i can't figure out how to clone


Active Member
i got shultz' take root, and all the other supplies, but i really can't figure out (even after looking through the faq and the tutorials) where i should be cutting.

i don't even know if my plant is big enough to clone because i put it into flower after about 6 weeks of veg because of limited space... i know my plant is a female, but can someone find a good diagram of where on earth to cut it? i'm somehow not catching on. i don't want to mess up and kill my plant because it's my only one and i just planned on cloning from her after finding out she's a she. i have removed a bunch of leaves from the bottom up because they were very wide and keeping the new growth from getting light, and everything i'm reading about cloning involves leaves. did i mess up??

was i supposed to take clones when she was still in veg?

and what's this about re-vegging clones? no matter how much i read i just can't seem to understand.


Active Member
okay here are two pictures. the one where you can see my finger is pointing at where right below it i removed one of the leaves. is this where i take the clone from?

the other picture shows the same thing on the other side... i guess what i'm asking is, are clones taken from like.. right above where the leaves grow out, that second sprout that grows almost connected to the stalk of the leaf? basically i'm thinking that is correct because there are more nodes on that growth.

help please?



Well-Known Member
I always use the lower part of the plant for clones. Cut them about 2 to 3in and make a 45 degree angle when you cut. As for when to take clones, most ppl do it when the plants in veg. but you can cut from a plant in bud. You just have to let them rejuvinate back into veg. Cut....dip in water...dip in the TakeRoot... and into your sub. Rockwool, and oasis cubes are the best in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
you can cut em where your finger is, but I would cut right above the the next set of leaves so the clones arent verry tall.


Active Member
alright, so how do i put it back in the vegetative stage? do i wait for the roots to take before i start the lighting or should i start the lighting right away?


Well-Known Member
alright, so how do i put it back in the vegetative stage? do i wait for the roots to take before i start the lighting or should i start the lighting right away?
When you take clones, they need to be under lights 24hrs a day. The light is the only thing keeping them alive until they get roots.


Well-Known Member
hey i just put em in a propagator with a flourescent light about an inch off the lid on 18/6 n just mist em and the propagator a few times a day, they always seem to do well :)