I do it for the + Reps


Well-Known Member
OK....I promise to post new pics every week. I am using hydro now. This set up is on advanced nutrients. I use the sensi grow and bloom. I also use the micro. I know it sounds kinda funny but I brought some on accident, so I use it. I really don't stick to a schedule just soma this and a lil of that, it seems to turn out fire though. Check it out subscribe and ask questions of you like.



Well-Known Member
Went to the hydro store today and spoke with the clerk, I am going to run a head to head test of Advanced nutrients and House and Garden. I believe I get better results with Advanced. I gotta find out for sure. I really don't follow the either calculator so it makes it hard to tell what I did to make my plants so fire "this time".


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize you can catch bad stuff from rock wool. I got some girls from a friend and these plants seem to have something thats in the medium. I can't keep my res clean. After I add carbo load in a powder form the res. goes cloudy. I installed a drip system thinking it was the flood and drain, no luck. It must be something in the rock wool cubes. I have the exact same system in another room and the res is clear. The only difference is the plants I got from a friend. Can you say hygrozyme.


Well-Known Member
Hygrozyme is the stuff. I mean my res is clean and clear. I really do not know what to expect. I am impressed. I think I will use it as a preventive measure. Has anyone had any trouble using AN Micro with Sensi Bloom A and B?


Well-Known Member
In addition I have a few other strains. Power Kush. I have 4 of these I will weed through them and pick out a good one. I have figured out that it takes popping a few seeds to find a good keeper. I have a Qrazy Train that is FN phenomenal and I have one that is like a pure trainwreck, tall and lanky and highly sativa. The other good is one and done I failed to clone it. I have to start over with this strain.



Active Member
Awesome setup! Is it just me or does it seem like there's always one gigantic freak in every flood table I've seen lol. =)

Maybe it's always the one nearest or furthest away from the light or drain maybe?


Well-Known Member
Awesome setup! Is it just me or does it seem like there's always one gigantic freak in every flood table I've seen lol. =)

Maybe it's always the one nearest or furthest away from the light or drain maybe?
What is is is that I need to do a better job of separating them by strain. Put all the biggens together. Mostly I cannot reach the back of the tray so sometimes the beast goes wild.


Well-Known Member
So. I was in my garden today and this fungus gnat landed on my arm. He looked tired. I asked him " what's wrong man" He replied "this place sucks" I asked "why?" the gnat replied " Its so clean in here. there is never anything to eat on the floor." Its cold as hell at night, so I cant get any loving from a girl if I can find one, and your fat ass keeps spraying my homies with that neem shit" I told him " I know" then I smashed him.

Point being. I smoke some good shit AND you must make your garden the worst place for a bug. I mean make your grow like F N mars. I mean make it HELL on a bug to live there. I mop every week with a diluted bleach solution. I spray the perimeter with a cinnamon clove garlic mixture weekly. I keep those sticky things around. I mean I am hard on anything that I don't want in my garden. Learned that from MR Howard Marks.


Well-Known Member
So. I was in my garden today and this fungus gnat landed on my arm. He looked tired. I asked him " what's wrong man" He replied "this place sucks" I asked "why?" the gnat replied " Its so clean in here. there is never anything to eat on the floor." Its cold as hell at night, so I cant get any loving from a girl if I can find one, and your fat ass keeps spraying my homies with that neem shit" I told him " I know" then I smashed him.

Point being. I smoke some good shit AND you must make your garden the worst place for a bug. I mean make your grow like F N mars. I mean make it HELL on a bug to live there. I mop every week with a diluted bleach solution. I spray the perimeter with a cinnamon clove garlic mixture weekly. I keep those sticky things around. I mean I am hard on anything that I don't want in my garden. Learned that from MR Howard Marks.
Good info bro glad I sub'bd. Hey how many weeks is that plant in flower? I'm guessing 6 wks