I can tell everyone is itching for this season


Times are hard on all of us, that's for sure. I know I have a shit ton of bills and a shrinking paycheck. That's the miracle of the seasons though, real wealth comes from the earth. No matter what happens, if you got good ass weed, people won't let you go hungry. Obviously no one in our government can fix anything so people should stop waiting for a rescue. Hopefully everyone will get an insane crop and solve some financial troubles.


Well-Known Member
Yes I am sick of the cold and ready for some sun warming , Longer days good growing weather. Last year was a bit of a let down it was the summer that never was...LOL Happy growing to all...


Well-Known Member
That is so true cant wait for this season have started doing all my prep work . Buying pots more nutes and starting the dirt to cook. Turning the holes in the ground all kind of worms things are looking good.


Active Member
im doing more than itching lol. i cant wait to have all my ladies out in there spots.. its all i can think about everyday .the girlriend hates it though she says i spend more time with them then i do her .


Well-Known Member
This will be my first guerrilla grow and I can't wait. I'm gathering the supplies little by little and getting things together. Have already ordered all my beans but thinking bout ordering one more pack for the hell of it. I know what you mean Goosecomander when you say it's all you can think about, same here! Who ever said money dosent grow on trees didn't quite think that statement through enough...


Well-Known Member
I think everyone will agree that they are excited.. I know I am. I actually just went out and got the lights and seedling kits to sprout my ladies :) ... Once this snow is gone me and mother nature are going to become very good friends. lol


Active Member
Best thread ever! I'm glad to hear everyone's hittin up this site as much as I am in anticipation. I'm scramblin thinkin I'll never have time, but growers unite and help.
It's fuckin awesome to know everyone loves to grow and not just harvest!!


Dude, working my regular job all I can think about is the grow season. I'm just daydreaming of different camoflage techniques and trying to run numbers in my head. Everyone is hurting for cash right now but at least this way we can come out ahead in something. This summer will be pretty crazy considering I'll be technically homeless running this shit. Not to worry though, I have a vehicle, most of the equipment, solid trainwreck genetics, camping gear, night vision, and a few other essentials. I have a good friend coming home next october so the timing works perfectly. Either way I'll have a place to stay then so in the meantime why not go balls to the wall?


New Member
Just got back from looking at a 20 acre piece of land where I want to have as many OMMP folks as possible subletting patches for their medical grows this summer. We talk to the landlord in the next few days.

If not, I will knock on farmers' doors until I find one willing to let me do my grow on some secluded part of their property.