I did not realize Obamacare cost increases over the last few years were all Trumps Fault

It's not straightforward question to answer because people can affect cost of coverage by choices such as deductible and subsidies are available for people with low income. Average cost is listed below. Not out of line with what I pay. But I get pretty good coverage. Last year my wife broke five ribs in a bicycle accident. We ended up out of pocket cost of around $1100 including deductible. Not cheap. But the accident would have been ruinous if we hadn't had coverage.

Average premiums and deductibles nationwide unsubsidized shoppers:
  • Premiums for individual coverage averaged $321 per month while premiums for family plans averaged $833 per month.
  • The average annual deductible for individual plans was $4,358 and the average deductible for family plans was $7,983.
The above costs are under the ACA plan. Before ACA, single person or single family health care insurance was priced so high that most stayed out of the market and dealt with medical problems on their own.



The ACA has been a good deal.
I don't know why so many people in this country don't demand their legislators to introduce a bill for universal healthcare coverage that cuts insurance companies out of the picture all together.

Medicare has been a good deal for my mom. She would have been broke and completely dependent on state and federal support for years now if it hadn't been for Medicare. It's time to recognize healthcare as a public service that everybody needs like roads and defense.
I'm getting the feeling that that's where we're heading ppl are angry as hell and vote for party that stands up for the little guy we want a single payer system but now that all this shit is happening more and more ppl are going to vote Democrat and fuck the pukes, all they care about is the rich folks and corporations.