he's spinning glows VIOLENTLY on the edge with blue lsd..pretty cool clip...

My internet isn't cooperating with youtube right now but I'm 99% certain you're talking about Dave Nichols and he most certainly is not a DEA chemist! That's Sasha's other best friend...
Could be but I'm not sure..seems they don't resemble each other..and if I remember/got the video right they say they are allowed to make 50K doses a year..perhaps it is nichols...I just remember the spinning wheel of glory..lol
where in the video is the clip you speak of rory? not tryin' to watch a 46 minute documentary right now lol
25i NBOMe is one of the shittiest RC I have ever tried, much rather prefer some decent shrooms. With these RC's you never know what can happen, atleast with shrooms or LSD if your having a bad trip you know you'll be back to normal within 12 hours or so, not like these RC's where you can OD and die or get brain damage and all the other shit these things give.
Stay away from Phenethylamines
It literally is 2 to 4 sec of this wheel in the lab..the ring is ringed glowing blue..its not a huge clip..its in there tho..
The chemist did say they are allowed by the dea..I can't remember the details.

Nichols' has a permit for working with schedule 1 drugs. When he was at Purdue his lab was able to make ~100mg of LSD a year for research but that may be different now.
I remember looking at a quart of liquid and about 50 vials tripping in a blacklight and it glows just like the milk in 'a clockwork orange'..I allways pretended they were drinking liquid lsd in the movie..lol