I cooked these babies didn’t I?


Active Member
Hi all,
I have two auto Zkittles in 3gallon FFHF with perlite. They popped out a week ago but I’m afraid in my ignorance I let the seedlings for too long in the sun and might’ve cooked them. I’ve been spraying with PH water once or twice a day to keep some moisture. But just wondering if they look too far gone and should just try again.



Well-Known Member
They’ll live,
with attentive care and being left to do their thing they should rebound.
Though it will take much longer to veg, something to consider if your on a time frame.

edit: sorry, noticed after posting you mentioned they were auto.
In this case, they will probably just be smaller, and not as vigorous growth,
but cannabis has shocked me time to time, by how it can rebound like nothing happened at all. Hope it goes well!