I can't tell which plant or plants went hermie on me.


It's a little late, but I just realized that my whole crop seems to have seeds. I'm now at day 57 of flower. Six plants from feminized seeds. I was under the impression that everything was going great. My best grow thus far. I harvested one plant yesterday. Today I realized that I got a ton of seeds through out. How do I figure out which plant or plants it was that went hermie?

Some random pics of the grow. Shitty camera.



Well-Known Member
I'd make a killer batch of Hash with those. It only takes one of those plants to hermi to seed the entire crop. You would only be able to tell if you examined them after the harvest.



Well-Known Member
Dude Look on the bright side. You now have A TON OF FREE SEEDS witch means TONS OF FREE PLANTS. This grow may be shot but now you can afford to experiment.


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude, a ton of seeds isn't a bad thing as long as they are fully developed seeds.. You can sell seeds for quite a bit if money is what you're in to.. Personally I would keep them for myself and give some to friends..
I would have the biggest outdoor crop(s) you've ever seen..

As for finding the culprit, look for the naners..


Active Member
yeah dude sorry to hear about the hermie.. but you do get alot of seeds as the others say. i know your going to finish growing them but they look beautiful =D


Active Member
i thought it might not be good to get seeds from a plant that went hermi? doesn't that mean its genetics are unstable?


Upon further inspection i'm finding that the seeds on the top buds are not that many,they are not fully developed but are big enough that I will be able pick them out as I smoke the buds. The buds lower down on the stems have more seeds and some of them are fully developed. I don't sell my bud, it's all for me so this seems like something I can handle. The smoke is awesome! I can still enjoy it thoroughly. Thanks to all of you for your moral support, you guys rock!


You do not want to use those seeds.... the will just grow more hermies. Feminized seeds are really not worth it, totally a gimmick. some plants are genetically predisposed to become hermies, but any plant will turn hermie if you stress it out enough. That's how "feminized" seeds are produced, by polinating one plant with pollin from another female, that's not genetically predisposed to be a hermie, but is stressed out enough to become one. The offspring (your feminized seeds) are all much more predisposed to be hermies than either of the parents. The seeds you have are DEFINITLY going to produce hermies....


Well-Known Member
Using those seeds will only preserve the hermie trait, which is something I don't like around my grow.

When you chop the plants and manicure the leaves check which one had a nanner or two on it. Ain't much more to it.


Well-Known Member
You do not want to use those seeds.... the will just grow more hermies. Feminized seeds are really not worth it, totally a gimmick. some plants are genetically predisposed to become hermies, but any plant will turn hermie if you stress it out enough. That's how "feminized" seeds are produced, by polinating one plant with pollin from another female, that's not genetically predisposed to be a hermie, but is stressed out enough to become one. The offspring (your feminized seeds) are all much more predisposed to be hermies than either of the parents. The seeds you have are DEFINITLY going to produce hermies....
This guy has no IDEA what any of us were talking about.