I Cant Get Enough of Sweet Mary Jane

Ladies and gentleman, I would like to inform you with some riveting information, I am high. And i just want to express my love for mary jane. First of I can't enough mary jane, I think about her all the damn time ! When I buy her I am just so happy :mrgreen: . I smoke and smoke and smoke when I have her. Im either 1. Thinking about smoking or 2. I am smoking. Weed is just so great, so much variety. Every batch you get is a different strain. There will never ever be an end to the kinds of weed there is, ever. If it were to become federally legalized just think of all the strains you could get, there would probably Weed-Mart instead of Wal-Mart. You could get White Widow, Northern Lights, Sour D all that good shit. Theyd have strains you aint never heard of, and theyd have weed grocery stores that would have edibles ! How awesome would all that be ! That probably won't ever happen :cry: . But I still love smoking. The way it makes me feel, how it makes food taste better, it makes movies better, it makes music better, it makes petting soft animals better, it makes sex better for God sakes, it makes talking to people better, it makes posting on a weed form about how much you love weed better, it makes sleeping better, it makes hugging better, it makes funny shit funnier, and it makes you extremely creative ! There's just so many things to love about Cannabis. I could go on for hours and probably name 1,000s of reasons why i loves sticky icky ick, but i'd rather not. I can't put into words how much I love weed, but if I could put it into words then this post right here would be it :eyesmoke: . Post on this forum why YOU love weed. And I want to name one more reason why i love weed, EVERYONE either wants to smoke weed or smokes weed. I swear damn near 98% of the people I know are involved with Marijuana in some way shape or form. Boy do i love it. Alright well im gonna go ahead and go now ! Toke On Mothafuckas !


Well-Known Member
i love weed becaue its all natural.. it just grow and if u happen to set it on fire there are some effects... lol


Well-Known Member
just discovered weed ? psh, ive been smoking weed for about 3 years now.. thats not a very long time, but i deffinetly wouldn't call myself a rookie.
dude i been smokin for like 8 years, im only 18 so ive smoked quite a fkin bit of weed, ive smoked the best of the best and the worst of the worst, i smoke aroun a half 0 to 0 a day of very strong weed, if you eva reach my point u will know what i mean when i say weed can take u to the highest point in ur life, and then will take u to the lowest.
Remember friend their is a fine line between Use and Abuse of the sweet maryjane, Do not let the drug take control of your mind. Its not healthy
Honestly, I was higher than ballz when I wrote this so you could call it a slight exageration, I really do love weed, it's a big part of my life, but I wouldn't say I couldn't live without it. If I get the oppurtunity to smoke there is no doubt in my mind I will, but if I'm not presented with the oppurtunity I'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I was higher than ballz when I wrote this so you could call it a slight exageration, I really do love weed, it's a big part of my life, but I wouldn't say I couldn't live without it. If I get the oppurtunity to smoke there is no doubt in my mind I will, but if I'm not presented with the oppurtunity I'll be fine.
go for a few more years with a constant high supply of good quality weed and then see if you can still say that.


Well-Known Member
im addicted to mary jane.. i will not deny it .. i couldnt live wit out her and dont see a reason not to have her in my life.... but i can go with out her if i have too but usually dont becasue i got it like that and i choose to get and stay high all day everyday... lmoa.. here goes another qoute for u guys..
"Im addicted to marijauna."
?Marijuana.? Have you ever sucked dick for marijauana?" LMAO Half Baked


Well-Known Member
I am addicted to weed but only when I have it and a couple days after. If I have a sac I will get high untill its gone then I might have some sleep problems and irritability for 2-3 days then its gone. I dont need weed to have fun or live I just like using it.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
just discovered weed ? psh, ive been smoking weed for about 3 years now.. thats not a very long time, but i deffinetly wouldn't call myself a rookie.
Yeah I was going to say this dude doesn't sound very young at all. Dude I totally agree with you though on all points

dude i been smokin for like 8 years, im only 18 so ive smoked quite a fkin bit of weed, ive smoked the best of the best and the worst of the worst, i smoke aroun a half 0 to 0 a day of very strong weed, if you eva reach my point u will know what i mean when i say weed can take u to the highest point in ur life, and then will take u to the lowest.
Dude smoking an 14 to 28 grams a day isn't good. Why not break your tolerance and get even more fucked up off like 3 grams a day?


Active Member
I am addicted to weed but only when I have it and a couple days after. If I have a sac I will get high untill its gone then I might have some sleep problems and irritability for 2-3 days then its gone. I dont need weed to have fun or live I just like using it.
yeah, i experience the same thing. i wouldnt say im addicted but i really do love it, and im not at all sure how my life would be if i didnt do it.

oh and another thing thats great to do when your high is go to disneyland :)


Well-Known Member
Dude smoking an 14 to 28 grams a day isn't good. Why not break your tolerance and get even more fucked up off like 3 grams a day?
if i dont smoke, someone gets hurt, i was supposed to go on a 3 week break when i smoked 8 0s my grower left 4 me when he went to jamaica for 3 weeks, they were supposed to last me 4 weeks but i smoked them all in 1, in the end i went to some dumb gang members who thought they were hard, said i wanted a ounce for 160quid and when i got there i smashed his face in and took the weed his money and his phone, my tolerance is only gonna get higher till the day comes when i reach my rock bottom and have to either cut down or quit.