I can legally carry, smoke and grow. But I can't toke!


Active Member
Yep, I got a med card, grow license and all that jazz but I am about to be drug tested for a new job, don't know if it's urine or saliva, if it's urine I'm toast.

I smoke all the time, smoked really heavy for my medical issues and I doubt I'm getting clean in less than 2 weeks.

You'd think my state would protect me, but ain't happening.

So, Im on day 3 of being dry and it sux!

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
If its medical then how can the job deny you?.... Unless its a job with lots of possibilities of get hurt... Then i can understand..

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
If its medical then how can the job deny you?.... Unless its a job with lots of possibilities of get hurt... Then i can understand..
Walmart is currently being sued by a terminal cancer worker and the ACLU for testing positive on a test after a job accident (NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING HIGH), he was long standing employee of the month multiple times. The walmart and worker are in a medical state. Until the Feds change their stance on MJ, all businesses will probably pick the federal law.

Get fake or clean piss and make sure to pack it long enough so it is the correct temp.
I do not know of any state that protects Medical MJ users like all other prescriptions or handicaps.


Active Member
Yeah, procuring a whizinator or anything like that is out of the question, not enough time. It's going ok, I did chop down a plant this morning, the first of my second batch and it's SO DANK, alas did it without toking up first!

The problem, is the federal government. They really need to reclassify cannabis, if it has no medicinal value, why the hell do they let me use it medicinally?

That is how companies will be able to discriminate on people like me, let any ol person dope themselves up with narcotics or anti-depressants and they're freaking protected, smoke some well grown clean medbuds and you're out of a job.

4th day clean for me, hoping beyond hope it's a saliva test!


Active Member
Well, I had no choice unless I wanted to turn down the job, so I went in to take my e-cup test.

I may one thing going for me but not entirely optimistic, I was prescribed Marinol before I moved to an MMJ state. I expect a call from a medical review officer about the positive results of my tests, I got all the rx information together to give him and there's a chance I might get through. I think though, if the test is sent to GC/MS they may be able to tell the difference between Cannabis and Marinol, we'll see.

The place was not a labcorp center, it was a spine/back therapy center that just did collection, it would have been VERY EASY to get a whizinator or something similar through.

So, just about my 5th day dry, I've got some dankalicious shit in my drying closet and another plant about to come out of the tent, so when I do get back to business, I will have some of the best weed I've ever smoked, oh the irony!