I cannot clone for the life of me!


Well-Known Member
i think its important to take nice healthy shoots for cuttings not too old and woody
still fleshy with firm thick stems these are best found in the middle of a nice sized mother plant

skinny shoots will root but they are less able to survive rooting conditions and can look quite battered once rooted
the more robust shoots can stay very green until rooting is finished but i also find this strain dependent too

i use a plastic dome and rockwool cubes with tap water and clonex rooting gel
i keep a small amount of water at the bottom of the dome to help keep the humidity high in the dome
i replace this water every 5 days or so , replacing it daily is unnecessary and if anything just disturbs the clones and lowers humidity when opening the dome

i spray the cuttings with water every 4-5 days, its best to spray them as little as possible
keeping them wet only delays the process, the humidity in the dome is more than enough to keep them upright (not wilting)
i think its best to leave them alone as much as possible be patient and wait they will root
too much fussing over them with additives too much spraying imo does not help only delays them
and keeping them too wet encourages possible mold problems

after 3 -5 days of cuttings being in the dome i will start to open the vents of the dome for part of the day i find this helps speed things up a little
just repeat this process until they all root, 100% success should be expected , some strains are much slower harder to root than others not much can be done about this
