I Can't Clone God Dam It


Well-Known Member
here's a tip:

if you fed your mother plants with a high n fert, don't waste your time taking cuts; the slip will continue to grow before it even begins to think of sprouting roots.

for fast rooting cuts, feed your moms a flower fert or root stimulator (anything with a high p value and little to no nitrogen) also, cuts from the bottom of the plant will root faster than tops.



Well-Known Member
Crazy cloner way works well I think because the clones already have huge stalks to begin with.

From my expierence the bigger and healthier the clone the easier it is to work with.

I use water and nothing else. No humidity dome just spray a few times a day.
It takes a lil longer without the hormone.


Well-Known Member
i never boverd with root powder just water but it did not always work but naw i use naphthylacetic acid it work 100% for me


Well-Known Member
my 2 clone rooted but there moms turned out male. so im gonna do some more now.
i'll post pics up after!!!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
How did your Mother Turn out to be a father?

You had no idea before you cloned. I have done that before, and will most likely do it again someday. But I once took 2 clothes from each of 6 plants, so a total of 12 clones. All 12 turned out to be from male plants. So in the end, instead of killing just 6 plants, I ended up killing 18 plants. I was depressed.:cry:


Well-Known Member
MRbud, not really that stupid. Some take clones and flower to determine the sex of the donator ("mom"), with the intent of flowering the donator.

BTW, excellent info Mogie and I also read what KP said that you shouldn't fert just before taking clones. In fact, one website recommended flushing twice before taking clones. I guess there are many methods.


Well-Known Member
my problem was that my clones took a week to root,by that time them mums showed there balls. i supose u can do it early on in vegin tho.


Well-Known Member
I accidentally sexed mine after 2 weeks. 3 out of 4 were fems. Luck of the draw.....My male was only about 4" and showed its balls. LOL. I put them back into vegging where they've been for about 3 weeks.


Active Member
I'd like hear more about the trimming process after the initial cut. Most of the pics from people taking cuttings show only the final product, not the cut before it is trimmed. I understand that one must remove some leaf matter, but how much is too much?


Well-Known Member
Nothing to it. You want to leave the uppermost leaves or "crown" on the clone. Only one node. Remove all the lower leaves and branches.


Well-Known Member
But wait, nobody answered the question. Mr. Bud, you were talking about the gel cubes...is that what you finally got roots with? I've used the cubes a few time and just assumed I did something wrong. THe cubes are weird, you put a clipping in, and they never die, but I haven't seen any roots sprouting.

Yes or no, pertaining to the gel cubes in question, have you had success with them, or did you give up and try another way?