I dont know what to do :(


Active Member
Help me guys. My baby is little wither... I grow it under 250W HPS. Sometimes when i close the wardrobe the temp is high to 90F. But only somethimes. I'm growing it in soil and no nutrients at this stage. The pot is very small, so I'm adding 30-40ml of water every day. Is this overwatering or what? The other plant looks very bad and I'm confused. I dont know what to do...
They are about ten days old.



Active Member
LESS WATER.. most bud plants like to dry out pretty good before being watered again. Get a water moisture meter.

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
Def overwater.

Soak her.
Lift her up - feel the weight.
Let her sit.
Let her sit more. 3 days or more.
Pick her up again - when it feels light - really light
Soak her.


Well-Known Member
Tough little deal you have there. Small pots with high temps, I'm sure the pots have a tendency to dry out quick. The others are right, lighten up on the water. Things will get easier once they grow a little more and get into bigger pots.


Active Member
Thank you guys. Today I'll buy bigger pots to fix overwatering problem. I have made some reconstructions so now the temps are about 70-80F. I will update with pics next week. Thanks again!!!


Active Member
This week was very long :mrgreen:
Now I'm on day 10 of flowering because of your help. Thank you guys.
I've attached some pics....


Well-Known Member
Welcome back, glad to see those drowned plants survived. This is the number one problem for new growers and the second one is overwatering. i'll tell you more tomorrow.lol VV