I didnt cure.


Active Member
I didnt cure my weed i just hanged it for 5 days and it taste super dank stil. Is this normal? it was amnesia haze from RQS feminized. is it a must to cure? plus there was no harsh taste or nothink.just lucky i guess:)


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with not curing, it's a matter of personal preference, it can help refine the taste and smooth it out. IMO you do need a slow dry tho to keep it from being harsh


Well-Known Member
I have cured my weed in 5 days, I freshly trim it (no Hanging or having a tree its trimed when its harvested) and put into an ounce and half at most into a paper bag and it is turned by my every hour an a half it comes out so nice :)


New Member
I never cured mine either, dry for 3 days then into mason jars to be burped so the middle isn't wet. It's not necessary and if you're selling I wouldn't even bother curing it unless you really wanted to


Well-Known Member
I never cured mine either, dry for 3 days then into mason jars to be burped so the middle isn't wet. It's not necessary and if you're selling I wouldn't even bother curing it unless you really wanted to
All about your clients some like it wet some like dry, good advice bro. And yes paper brown bag turn it every hour or just every time you think about it.

p.s remember that each strain is different so some might be quick some might be slow.
I've been impatient and hung for a few days and then tossed in a brown paper bag until it was safe to jar it up. It seemed fine at the time but I've since found that curing makes for a better smoke. Just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
its not 100% necessary but if u want the best possible smoke u can have you do it , idk what ppl are saying about brown paper bag that may be a small step of the process but hardly.curing is the process of removing the excess moisture from inside the bud, using glass airtight jars, not paper bags. hanging it up for 5 days will just dry the outside


Well-Known Member
ive just finished some big buddha blue cheese and that shit is fiya after 4 or 5 days dry, tastes like blueberry muffins mmmmmm

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I have cured my weed in 5 days, I freshly trim it (no Hanging or having a tree its trimed when its harvested) and put into an ounce and half at most into a paper bag and it is turned by my every hour an a half it comes out so nice :)
yes thats the way keep turning the bag till the buds dont stick together. then turkey bag it and do the same thing 4 times a day till u know your dud is dry enough. great way to finish the grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that your buds in fact taste like shit, it's just that you don't know what good weed tastes like. Cure your fucking buds man.


New Member
Nusky isnt that the curing process to put them in jars and burp them every once in awhile?
kinda its air dry -> paper bag -> jars. I air dried then straight to jars. I always keep my weed in jars so it stays fresh and you can't smell through the glass so it works great for transporting in your car


Yeah true that. I just thought u said you didnt cure but then said you jar them and burp them. Just confused me lol. My apoligies!


Active Member
wbd the bud didnt taste like shit it was nice weed without curing.so dont post if you got nothing positive to say. and for fyi ive been amsterdam over 10 times so youre saying i dont know what good weed taste like lol you must be smokin bud from a diffret planet then OR CRACK!! Mr.mj420 youre just a kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
wbd the bud didn't taste like shit it was nice weed without curing.so dont post if you got nothing positive to say. and for fyi ive been amsterdam over 10 times so youre saying i dont know what good weed taste like lol you must be smoking bud from a different planet then OR CRACK!! Mr.mj420 youre just a kiss-ass
your exactly right, problem is people get taught in the old ways and stuck, like people using sugar and malaise. go with a method that right for your strain, Depending on size and overall size (being all small/medium or medium/big or just all big) because some big budds don't like to mason Jared it can rub off the THC due to size and not being able to roll inside the jar.

Also if you ever visit Amsterdam again should post some pictures, if you haven't!


Well-Known Member
im srry ur to impatient to dry and cure ur buds the proper way, way no need to get offended
i dont think he was really offended especially by your other comment which where im from is called cheerleading and not all buds need curing to get great taste and smell