New Member
fuck! i'm moving to canada..............................Too fucking cold for me, Panama, Costa rica, Belize all sound better to me, cheaper too.
Everyone of you who thinks for yourself and fucking hates Bush and everything this country is turning into should watch this.
It is just a 15 minute sample of the movie "America: Freedom to Fascism".
For everyone else who absolutely loves what that fucker and what he is doing don't even bother.
How does it relate to Bush? Well lets see, 9/11 was done under his presidency, he has ties to the oil industry, and the other party he was talking about is the secret society that Bush is a member of. Bush is not the only person controlling world events.....there's a bigger picture to look at here.Watched both of these and the first one Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population
this guy is talking about a relationship with somebody other than bush.
and the second one AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview.
and this one relates to things that happened before bush ever took office. So how does any of this deal with bush?
So, because somebody else says 9/11 you interpret that as bush is involved? Somebody mentions oil and its tied to Bush as well? And what secret society was they talking about? I watched both videos and this is nothing but conspiracy theory and not one factual piece of evidence does he use other than his theories on how all this ties in. Are you saying that this is one big conspiracy theory? Because from what I've seen, even this linkHow does it relate to Bush? Well lets see, 9/11 was done under his presidency, he has ties to the oil industry, and the other party he was talking about is the secret society that Bush is a member of. Bush is not the only person controlling world events.....there's a bigger picture to look at here.
That's cool dude...keep believing your beloved government and media, you'll see, one day........So, because somebody else says 9/11 you interpret that as bush is involved? Somebody mentions oil and its tied to Bush as well? And what secret society was they talking about? I watched both videos and this is nothing but conspiracy theory and not one factual piece of evidence does he use other than his theories on how all this ties in. Are you saying that this is one big conspiracy theory? Because from what I've seen, even this link
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version
the person in the video is talking about things that Bush couldn't have done unless he has a time machine and can go back to the creation of the oil industry, federal reserve, i.r.s. and i.n.s. So all you've done is put some crackpots conspiracy theories up as facts. Which is sad really...
So, if the actual Supreme Court documents are "lies," and everything else our government tells us are "lies," what is YOUR solution?That's cool dude...keep believing your beloved government and media, you'll see, one day........
I also suppose that you think all the "documentation" provided by everyone else on here is "fact" as well. It doesn't matter what you show from the Supreme Court to Congress, it's all bullshit. The "Government" is going to do what the fuck it wants no matter what we say.
There are no "facts" anymore.![]()
There's only one solution......overthrow the governmentSo, if the actual Supreme Court documents are "lies," and everything else our government tells us are "lies," what is YOUR solution?
we need a lance for the lawn mower tooI have 2 swords hanging on my wall.... I'll use one.... who wants the other?
There you gowe need a lance for the lawn mower too
Nothing personal Gygax, but even that doesn't do any good anymore. Al Gore won the 2000 presidential election, but we all know who whined their way in. The government will now continue to put into office whomever they want, and I'm guessing the next one will be Rudy Guiliani.You wanna know how we overthrow the government...VOTE. If you don't vote you shouldn't even be in this thread. It will take time but WE the people need to let the politicains know that they can't f around anymore. The whole system is just crazy...lot's of things need to change I think we can all agree on that. This country is turning into a shadow of it's former self a mockery
Naw .... the way to overthrow the government is to cut off its life blood, money. What we really need is a SERIOUS national tax revolt. What if a million taxpayers just said, fuck it ... I ain't sending it in until the government returns to government of the people, by the people and for the people again?