I don't even like blueberry weed

My first attempt at outdoor in pots was with some Blueberry seeds my friend got from a friend in Oregon back in 2001. The first year I fried the plants in 110 degree heat, the second year someone stole the plants. They were in white 2-gallon buckets just like the one you're using.

I'm not sayin' you're the guy but...

Nice job and looks like a swell haul! Enjoy!

I was going to return them, but then I got high :lol:
Scraped this up a few minutes ago. Russian blade is good blade. 160 (1).jpg

Update: put the envelope in my back pocket. Sat on it for a while. I present to you, ass hash. Tastes like 2 stroke gas and funk.161.jpg

I've made tons of qwiso in the past. I've never got this quality before. I was VERY conservative about the process, some would argue wasteful. That might be the key. Too bad, I'm switching to water, so it's moot.
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Update, 4 leg and some produce. A little bit of that swarley seed action from brother Randall. Second ducks foot. Pretty neat, eh?

Edit: neat as in: this is the second ducks foot I've sprouted from brokowski randowski. This is not hate mail. I think it's fuckin' neat. Heads up, the first ducks foot was from a different strain. Maybe it's the Kona gold. Maybe it's Maybelline. He will hook you up in freebies. I haven't ran his shit all the way chru doe

2rd edit; the leggy fucker is bf liberty haze. Lot of hate for bf, but she has me eating a fuckin lotta chicken fingers. The good kind! Eight bucks.
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My sunflower is chuggin'.
Wait this is you?! Let's see that puppy in action!

Wait this is you?! Let's see that puppy in action!

It is! Haha, I appreciate the notoriety. I'm working outdoors right now and she's a indoor princess lol. I'll post pics asap.
Someone was shocked I was growing a sunflower indoors, I'm not sure what standard practice is. I'm just a humble, amateur farmer :lol:

I thought sunflowers had one main flower. Mine has two tops and buds in every arm pit (idk the correct nomenclature) I've given her a lot of attention though. It's mostly guesswork because I couldn't find any detailed indo-sunflower info hah.
It is! Haha, I appreciate the notoriety. I'm working outdoors right now and she's a indoor princess lol. I'll post pics asap.
Someone was shocked I was growing a sunflower indoors, I'm not sure what standard practice is. I'm just a humble, amateur farmer :lol:

I thought sunflowers had one main flower. Mine has two tops and buds in every arm pit (idk the correct nomenclature) I've given her a lot of attention though. It's mostly guesswork because I couldn't find any detailed indo-sunflower info hah.

Looking nice and healthy! In my experience their size depends a lot on how much light they get. I've never seen one outdoors grow less than 6-8 feet tall unless it was grown in the shade, and some get way taller than that.

There are different varieties too, some do one big flower, others do a bunch of small ones. Not sure how topping affects them, like if you can turn a single-bloom plant into a multi-bloom one by topping it.
Looking nice and healthy! In my experience their size depends a lot on how much light they get. I've never seen one outdoors grow less than 6-8 feet tall unless it was grown in the shade, and some get way taller than that.

There are different varieties too, some do one big flower, others do a bunch of small ones. Not sure how topping affects them, like if you can turn a single-bloom plant into a multi-bloom one by topping it.
I've been considering DLI a lot, and its been a tough call about trying to keep it's height low. But I really just started this stuff, man. I'm way out of my depth.
Was taking a few weeks off between runs. I just popped some white widow and green crack, so it's back on. Gonna have to clear out the 5x5 soon, figured I'd share my other first plants. All planted from seed in coco except the succulents.

The cannabis in the back is Kona gold x Kona Kaui from brother Randall at swarley seeds. Second ducks foot.
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