I come with weed in peace :) This is my setup..any advice??


Awe fellas:leaf:

This is my 3rd soil-indoor grow in my closet, It would be great if anyone could give me any advice if you can see any obvious improvement areas.

I germinate all my seeds before potting them into 22cm diameter pots that are 17cm deep. I do not use feminized seeds so I pull out the males when they have sexed.

My 1st grow I grew 3 random seeds which were probably swazz..and they yielded about 80g between all of them..the weed was nothing to speak of:sad:

My 2nd grow I grew 1 Sour Diesal, 1 White Rhino and 1 master kush. They each yielded about 50g. The SD and WH were amazing!! very happy with the quality, light green dense buds with lots of crystals and a beautiful smell:-P The master kush was average and didnt smell nice.

My 3rd grow is now in process!! I am 5 weeks into veg and the 8 plants I am growing are between 10-20cm/4-8inches. (grow 2 had similar sizes at this stage) I am thinking another 2 weeks of veg.

This is My Grow Setup...

The closet:
It is 180x90x120(h) cm
There is lots of extra space around the plants..The plants are only in the center taking up about 90x90cm

The light:
400w MH+HPS

1 extractor fan (30cm diameter)
2 regular fans

15C/60F at night and 22C/72F at day

The plants:
I have 8 plants, 2 purple power,1 white rhino,1 jack frost,1 hamster,1white rhinoxt44,1cheesext44, and 1 unknown 'mad chronic' plant that a friend insisted I grow:weed:

Watering and Nutrients:
I use tap water once a day as the lights go on. I use about 2-3 liters between 8 plants. The soil dries up everyday..

I use 'seagrow'(seaweed nutrient) during veg in every watering. Then Hortisol during flowering with every 3rd watering, and I feed it with sterilized bone meal twice through flowering.

Distance from plants to light:
The plants are between 14-18 inches from the light (34-44cm) and when they get taller I drop the level as the pots are on a platform placed on bricks so they will stay more or less that same distance.

The walls are white..I heard foiling is bad.

A few extra things are that I have pruned 2 branches on each plant with 5 bladed leaflets, and cut the white rhino's head off hoping to grow 2 heads.

I am also wondering if getting a 600w will be a better decision?..

I take pics once a week, I'll put them up.

I will also put up some pics of the 2nd grow, some pics are abit blurry though..

So thats it..let me know if you have any advice:mrgreen:Thanks!!
