• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

I dont Smoke Pot, I ingest Medical Marijuana. the Perception Starts with Us


Well-Known Member
so we have lagal Medical Marijuana use states. Key word being Medical.

now im only offering it up the way i see it, in hopes to spark intelligeble conversation, in attempt to offer a different perspective at Medically Legal States.

Lets face it. over the last 70 to 80 yrs (since the mid 30s) marijuana has been demonized so intensly, and so falsly, that it conjurs thoughts of drug addicts in the middle of a frenzy brought on by the use of major drugs like angel dust. While we all KNOW that smoking marijuana, whether for recreational use, or for those of us that really do use it medicinally, as I do, understand, the comparrison of marijuana effects and the effects of angel dust is no comparrison at at, it remains the image those that are un aware, un educated, un willing to learn, un willing to understand think of when they think of anyone that uses marijuana, regardless of the reasons.

Now. Over the years, ive grown up alot, shocking i know. im 45. i remember being 18 and smoking, even then i was using it medically, though it was illegal, it saved me from having to polute my body with man made poisens and chemicals being sold to the populas as prescription drugs. yes i have had to get and use anitbiotics ect, but for general use, Medical Marijuana has been my Remedy of Choice. Its effects are not anti life, nor cause me any other side effects from its use.

So where am I going. As I noted in the title, Perception starts with us, and it is Key.
As Patiends, whether in legal states or not, we need to start treating ourselves, and fellow patients and caregivers as Paitents and Caregivers. By that I am speaking about the way we talk about mmj, our language, amonst ourselves and to others in general. We must RISE to the occasion, or be trampled over by those that do not understand what MMJ does as Medicine for mankind.

Generally I as saying instead of smoking pot, we need to say we are using medication. Im Not smoking a joint, im ingesting a Medistick. im not eating pot brownies/cookies ect. im eating medicinally infused food.

We are not growing pot, we are cultivating medicine. See my line of thought.

As we grow and give each other the respect that Should come along with being in the Patient/Caregiver Services Industy, and Giving the respect any Patient should get due to their medical issues, we can change not only our own perception of what it means to be a part medical marijuana industry, as well as the image one thinks of when one thinks of a patient that used medical marijuana.

Their is a large differance between a pothead, (a person that would take any drug, regardless of what it is or does) and being a Patient or Caregiver of a legal Medical Marijuana registrant. Its up to us to treat ourselves as such, and intiate a change in the perception the general public conjurs up when they hear medical marijuana. they need to think sick person, not person tripped out on angel dust, or meth ect...

just a few thoughts. In the words of SlObama, Yes We Can!. lol but honestly, the perception of who we are, starts with how we perceive and carry ourselves, and present ourselves and Registrants of any Medical Marijuana Intiative here in the US. Its great to stand up, but be sure to shine in a GOOD light for the cause. Be responsible when dealing with these issues. Demand Respect, but be sure to give it back where it is due.


Well-Known Member
what im saying, is if we act like pot smokers, and carry ourselves as pot smokers, we will be seen, thus treated like pot smokers.

But if we carry ourselves as Patients that are Responsible Medical Marijuana users, then we can expect to be treated as Patients, not pot smokers. As Patients, we need to bring oursleves up to the occasion. So instead of speaking like a pot smoker, ie, gonna fog a fatty and get waysted, we should say, i will be using my medication. i say im ingesting my Medistick when i am smoking my medicine (see title).

I am speaking about how we carry ourselfs, and how that reflects on "others" that have similar views or choices.
see what i mean, thus how their actions reflect on us.

to Coonword, While it is illegal federally, im in a state that has seen fit to legalize. I am a Michigander, and as a Michigan Resident, which Willfully Submits to the Union of the United States of America Via our states 13th article of our states constitution, Im a citizen of the US by being a Citizen of Michigan. im not a US Citizen that happens to Live in Michigan. Michigan has Legalized Medical use of Marijuana, which i am a legal patient of... so personally i dont give two flying fucks what uncle sam says. Im a Michigander first, and US Citizen is part of that imo.


10-4. However, in a child custody dispute I was accused of smoking pot. I informed the court that I was not a pot smoker. I ate my pot. tho there where many more details involved, social services bought it and I ended up with total custody of my child.


Well-Known Member
congrats Wragler. but that is exactly what i am speaking of.

when the general populas, envokes an image, when they hear Pot, or Pot Smoker ect.. but it is nearly ALWAYS an image of a enraged Angel Dusted person, not an image of what a Real person that uses medical marijuana actually looks, or acts like.

by changing the way we view, approach, or converse amongst our selves, it will slowly change the image of the general public from being a POT SMOKER, to being a Patient that uses marijuana as their medication.


Well-Known Member
congrats Wragler. but that is exactly what i am speaking of.

when the general populas, envokes an image, when they hear Pot, or Pot Smoker ect.. but it is nearly ALWAYS an image of a enraged Angel Dusted person, not an image of what a Real person that uses medical marijuana actually looks, or acts like.

by changing the way we view, approach, or converse amongst our selves, it will slowly change the image of the general public from being a POT SMOKER, to being a Patient that uses marijuana as their medication.
Outstanding comments!

