I dont Smoke Pot, I ingest Medical Marijuana. the Perception Starts with Us


Active Member
so we have lagal Medical Marijuana use states. Key word being Medical.

now im only offering it up the way i see it, in hopes to spark intelligeble conversation, in attempt to offer a different perspective at Medically Legal States.

Lets face it. over the last 70 to 80 yrs (since the mid 30s) marijuana has been demonized so intensly, and so falsly, that it conjurs thoughts of drug addicts in the middle of a frenzy brought on by the use of major drugs like angel dust. While we all KNOW that smoking marijuana, whether for recreational use, or for those of us that really do use it medicinally, as I do, understand, the comparrison of marijuana effects and the effects of angel dust is no comparrison at at, it remains the image those that are un aware, un educated, un willing to learn, un willing to understand think of when they think of anyone that uses marijuana, regardless of the reasons.

Now. Over the years, ive grown up alot, shocking i know. im 45. i remember being 18 and smoking, even then i was using it medically, though it was illegal, it saved me from having to polute my body with man made poisens and chemicals being sold to the populas as prescription drugs. yes i have had to get and use anitbiotics ect, but for general use, Medical Marijuana has been my Remedy of Choice. Its effects are not anti life, nor cause me any other side effects from its use.

So where am I going. As I noted in the title, Perception starts with us, and it is Key.
As Patiends, whether in legal states or not, we need to start treating ourselves, and fellow patients and caregivers as Paitents and Caregivers. By that I am speaking about the way we talk about mmj, our language, amonst ourselves and to others in general. We must RISE to the occasion, or be trampled over by those that do not understand what MMJ does as Medicine for mankind.

Generally I as saying instead of smoking pot, we need to say we are using medication. Im Not smoking a joint, im ingesting a Medistick. im not eating pot brownies/cookies ect. im eating medicinally infused food.

We are not growing pot, we are cultivating medicine. See my line of thought.

As we grow and give each other the respect that Should come along with being in the Patient/Caregiver Services Industy, and Giving the respect any Patient should get due to their medical issues, we can change not only our own perception of what it means to be a part medical marijuana industry, as well as the image one thinks of when one thinks of a patient that used medical marijuana.

Their is a large differance between a pothead, (a person that would take any drug, regardless of what it is or does) and being a Patient or Caregiver of a legal Medical Marijuana registrant. Its up to us to treat ourselves as such, and intiate a change in the perception the general public conjurs up when they hear medical marijuana. they need to think sick person, not person tripped out on angel dust, or meth ect...

just a few thoughts. In the words of SlObama, Yes We Can!. lol but honestly, the perception of who we are, starts with how we perceive and carry ourselves, and present ourselves and Registrants of any Medical Marijuana Intiative here in the US. Its great to stand up, but be sure to shine in a GOOD light for the cause. Be responsible when dealing with these issues. Demand Respect, but be sure to give it back where it is due.
This post right here. Is very smart.

Everybody that uses cannabis as a medicine, and others in general should act like this.

If our oh so illegal community seems like drug dealers and addicts the world will perceive that of us.

You are moving a step in the right direction, and hopefully other people will start to realize.

I follow the same way as you do, as I use cannabis medically in washington state.

Happy smokin and growin!


Active Member
The reason medical users separate themselves from the recreational users is for legal reasons. They can get in trouble for it... look like suppliers etc... also attracts criticism, makes them look like they're also just recreational users and lied to get their cards...

I'll say I'm eating cannabis, smoking cannabis... I avoid slang, and the racist word "marijuana" which has 80 years of fear behind it... cannabis is the scientific term and has no negative connotations.

I object to the idea that most medical users aren't legitimate. I've only met one who made up their condition. This assumption drives me nuts 'cause I get sneered at until people find out abuot all my health issues... I'm in my mid 20s and look healthy, but I suffer from attacks of shingles (literally feels like being on fire, due to the herpes zoster virus attacking nerves in your body), and migraines so severe I projectile vomit and sincerely want to kill myself, if I weren't too sick to move...


^^Looks young and healthy, right? ...She's suffering from the same cancer that killed Steve Jobs.


Well-Known Member
I truly believe that saturation levels of Cannabis saved my wife's life. She had cancer three times in her twenties and thirties.

Since starting a regimen that includes about 10 grams daily, she's been cancer free.(25 years) Her doctors agree. Top specialists.


Well-Known Member
i personally believe, like myself for the 30ish years prior to Mi having a Medical status for cannabis, we all used it for a medical need. Even in alot of cases, if that was friday night with a group of our dearest and nearest...

fact is. because i have used cannabis since i was around 12, i have no real need to see a Dr except for those typical emergencies...

I have server minor scoliosis, am Hyper mobile not sure to what degree anymore, and have many aches and pains because of them.

I have been under chiropractic care for my spine since i was 14. Ive always subscribed to what medicine i use is my choice, and no one elses. As a result, at 45. i have a high pain tolerance, but still take no pharmacutical pain medication with the exception of an advil or aspirin for tooth pain.

as a result, my bladder, kidneys and liver should be free from the effects of decades of dr prescribed poisens. Yes i hurt on an hourly bases. I ve had frostbite in my hands and feet, and dont do well in extreme cold anymore. I would imagine a dr would say i have arthritis. but i have no real need to see one yet for much more than extreme emergencies.

So to sum it up, even in Medical States, I premuse the Majority of Stoners, are actually Cannabis Patients, just to stubburn, high, or indifferent to realize it.

to elaborate, i have servere minor scoliosis, am hyper mobile, and without going to the Dr, i believe when checked, well, it will be found i have not only multiple subluxations of my spine (been a few yrs sence i was able to afford a Chiro with no Ins), and surely have a herniated disc or two in my neck. I also have 3 ribs that now float, and with a deep look, probably also have degenerative disc disorder going on. But i can deal with the daily pain, but their will come a time before too much longer, I will have to hit the Dr and go for disability, as they ll probably want to fuse a majority of my spinal column.


Well-Known Member
i personally believe, like myself for the 30ish years prior to Mi having a Medical status for cannabis, we all used it for a medical need. Even in alot of cases, if that was friday night with a group of our dearest and nearest...

fact is. because i have used cannabis since i was around 12, i have no real need to see a Dr except for those typical emergencies...

I have server minor scoliosis, am Hyper mobile not sure to what degree anymore, and have many aches and pains because of them.

I have been under chiropractic care for my spine since i was 14. Ive always subscribed to what medicine i use is my choice, and no one elses. As a result, at 45. i have a high pain tolerance, but still take no pharmacutical pain medication with the exception of an advil or aspirin for tooth pain.

as a result, my bladder, kidneys and liver should be free from the effects of decades of dr prescribed poisens. Yes i hurt on an hourly bases. I ve had frostbite in my hands and feet, and dont do well in extreme cold anymore. I would imagine a dr would say i have arthritis. but i have no real need to see one yet for much more than extreme emergencies.

So to sum it up, even in Medical States, I premuse the Majority of Stoners, are actually Cannabis Patients, just to stubburn, high, or indifferent to realize it.
Something I believe wholeheartedly: Police are one of the greatest dangers to a young adult's good health. That recommendation can go a long way toward avoiding serious injury.