I can't figure out what's wrong! Need help, Pics included.


Well-Known Member
My roommate is watching these plants for me and I don't know what he's doing wrong :wall:. He says the ph and nutrients are good, they are being watered every 3 hours (in a flood table). My only guess is that it's overwatering (is that even possible in hydroton?) so I told him to water every 5 hours and see if that helps. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I'd say it's either underwatering, or your PH meter needs calibrating. It's not overwatering, i can tell you that, 3 hours is plenty of time for the roots to dry and get aerated, possibly too much. That's why I mentioned underwatering. Do they perk up after being flooded, like an hour afterwards?


Well-Known Member
I told him to flood the table and see how the plants react to that. I check the ph using a tester kit and haven't had any problems with that in 2 years of growing. From what he's telling me the ph has at least been close to right so I can't imagine that that is the problem. It's been almost 2 weeks since I changed the reservoir so I'll have him change it and see if that helps. He's been adding H202 every 4 days though.

Could anything cause this much drooping and yellowing other than the ph or underwatering?


Well-Known Member
^Um, sounds to me like the thing that has changed, is the H2O2? Doesn't that raise any red flags? :wink:


Well-Known Member
Well I've always added about 30 ml of h202 to the reservoir every few days. If he's been over doing it could that be the problem?


Well-Known Member
Just talked to my roommate and he said the plants are perking up now that he watered them. My timer does weird things so I think that was the problem.


looks like a fan is blowing in the first plant ,if it is, keep it at some distance, and as you said your timer does a weird things, you are at the right point, this is not a cause from one thing, it's probably overferted in the beggining, and looks just like any other stress, whole plant is sad leaves curl down becose reatrd watering and check for direct airblow too


Well-Known Member
yea, id go with underwatering. to revert to basics-droopy plants indicate under/overwatering, overwatering however will cause root rot and a foul smell. that res def needs changed. how long til you can get there yourself?