I did not realize Obamacare cost increases over the last few years were all Trumps Fault

Closed minded republican dunce.

Fuck it, treason's OK. It's the Trump era.

Anything goes. Fuck the country, the economy, the environment, rape and pillage the system and brag about it.

Another wall of BS post now, OK?

Listen if Flynn did what's reported. He'll face trial. He's conservative of course he'll face justice. Just like peatruas did. Very much unlike Hillary!

Hillary lost not once but twice! I hope you march her out there again I hope she gets involved in every election in 18. Obviously some want to see her fail again. Hillary 2020 best way to insure another loss.

Do you guys even realize you lost almost 1400 federal state and local elections under Obama? What is there 12 dem governors now? You're candidates are doing so well! Keep up the good work! It will make me sleep better at night.
Listen if Flynn did what's reported. He'll face trial. He's conservative of course he'll face justice. Just like peatruas did. Very much unlike Hillary!

Hillary lost not once but twice! I hope you march her out there again I hope she gets involved in every election in 18. Obviously some want to see her fail again. Hillary 2020 best way to insure another loss.

Do you guys even realize you lost almost 1400 federal state and local elections under Obama? What is there 12 dem governors now? You're candidates are doing so well! Keep up the good work! It will make me sleep better at night.

There's an ebb and flow to politics, fastbrain.

Keep fucking up people's health insurance, there will be hell to pay just like Biden said. It's almost like a script.
Funniest part of the whole thing. Listening to Hillary day after day for a year say Trump won't win the primary.

Even funnier watching her pompous ass along with every network anchor laugh about Trump! They told us for a year about this blue wall that was UNBREAKABLE fall all over her and those clowns at CNN CBS abc msnbc pbs NPR ect.
Funniest part of the whole thing. Listening to Hillary day after day for a year say Trump won't win the primary.

Even funnier watching her pompous ass along with every network anchor laugh about Trump! They told us for a year about this blue wall that was UNBREAKABLE fall all over her and those clowns at CNN CBS abc msnbc pbs NPR ect.

probably wasn't counting on a hostile foreign government colluding criminally with her opponent's campaign.
probably wasn't counting on a hostile foreign government colluding criminally with her opponent's campaign.
That really funny. I remember a guy named Romney who once said in a debate that Russia was our biggest threat.

Obama laughed. And said the 80s was calling and they wanted their foreign policy back. And all the libs believed O. Now suddenly the dems lose a slam dunk election. And suddenly Russia is a hostile foreign government.

News flash Russia will say anything to effect any American election. Just like O sent our money to help oust Israeli prime minister. Even asked them to vote again him. But that's not meddling or interfering is it?!
What about brexit? Remember O threatening them with being put at the back of the queue on trade? Bet you had a big problem with that?
OBAMA tries to oust Israeli prime minister. Pushes to stop brexit and send pallets of cash to IRAN. Great foreign policy?!???!!
That really funny. I remember a guy named Romney who once said in a debate that Russia was our biggest threat.

Obama laughed. And said the 80s was calling and they wanted their foreign policy back. And all the libs believed O. Now suddenly the dems lose a slam dunk election. And suddenly Russia is a hostile foreign government.

News flash Russia will say anything to effect any American election. Just like O sent our money to help oust Israeli prime minister. Even asked them to vote again him. But that's not meddling or interfering is it?!

Who won in that argument with yourself?
And suddenly Russia is a hostile foreign government.

News flash Russia will say anything to effect any American election. Just like O sent our money to help oust Israeli prime minister. Even asked them to vote again him. But that's not meddling or interfering is it?!
What about brexit? Remember O threatening them with being put at the back of the queue on trade? Bet you had a big problem with that?

when did obama send his underlings to have secret meetings with english, french or israeli ambassadors, and then have his underlings lie about it under oath?

OBAMA tries to oust Israeli prime minister. Pushes to stop brexit and send pallets of cash to IRAN. Great foreign policy?!???!!

Netenyahu is a fascist shithead.

Brexit is fucking retarded.

I'd rather see diplomacy with Iran than more war.

Great foreign policy.
OBAMA ! blah, blah, blah. IRAN ! blah, blah, blah?!?!?!!!?!!?!!?!!??;!!!!!?;!!!!??!?!!?!!)?!!;:!!!?;:;'':???????????;!!;!;;!!;??!?!?!?!??!!?!????blah?????!!????BL!!!??ah!!?!?
With the precedent that O set. Trump gets to blame O for everything that happens over the next 8 years. Just like O did to bush
With the precedent that O set. Trump gets to blame O for everything that happens over the next 8 years. Just like O did to bush

Obama defended himself using the "cards I was dealt" argument, but I can't think of a time when he literally said "this (insert issue) is solely Bush's fault." Can you? Meanwhile, Trump got elected on the heels of the purely racist birther movement with a consistent "blame Obama" campaign strategy. Now he is carrying on Obama's legacy and relabeling it with TRUMP and claiming victory.
Not for the lack of trying! Instead he's divided us on every level possible imaginable.

Lack of trying?


And the economy continues to improve under Obama era policy. Let's see where Trump and Republicans take us. Here's a clue:
