I don't need help with growing anymore, thank you.


Thanks for all the help guys! I would just like to know if there is a way to delete my rollitup account? I would really like to delete it as it is a little dodgy having one lol... I don't need to post posts or start forums anymore so I just want to delete my account if that is possible.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
That's the thing about these internet forums, or anything on a computer hard drive anywhere.

It's going to be there forever, unless the hardware is destroyed.

But then, there's computer back-ups and cookies and digital fingerprints and...


Haha, ok I'll just stop posting... Kind of anoying how I can't delete threads I have started but oh well, cheers.


It is too late. We have already tracked you via IP. You can no longer hide. Your file has now been open. Be very afraid.