I Can't get High off this shit!


Active Member
Yea, high.

I am forced to smoke shitty weed cuzz I live in Louisiana.

So Ive been smoking it for so long, so much.... I cant get high off of it anymore.

Bought a vaporizer, in hopes of making it better, but nah. not really.

Any tips on the vaporizer?
Like temps and holding tips?

Maybe tips on where a veteran pothead can find something more useful?

It just sucks asshole.... as I sit here with a QP of SHIT.

fuck im stressed. lol.

Thanks. =D


yeah, the smoke does suck here.... i smoke the shwag too:-?.. cant stomach it out of a vape though; horrible taste... i just roll joints and the occasional blunt.

if it is really THAT bad, you could always sell it off in hopes of getting some better smoke the next time:blsmoke:.... always nice to see another louisiana native on here:peace:

Pot Is Yummy

Well-Known Member
Dude that must suck, im in Canada so the pot is pretty good, even the bad stuff lol, good luck in your quest for better pot.


Well-Known Member
sorry to here about your troubles.
maybe you can water cure some shit bud and make it a little bit better?


Well-Known Member
dont smoke for a few weeks,that will bring your tolerance down

take the shwag and recure it,for the weeks you dont smoke,then like 3weeks later,take the recured shwag and toke that shit till you piss yourself.

you will be higher then a mofo. you need to cut back on your consumption rate to reduce your tolerance and to get high again.

hope this helps:roll::peace:


Active Member
Thanks a lot for everyone trying to help. Glad to see the friendliest stoners on the internet here.

I really appreciate that. :-)

Anyway, yea... It's nearly impossible to come across any high grade around here.
Actually, the only thing you can find is the shittiest shwag ever. People around these parts seem to love treating Marijuana like fucking crack. it's annoying. sorry. lol.

But yea, I have like a QP of some shitty weed... It would be appreciated if you guys could give me some more information on curing methods and such? I could use some help with that.

I'll be going on a small vacation to New Orleans sometime soon. Hoping to find some friendly hippies around there. Maybe I'll find some decent herb down there? bongsmilieHope so.

Thanks for the help. =]


Thanks a lot for everyone trying to help. Glad to see the friendliest stoners on the internet here.

I really appreciate that. :-)

Anyway, yea... It's nearly impossible to come across any high grade around here.
Actually, the only thing you can find is the shittiest shwag ever. People around these parts seem to love treating Marijuana like fucking crack. it's annoying. sorry. lol.

But yea, I have like a QP of some shitty weed... It would be appreciated if you guys could give me some more information on curing methods and such? I could use some help with that.

I'll be going on a small vacation to New Orleans sometime soon. Hoping to find some friendly hippies around there. Maybe I'll find some decent herb down there? bongsmilieHope so.

Thanks for the help. =]

dont know what part of the state you are from... .but i'll just assume you arent too familiar with N.O. ..... just be careful with who you trust to talk to.... dont just go wandering in expecting to meet plenty of cool people... the city is full of hustlers and thieves; keep your wits about you, back out at anytime if you feel uncomfortable, and dont allow yourself to be lured away from people during a deal...

you should be fine;-)