I can't tell if I'm ready to harvest or not (pics)


Id start checking about every other day for amber. As soon as you see amber start to flush. I see your top buds are more ripe then your bottom buds. Thats normal. This is why lollipopping is important. Apple tree growers lollipop because they dont like small apples. It also gives more energy to the top of the plant
Just took this one now, looks like a couple of them are amber I think?


Well-Known Member
I once used some large totes from Walmart, the ones with the rope handles. They are nice for putting in some ice and setting a keg in them and then more ice around the keg and then have those great rope handles to move the keg about. But using them for planters and drilling holes in the bottom. I've seen videos of people do that successfully but I'm thinking it might be better for indoor, because when I tried that for out door the plastic just soaked up the heat from the sun and cooked the roots. We all learn as we go.


Ceramic!? youre fired! jk.Looks like you have no choice, cant make holes, but can make aeration.
haha that sounds like an advanced technique, scared of fucking it up when I'm so close to harvest
Well, worst case scenario I guess you learned some things to do differently next time anyway ;D
Learned so many things, biggest were the proper pots, proper soil (I used some generic vegetable soil for this) and training the plant. I just let it grow naturally so now only the top of the plant get proper light, wish i had known what lst was before. Also doing 12/12 from seed was pretty stupid, I thought it would be faster but its gonna take 3 months anyways


Well-Known Member
Just took this one now, looks like a couple of them are amber I think?
View attachment 3297063
It's getting there but I still see some that are clear along the bottom too. I personally like a bit more amber though to get that so called sudo CBD type effect. To me it looks like maybe it recently started going cloudy, wait till you see more creamy or milky and a bit more amber. Sometimes to me when they just start going cloudy they look like clear with sparkly air bubbles inside in a way.


Well-Known Member
haha that sounds like an advanced technique, scared of fucking it up when I'm so close to harvest

Learned so many things things, biggest were the proper pots, proper soil (I used some generic vegetable soil for this) and training the plant. I just let it grow naturally so now only the top of the plant get proper light, wish i had known what lst was before. Also doing 12/12 from seed was pretty stupid, I thought it would be faster but its gonna take 3 months anyways
So many details to factor in huh?;) Once you have a cpl grows in ya you'll be giving us all advice;)


Well-Known Member
If you wanted to... You could even clip some off at different stages of trichome color. If you do it though just label everything and keep track maybe keep a log with a pic and a number specific to that nug. That way you could decide whats the best time to harvest tailored to what you thought was best. Then on your next grow you will known did you like the earlier harvest that gave more a racy effect, the mid harvest, or the sudo cbd mostly amber harvest. Something to think about anyway, because not everyone always likes the same thing. You might be like me and prefer more amber. Also, I read before the best time to harvest is during the dark cycle. Something to do with the plant having starches that it uses as UV protection during light hours. So if you harvest during the dark cycle those starches are supposed to be down in the rhizosphere (root zone). Harvesting this way also makes curing faster because you don't have to wait for those starches to break down and I think the end result is a smoother smoke.


Well-Known Member
When they were flying over my back yard they were like I swear only 15 feet above the house and they still had a guy strapped in with a harness hanging out the side with a huge camera with a telescopic lens that appeared to be like at least a 10" or bigger lens.


Well-Known Member
When they were flying over my back yard they were like I swear only 15 feet above the house and they still had a guy strapped in with a harness hanging out the side with a huge camera with a telescopic lens that appeared to be like at least a 10" or bigger lens.
holy sheet


Well-Known Member
haha I guess from up in the air they were having a hard time believing or figuring out if my trees were only 6 plants, rofl.



Well-Known Member
haha I guess from up in the air they were having a hard time believing or figuring out if my trees were only 6 plants, rofl.

I was about to say...you must be in Cali. They dont do that around here in Colorado Springs. I bet because we have a couple afb bases here. I share an airspace with Peterson AFB. When I 1st moved here I made myself a wreck worrying about what was flying over, now Im like meh. I think they have better shit to do to worry about whos growing pot in Co. their best guess is EVERYmofo is growing weed;)


Well-Known Member
I messed around growing bag seeds I found under the couch cushions since I was like 14, and at some point when I was young I picked up growing marijuana as a special interest because both my parents smoked and all their friends. I grew up seeing marijuana as something of value that others could appreciate and I wanted to grow some pot that everyone would enjoy. I actually get more happiness and joy from growing more so then from smoking it. When I was just experimenting with those bag seeds when I was younger I had some pretty serious anxiety going on, for one I told no one what I was up to. I was fucked if anyone found out. I was always told that we could never grow because of how the laws are. I never did a grow that I actually wanted to see it go through bloom till I was 18, and when I started to try and grow some plants through to harvest, I used 4 foot fluorescent shop lights haha. It didn't work out so well, but man let me tell you the level of anxiety, and it seemed to ramp up especially when ever I had to leave the house. I always had this horrible feeling that I would be on my way home and round the corner and see the feds raiding our house. But it never happened. Then the day came when I knew I could legitimately get a medical card. Shortly after getting that card and I was getting more into the growing thing and smoking more too. Bought a tent, didn't have to hide the fact that I was growing from my mother. But that damn anxiety about getting caught was still there. It took a while to get over it, a few grows at least, and seeing these helicopters flying over mostly during every summer. I'm glad to say I'm about over it with the worrying anymore.
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Well-Known Member
I have a form of autism so I really mean it when I say I picked up growing as a special interest, like I latched onto it. Some people on the autism spectrum could tell you the make and model of every train, or maybe they know every detail about Star Wars, or whatever it may be that is going to be that persons special interest. For me the only thing I've consistently been interested in is growing and learning about cannabis. I've picked up other interests at different times but nothing interests me more than cannabis.
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Well-Known Member
heh I have that anxiety of leaving my house now. I should have no paranoia at all bc Im 100% legal caregiver. But. Cant help feeling that feeling we have had for so many years from cops harrassing, plus I've had burglars in the past. I had the sheriff role up on my property last summer with all my indoor plants sitting outside. It was around 50 veg. I seen him come up the driveway and I about fainted. I walked up to him thinking maybe he would see the sea of green behind me lol. My palms sweat as I spoke to him about a problem neighbor and then he looked at me and said" those are some pretty plants you got there...and started asking me for grow advice. Shocking twist huh?lol Cops are cool as shit around here.
IM glad you found your niche Twist, I found mine too, and I'm living my longtime dream.

Sry OP for hijackin your thread