My wife has been using Cannabis Medicinally for over three decades. When 215 passed it took practice to learn the vernacular of MMJ, but it has proven worth while. Those who would denigrate "pot smokers" have more difficulty when an MMJ user speaks of titration levels and blood saturation.

Learn the language and be straightforward when some redneck makes uninformed comments. You might make a convert.


Active Member
I like what you are trying to do here, if we want marijuana to be accepted medically than we need to speak of it in more "appropriate" ways instead of using the street terms that people hear and look down on? Is that what you are getting at?


Well-Known Member
basically LostReefer, thats it in a nutshell. You cant change perception, unless you change what is generally percieved about you.
ie, change begins from with in.


Well-Known Member
I never say 'marijuana'. I'll say pot and ganja and other shit, but never marijuana. Marijuana is Anslinger's racist slander campaign against mexicans for prohibition. I call it cannabis if I'm not paranoid. Why Cannabis? It's scientific. SCIENCE! FUX YEAH! Some shit like that. I've struggled with 'Mary Jane' though. I fucking love that name but it still is what it is. In my book, 'marijuana' is a racial slur on par with nigger, spick, kike, etc. because it's all built on the same shit. Dumbass rich white fuckers scaring dumbass rich white fuckers for fun, profit and slaves.


Well-Known Member
i can understand the view point Euthan. Makes pretty good sence, though i must admit, htat perticular angle never crossed my mind. until now that is.


Active Member
I am a pot smoker. Sure I smoke because it alleviates my manic depressive nature, and helps with my terrible sleeping habits. But to say I am not a pot smoker would be a lie.

Maybe we can use this "Medical Marijuana" movement to get a foot in the door, but in reality it should be legal to every responsible adult.


Well-Known Member
I am a pot smoker. Sure I smoke because it alleviates my manic depressive nature, and helps with my terrible sleeping habits. But to say I am not a pot smoker would be a lie.

Maybe we can use this "Medical Marijuana" movement to get a foot in the door, but in reality it should be legal to every responsible adult.
Thomas J. O'Connell, MD told me that after interviewing 7000 patients, he'd concluded that anyone who found benefit in smoking Cannabis, needed Cannabis. He'd concluded that the precious weed provided both physical and emotional benefits.

As our environment becomes more stressful, our need, increases.

He made a lot of good points.

The bottom line is, those who don't need it, don't want it.


Well-Known Member
My doctor uses it. I don't use it for medical reasons, I just like to sit back and relax, much like a person would do with a glass of wine or a beer after work. I am no "pothead", I consume mine in other ways, teas, cookies sometimes I will use a vapourizer. But I know what you mean, the media likes to focus in on those with dreadlocks or tie-died clothes, hippie wannabes and lesbian bran muffin anarchists wearing Doc Martins and dancing about saying "Yeah man". It's just like calling a Muslim a terrorist. This is what the populace have been brainwashed into thinking about marijuana (greenery, herbage, cannibis, yum-yum weed, ganja...).

Even though personally I think the Muslim world should lighten up and drink some wine once in awhile, then there would be no Taliban.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe in pretending to be something you're not to get what you want. The only way is the right way and that is flat out legalization.

Medical Marijuana for the majority is a pathetic excuse to get around the laws and not be liable to go to jail. To me that's selfish because there are people and States that do not and will not allow for medical. So what I say is Federal Legal, all else will follow. THAT is what we should be fighting for since day 1. Not a work around.


Well-Known Member
sometimes you need to make baby steps. in this case, its the baby steps of 16 states and the republic of washington DC, has opened the door to wide sweeping changes.

Ky Gov made it a Misdemeanor offense of a fine for 8 oz or under.

Ohio, Ny, Wis, are all going to get medical language on the books next year.

i agree it in some ways circumvents those in non medical states, ect. but fact is, we would be in a far worse position if we didnt get medical first....
the fact the Gov holds it as a NON MEDICAL value, is completely wrong. and while i concur, the win is all out legalization, without the medical movement, we would still be in 1985 with nancy reagen droning BS.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
VG, that is a good point. I don't smoke (or ingest) cannabis at all. I tried it about 35 years ago, and it was pleasant but I just don't like being high. I am all for complete legalization, though, because the war on drugs has been the worst disaster this country has experienced in the last 100 years, and that is saying a lot!


Active Member
My doctor uses it. I don't use it for medical reasons, I just like to sit back and relax, much like a person would do with a glass of wine or a beer after work. I am no "pothead", I consume mine in other ways, teas, cookies sometimes I will use a vapourizer. But I know what you mean, the media likes to focus in on those with dreadlocks or tie-died clothes, hippie wannabes and lesbian bran muffin anarchists wearing Doc Martins and dancing about saying "Yeah man". It's just like calling a Muslim a terrorist. This is what the populace have been brainwashed into thinking about marijuana (greenery, herbage, cannibis, yum-yum weed, ganja...).

