I dont know plz tell me any one

Looks like

1. Not enough light
2. Over use of nutrients
3. Training without any knowledge of what you’re doing
4. Possible issue with the soil your using.
5. environmental variables aren’t in check.
6. Any other assumption someone has because you’ve provided no information about what you’ve done to get to now.
burned leaf tips, curling, you went too heavy on the nutes relative to it's size...it didn't need as much as you were feeding.
Bro can i fix it?
do water>water>feed to give the plant time to eat through the residual nutes still in the soil and water to light runoff to wash out some of the nutes. don't dump 2 gallons of water in the thing, just enough to get runoff out the bottom. after a week you should be reset, maybe sooner you'll be better off either way
do water>water>feed to give the plant time to eat through the residual nutes still in the soil and water to light runoff to wash out some of the nutes. don't dump 2 gallons of water in the thing, just enough to get runoff out the bottom. after a week you should be reset, maybe sooner you'll be better off either way
Thank you so much broo