i dont know if im doing this right PICS


Active Member
my set up is 2 60watt bulbs 780 lumes each in a very small area have a small fan in there im not using any nuits but im using pure life water half of the bottle is some fish water and the other half is the water its at room temp i have white poster board in there and duck tape
to keep it sealed im just wondering how my planet were doing cuz this is my 2nd time growing well first i had 3 plants in a big fish tank about 2 years ago and the cat got in there and starting to lay with then and the dam fleas and the cat started eating my plant i got pissed so i stopped for a while then i moved so i decided to grow cuz were i live theres some shit weed so i wanted to et some of my own but these are some bag seed so i don't know what strain it is but its on 18/6 and i haven't spent no money on it and im not planing to because once it gets warmer im put them out side in my back yard where no one can see them im veg for about another month or something then im flower but the plants like month old now maybe less :weed:



Well-Known Member
use the low energy flouesant type light bulbs they give off a better light spectrum to be honest you need to get good lighting you can do everything else wright but wont get a good result without a good light i personally wont grow with anything less than a 400w sodium or halide i am using 3 600w sodium fitted with grolux tubes and getting wicked results


Active Member
your plants aren't at a stage that they require a specific spectrum, from what I can tell from your pics. They will be soon, though, and a regular old light bulb taken from a desk lamp isn't going to cut it. Your plants will die soon if you don't provide the right lighting.


Well-Known Member
you are going to need to put 1 plant per pot or your roots are going to get tangled together. your also going to need to get Compact Fluros or your plants are just going to keel over and die. Read the GrowFaq , alot of your questions will be answered there. No offense bro, but your wasting your power if you continue to use those types of bulbs. good luck with everything!


Well-Known Member
if your going to break the law and grow do it good style get a good light compost fan pots read up abit then go 4 it keep it easy dont go to tech at first read beginers guides stay away from the advanced stuff at first or it will mess you up dont go mad with the nuets, goodluck dude we all mess up a bit at first keep at it ya will get their