Even though personally I think the Muslim world should lighten up and drink some wine once in awhile, then there would be no Taliban.
Technically this could easily be considered medicinal use :) Relaxing is unbelievably healthy for us after a long day of bs hehe.
so we have lagal Medical Marijuana use states. Key word being Medical.

now im only offering it up the way i see it, in hopes to spark intelligeble conversation, in attempt to offer a different perspective at Medically Legal States.

Lets face it. over the last 70 to 80 yrs (since the mid 30s) marijuana has been demonized so intensly, and so falsly, that it conjurs thoughts of drug addicts in the middle of a frenzy brought on by the use of major drugs like angel dust. While we all KNOW that smoking marijuana, whether for recreational use, or for those of us that really do use it medicinally, as I do, understand, the comparrison of marijuana effects and the effects of angel dust is no comparrison at at, it remains the image those that are un aware, un educated, un willing to learn, un willing to understand think of when they think of anyone that uses marijuana, regardless of the reasons.

Now. Over the years, ive grown up alot, shocking i know. im 45. i remember being 18 and smoking, even then i was using it medically, though it was illegal, it saved me from having to polute my body with man made poisens and chemicals being sold to the populas as prescription drugs. yes i have had to get and use anitbiotics ect, but for general use, Medical Marijuana has been my Remedy of Choice. Its effects are not anti life, nor cause me any other side effects from its use.

So where am I going. As I noted in the title, Perception starts with us, and it is Key.
As Patiends, whether in legal states or not, we need to start treating ourselves, and fellow patients and caregivers as Paitents and Caregivers. By that I am speaking about the way we talk about mmj, our language, amonst ourselves and to others in general. We must RISE to the occasion, or be trampled over by those that do not understand what MMJ does as Medicine for mankind.

Generally I as saying instead of smoking pot, we need to say we are using medication. Im Not smoking a joint, im ingesting a Medistick. im not eating pot brownies/cookies ect. im eating medicinally infused food.

We are not growing pot, we are cultivating medicine. See my line of thought.

As we grow and give each other the respect that Should come along with being in the Patient/Caregiver Services Industy, and Giving the respect any Patient should get due to their medical issues, we can change not only our own perception of what it means to be a part medical marijuana industry, as well as the image one thinks of when one thinks of a patient that used medical marijuana.

Their is a large differance between a pothead, (a person that would take any drug, regardless of what it is or does) and being a Patient or Caregiver of a legal Medical Marijuana registrant. Its up to us to treat ourselves as such, and intiate a change in the perception the general public conjurs up when they hear medical marijuana. they need to think sick person, not person tripped out on angel dust, or meth ect...

just a few thoughts. In the words of SlObama, Yes We Can!. lol but honestly, the perception of who we are, starts with how we perceive and carry ourselves, and present ourselves and Registrants of any Medical Marijuana Intiative here in the US. Its great to stand up, but be sure to shine in a GOOD light for the cause. Be responsible when dealing with these issues. Demand Respect, but be sure to give it back where it is due.
I agree with you. I actually started my own petition at change.org. I'm not sure how much good it will do but I'm sure if I get enough people to sign it it could make a difference somehow. I posted the link here in case people wanted to check it out.


bud bootlegger
omg to the op, you've no clue as to how much calling weed meds and not smoking weed and saying that you're smoking a medistick really rubs me the wrong way.. all of this double speak really gets under my skin like no other..
why not call a spade a spade, and get real and admit that yes, you're smoking a joint, getting high or whatever you want to call it other than meds??
i've never heard one person who drinks call it their meds, yet it's legal.. why can't the same be said for weed?? why should i have to be like 80% of the card holders out there and make up some "illness" so i can legally possess weed?? it's such bs, and we as a whole must get beyond the whole mmj scene and simply legalize it.. i think mmj actually hurts the cause more than helps it as most people realize that a large chunk of mmj card holders don't have a legitmate need for weed, but got a card anyway just to have a legal output.. this does nothing to help the cause imo.. most people aren't niave enough to really believe that everyone who has a mmj card are smoking to "medicate" and not to get high..
don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nada wrong with smoking to get high... millions of people go to the bar every day after work to drink to get drunk, nothing more, nothing less... i for one am tired of feeling like i'm beneath another person who uses the same drug i do simply for the fact that i'll openly admit that i like to get high and they hide behind saying that they don't do it to get high but rather do it to medicate.. i find that most mmj patients are the reason people don't like mmj, myself included, as i find them to be an elitist, better than you group for the most part, and feel the need to separate themselves from other marijuana users by calling themselves patients instead of the potsmokers that they really are..

we just need to cut to the chase, end the bullshit names and games and simply legalize weed across the board... i'm not saying that mmj doesn't help people, i'd never say that, i'm simply saying that most of the people who smoke mmj aren't doing it for medical reasons, but rather do it to get high, yet they hide behind the mmj card and look down at the rest of us who simply like to get high..